10.1 Meiosis Flashcards
what is interphase?
- active period that precedes meiosis and involves key events needed to prepare the cell for successful division
what occurs in Sphase of interphase?
DNA is replicated - chromosomes containing 2 identical DNA strands
what are sister chromatids? (2)
genetically identical strands held together by centromere (central region) result of Sphase
- they separate in meiosis 2 (becoming independent chromosomes each made of single DNA strand)
what evidence suggests that meiosis evolved from mitosis? and benefit?
- the fact that DNA replication occurs prior to meiosis
- one benefit of duplication of chromatids is that it increase the potential for genetic recombination to occur (more variation)
what is the second growth phase called?
interkinesis (between MI and MII)
-> no DNA replication occurs in this stage
what are the stages of meiosis? (4)
- P.I -> chromosomes condense, nuclear membrane dissolves, homologous chromosomes form bivalents, crossing over occurs
- M.I -> spindle fibres from opposing centrosomes connect to bivalents (at centromeres) and align them along the middle of the cell
- A.I -> spindle fires contract and split the bivalent, homologous chromosomes move to opposite poles of the cell
- T.I -> chromosomes decondense, nuclear membrane may reform, ell divides (cytokinesis) to form 2 haploid daughter cells
what is MI?
it is a reduction division which homologous chromosomes are separated
what is the process of MII? (4)
- P.II -> chromosomes condense, nuclear membrane dissolves, centrosomes move to opposite poles (perpendicular to before)
- M.II -> spindle fibres from opposing centrosomes attach to chromosomes (at centrosomes) and align them along the cell equator
- A.II -> spindle fibres contract and separate the sister chromatids, chromatids/now chromosomes move to opposite poles
- T.II -> chromosomes decondense, nuclear membrane reforms, cells divide (cytokinesis) to form 4 haploid daughter cells
what is MII?
second division that separates sister chromatids (may not be identical due to crossing in PI)
what is the final outcome of meiosis?
the production of 4 haploid daughter cells
- they may all be genetically distinct if crossing over occurs in PI (causing recombination of sister chromatids)
what is independent assortment? (3)
- how pairs of alleles separate independently from one another during gamete formation
- one gene/trait is independent to the inheritance of any other gene/trait
- the independent assortment is due to the random orientation of pairs of homologous chromosomes in MI
what occurs as a result of the random pairing of homologous chromosomes? (it is not affectd by the orientation of homologous pairs)
- an allele on one chromosome has an equal chance of being paired with or separated from any allele on another chromosome (inheritance is independent of one another)
when does synapsis occur?
what are the connected homologues called?(2)
bivalent (2 chromosomes)
tetrad (4 chromatids)
how are homologous chromosomes connected?
by a protein-RNA complex called syptonemal complex
what occurs to autosomes which does not occur to sex chromosomes?
- autosomes always undergo synapsis during meiosis
- sex chromosomes often remain unpaired
what may occur to non-sister chromatids while in synapsis? (2)
- non-sister chromatids may break and recombine with their homologous partner (crossing over)
- the non-sister chromatids remain physically connected at these points of exchange regions (chiasmata)
what do chiasmata do?
hold homologous chromosomes together as bivalent until anaphase I
- chiasmata formation between non-sister chromatids leads to the exchange of alleles
what are chiasmata?
X-shaped point of attachment between 2 non-sister chromatids of a homologous pair
what do chiasmata form as a result of?
crossing over
(so, non-sister chromatids should show an exchange of genetic material)
what can occur after chiasmata formation between bivalents in PI?
DNA can be exchanged between non-sister homologous chromatids
what is crossing over?
the exchange of genetic material
(produces new allele combinations on the chromosome)
what are recombinant chromosomes?
chromosomes that consist of genetic material from both homologous chromosomes
what does crossing over result in?
new combinations of alleles in haploid cells and increases genetic diversity of potential offspring