102 Instructor Fundamentals Flashcards
State the purpose of the Navy Training System.
systematic approach for determining what to train and how best to accomplish that training
What is the most essential link in the training chain
Instructor. They must simplify the learning process to meet the needs of the students of varies background.
What are the three qualities of an efficent and effective instructor?
Knowledge: Teach to the needs of the Navy, not the individual. SME
Ability: Professional ability, leadership, planning, organization, instructional ability.
Personality: Gain respect of students by displaying a professional attitude towards others. Instructors code of ethics-
- if you dont know, admit it
- Stay professional, no profanity
- Be patient
- No sarcasm, professional rapport
- Be sincere
What are the instructors responsibilities?
- Students-Be aware of Fraternization, Sexual Harassment, Diversity programs
- Safety-Ensure a safe training environment
- Security-Must be aware of policies of teaching and stowing classified material, when teaching it.
- Curriculum-Make sure course curriculum is up to date.
What are the four principles to John Keller’s model of motivational theory?
Confidence- set challenging but achievable goals
Attention- use relevant sea stories or questions poses directly to the learners
Relevance- Connect what they are learning to what they will be doing on the job
Satisfaction- Create opportunities for success, maintain high standards recognise students attainment
What are the key principles of applying motivation theory in a training situation?
Needs and drives
What is the ultimate goal of instruction?
Motivate student beyond the instructors influence
What are the six laws of learning?
- Law of Readiness- people can only learn when they are physically and mentally ready.
Law of Exercise- practice makes permanent and perfect
Law of Effect- learning is effective when a feeling of satisfaction, pleasantness or reward
accompanies the learning process
Law of Primacy- first instructional event creates strong impression on learner
Law of Intensity- the experience is real
Law of Recency- things learned last will be best remembered
What are the five ways of learning?
Trial and Error
What are the types of sensory learners?
- Visual
- Auditory
- Kinesthetic-movement, spatial awareness
What are the four basic learning styles?
- Concrete-prefer experience based approach
- Active-prefer trial and error
- Reflective-makes comparison and contrasts
- Abstract-prefer theory based approach, analytical approach
What are the barriers to effective communication?
Lack of common core experience
Overuse of abstractisms
Environmental Factors
State and discuss the purpose of an effective communication process. (what does the communication process consist of)
Communication is the exchange of thoughts, opinions, and information
Sender>Message>Delivery vehicle>Reciever
What are the six factors that must be considered in planning instructional delivery?
- Grammer
- Inflection
- Force of delivery
- Rate of Speech
- Articulation
- Pauses
What are the four purposes of oral questioning?
- Focuses-attention
- Arouses-interest in subject matter
- Drills-students in subject matter
- Stimulates-students to think
What are the characteristics of a good oral question? 3
- Clarity of meaning
Level of instruction
Use of interogetive
What are the types and purposes of oral questions?
- Multiple answer-increases student participation.
- Interest arousing- Focuses student attention.
- Leading- Suggests its own answer.
- Factual Question- Asks for specific information.
- Canvassing- Helps determine who is familiar with subject.
- Thought provoking- stimulates student thinking.
- Yes/No- arouses interest
State the five steps of the five-step questioning technique.
- Ask
- Pause
- Pick
- Listen
- Emphasize
What are the seven differenct instructional methods?
- Lecture-large amount of info in short period of time
- Lecture with Audiovisuals-
- Lesson-primary for Navy. Interactive.
- Demonstration-used to teach skill type subjects
- Role-Playing-
- Team Dimensional Training (TDT)-process in which students diagnose and correct their own problems.
- Gaming and Simulation
What are the three parts of a learning objective?
- Behavior-what the student will be able to do after learning. subject/object/verb
- Condition-aiding and limiting factors imposed
- Standard-what degree of proficieny will be required
What are the two methods of testing?
- Knowledge-measure achievement of objectives by using written tests.
- Performance-measure skill aquisition by having students demonstrate.
What are the five levels a knowledge test item may test?
- Recognition-verbatim identification
- Recall-responding from memory
- Comprehension-understanding of lesson
- Application-ability to use knowledge
- Analysis/Evaluation-understanding of data and relationships among the data which make meaning
What are the different types of performance tests?
- Product-compares students efforts to an acceptable completed example
- Process- students ability to correctly follow procedural steps
- Combination- combination of Product and Process measurement.
What are the primary materials used in presenting instruction?
- Lesson Plan-proper sequence and depth
- Instruction sheets “O J P A I D” outline, job, problem, assignment, information, diagram.
- Instructional Media/Visual Media Material-
What is the instruction for sexual harrassment?
What is the instructor disqualification factors and process?
- Failing to maintain original screening requirements
- Receiving unsatisfactory evaluations
Discuss the Instructor Qualification Process.
Learning Centers will direct a formal process to certify their new instructors to Ensure proficiency in two areas:
- Instructional technique and
- technical knowledge.
Discuss the instructor disqualification factors and process.
Instuctors failing to maintain original screening requirements as well as instructors receiving unsatisfactory evaluations shall be disqualified.
Discuss the items with your mentor that can be found on the MTS Community of Practice (CoP). Ref D
Discuss the following programs and include possiblr actions and responsibilties of an instructor.
- Sexual Harrassment
- Equal Oppritunity
- Navy Core Values
- Diversity