10.4 air operations Flashcards
Definitions of air ops can be found where?
Anex 1 of air ops
How many annexes are in air ops?
What are the annexes?
I definitions
II Part ARO (authority requirements)
III part ORD (organisation requirements)
IV part CAT (commercial air transport)
V part SPA (specific approvals)
VI part NCC non competing motor powered aircraft)
VII part NCO ( non commercial other than complex motor powered aircraft)
VIII part SPO (specialist ops)
orginisation operating commercial air transport must meet requirements of what?
Anex III
Anex IV
If specialist fits then relevant to annex V
To gain AOC the operator must show what?
Meet all safety requirments and allow CAA acsess
All aircraft have valid C of A
No AOC from another state
Headquarters must be in the UK
Produce an operator’s manual
An organisation must prove they have what?
What does part M state?
The operator must have a CAMO or CAO depending on there orginisation
Small aircraft not ousted innCAT can be carried out by an operator when?
Carried out by operator or contractor when they have CAMO or CMO
What are the operators responsibility’s for continuing airworthiness?
Responsibility of operator unless leaded to a 3rd party
Show how they will keep aircraft in airworthy condition
Create and gain aircraft maintenance program for each aircraft
Approval from CAA
What is the AMP based on?
Maintenance review board report
When available type certificate holder
Maintenance playing document or chapter 5 AMM
maintenance recommendations may be written by operator to better suit his operation and control of AMP
Tech log to be created for each aircraft and approved by who?
If the organisation has no part 145 approval on its own what must be done?
A contact must be put in place and acceptable to the CAA with another part 145 maintenance orginisation
What does the MEL describe?
Created by operator
approved by the operator
Tells what systems and components can be inoperative at the time aircraft is dispatched
Created for only one type of aircraft
Operator must ensure compliance
Can you operate outside the MEL?
Yes if CAA approved and it’s within the MMEL
What is common language?
A language that all crew can communicate