103 School Management Flashcards
NAVEDTRA for School Management
Purpose of CANTRAC
The CANTRAC module is which includes publication of general information on all training activities and course descriptions
NAVEDTRA (10500)
Purpose of CeTARS
CeTARS collects, compiles, and provides training managers and higher
echelons of the Navy
What is a CIN?
A CIN is a unique number identifying a formal Navy Course
What are the 3 parts of a CIN?
The first piece of data is the Functional Commander and identifies the organization having functional control of a course.
The second piece consists of two or three characters, representing the Skill Defense Group.
The third segment consists of four numbers assigned by a cognizant responsible Command and is the Sequence Identifier.
What is a CDP Code?
The code assigned to uniquely identify each Course of instruction and its location
Who ensures CeTARS accuracy?
Course Supervisor has responsibility to ensure data within CeTARS is accurate
Relationship between CeTARS and CANTRAC
Learning Center data populated in CeTARS automatically updates and feeds CANTRAC for course information.
What is an “A” School?
A - Provides basic knowledge and skills
What is an “C” School?
Provides advanced specialized skill/knowledge/aptitude/qualification training
What is an “F” School?
Provides individual functional skill or rating specific training as required by Fleet or Type Commander.
What is a PEVT Code?
PEVT code indicates student status in CeTARS
When does an ARB Convene?
ARBs will be convened when all other means of academic counseling, remediation, and an initial academic setback have failed to improve student performance
Who maintains the Master Record Audit Trail?
Maintaining the course audit trail is the responsibility of the CCMM
What is an FCR?
The FCR program is designed to provide a check of the different elements contained in a course and serves as an excellent source of internal feedback
When are FCRs conducted?
FCR will be conducted on an annual, biennial, or triennial cycle as determined by the
CCA. In no case shall the formal course review cycle exceed three years.