101.4: Communicate With Confidence Flashcards
Communication essentials: clearly understand in interpret client requests
Encourage them to give enough information
Be a good listener
Practice with selective listening
Flexing: Adjusting your behavior to ensure messages or understood and adapting your approach
Tune in to How others will be comfortable interacting
Find things in common with others
Show concern and compassion
Use questions to show interest in increase understanding
Topics discussed with client should be chosen with care:
avoid controversial topics Focus the conversation on clients: Lifestyle Salon related needs Home care needs
Interacting with clients: professional etiquette helps define your character and confirms a certain level of:
Use respect for language Introduce yourself and others Be helpful Listen with interest Refrain from loud verbal exchanges Offer praise and complements sincerely Receive praise and compliments graciously Write thank you notes Respond to emails and messages within 24 hours Limit mobile phone used to personal time Avoid stereotyping
Apologize when you make a mistake
Avoid exaggerating or inflating the truth
Choose the right time and place for discussions
Say no in a tactful way
Communicate in an open honest way honest way
Do what you say you will
Support the success of others
Do the right thing
Take responsibility for your actions
Display a professional appearance Prepare and arrive on time Help clients achieve the results they want Establish professional goals Stay informed about industry trends Engage in and enjoy life long learning Represent the profession through community involvement Persevere through difficult times
Communicate challenges: guidelines
Stay in control of your emotions
Stay open
Stay positive
Stay focused
Late clients
Remind client of the schedule service times; ask if there was any difficulty getting to the salon
Explain what services you have time to complete
Discuss issue after the service in private setting
Early clients
Welcome client warmly
Tell client how long before service will begin
Provide reading material and beverage
No show clients
Make a reminder call ahead of time
Call client to discussed missed appointment
Inform client of cancellation policy, if appropriate
Offer to reschedule appointment appointment
Scheduling mixup clients
Obtain all information about appointment you can from a client
As client to give you a moment to investigate the situation
Apologize to client for any inconvenience
Alert management if unable to correct the situation
Finding things in common is a flexing strategy to use when speaking with clients
Controversial topics are acceptable topics between a salon professional and client
Professional etiquette in the workplace means to practice good
Using language such as please and thank you shows a level of
Communicating in open, honest ways displays
Doing the right thing regardless of the personal inconvenience is an example of
Being prepared and showing up on time displays your level
Providing a client with reading material and a beverage is a way of dealing with a client arrives
Making a reminder call ahead of time is the way to deal with a client who is
A no-show