10.2 Where are transport nodes located within a city Flashcards
Where are transport nodes located within a city? (2 factors)
Concentration of activities
Level of accessibility
What is a terminal
A facility where passengers and freight either originate or terminate in the transportation process
What are interchanges
Important points of transfer within or between transportation networks of different modes to ensure continuity of traffic flow
Where are major transport nodes usually found in?
Areas with high concentration of activities and that offer high levels of local accessibility
Why are transport nodes often located near areas with high concentration of activities?
So more ppl can access them
Central area… CBD…
Great commercial significance
Provides ppl with access to commercial services and employment opportunities
What is a location with high accessibility?
Where many different destinations can be reached with relative ease within a given time frame and cost
What indicates high accessibility?
Short travel time
Low travel cost between origin and destination
Types of activities in cities
Finance and banking