101-150 Flashcards
A 55-year-old man with Liver cirrhosis is admited to the hospital with a massive upper gastrointestnal (GI) bleeding. In additon to volume restoraton, which intravenous medicaton is recommended before upper GI endoscopy?
A. Vitamin K
B. Octreotde
C. Propranolol
D. Vasopressin
B. Octreotde
A 28-year-old woman is evaluated because of recurrent lower abdominal pain and diarrhea for the last 6 months. She also reported having occasional joint pains and a 3 kg weight loss. She received treatment with antbiotcs, dietary restrictons, and antspasmodics without improvement. Barium series showed thickening of the terminal ileum and few strictures in the jejunum (see lab results). Test Result Normal Values Hb 94 130-170 g/. (Male) 120-160 g/L (Female) ESR 85 2-10 mm/h (Male) 3-15 mm/h (Female) Which of the following is expected feature on physical examinaton?
A. Nail pitng
B. Splenomegaly
C. Perianal diseases
D. Erythema marginatum
C. Perianal diseases
A 56-year-old man presents to the Gastroenterology Clinic with frequent heartburn. He had upper GI endoscopy and biopsy, which revealed Barret’s esophagus with low dysplasia. Which of the following is the best inital opton in management?
A. Esophageal resecton
B. Pantoprazole
C. Ranitdine
D. Sucralfate
B. Pantoprazole
A 60-year-old man with diabetes presented with progressive ascites, fever and weight loss for 2- months. Paracentesis revealed low serum-ascites albumin gradient (SAAG). Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Liver cirrhosis
B. Peritoneal tuberculosis
C. Veno-occlusive disease
D. Restrictve cardiomyopathy
B. Peritoneal tuberculosis
A 44-year-old man with HBV cirrhosis presents with increasing abdominal girth, lower limb edema, and 10 kg weight gain over the last 3 months. On examinaton, he has jaundice and moderate ascites (see lab resuits and report). Test Result Normal Values Sodium 132 134-146 mmol/L Potassium 3.8 3.5-5.1 mmol/L Creatnine 65 44-115 mol/L Albumin 30 34-56 g/L
Total bilirubin 25 3.5-16.5 mol/L Ascetc fuid analysis: showed an albumin level of 12 g/L and neutrophil count of 180/ul. In additon to salt-restricted diet, what is the best next step in management?
A. Trans-jugular Intrahepatc Portosystemic shunt
B. Furosemide and spironolactone
C. Large-volume paracentesis
D. Terlipressin and albumin
B. Furosemide and spironolactone
In a patent with ulceratve colits, which of the following is associated with increased risk of colorectal cancer?
A. Colits limited to the most distal 15 cm of colon
B. Disease of three-year duraton
C. Primary sclerosing cholangits
D. Mild infammaton
C. Primary sclerosing cholangits
A previously healthy 22-year-old woman reports 3-month history of frequent bloody bowel movements with mucus and occasional right hip pain. She has had no history of contact with sick patent and no recent intake of drugs. Physical examinaton fndings are within normal except for gross blood on rectal examinaton (see lab results and report). Test Result Normal Values Hb 110 130-170 g/L. (Male) 120-160 q/L (Female) MCV 72 80-95 f Stool analysis: Shows many RBCs and few WBCs. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Internal haemorrhoids
B. Ulcerative colits
C. Infectous colits
D. Celiac disease
B. Ulcerative colits
A 20-year-old woman with no previous medical illnesses, presented with 7-day history of increasing jaundice, nausea, vomitng and right sided upper abdominal pain (see lab results). Test Result Normal Values Total bilirubin 26 3.5-16.5 umol/L Aspartate aminotransferase 700 12-40 IU/L Alanine aminotransferase 1650 5-40 IU/L Alkaline phosphatase 126 39-117 IU/L Which of the following tests has the greatest prognostc value?
A. Bilirubin
B. Albumin
C. Prothrombin time
D. Alanine aminotransferase
C. Prothrombin time
A 28-year-old woman presents with right lower quadrant abdominal pain, loose bowel motons, and weight loss for 3 months. Colonoscopy and biopsy of the terminal ileum demonstrated non- caseatng granulomas. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Pseudomembranous colits
B. Intestnal tuberculosis
C. Crohn’s disease
D. Celiac disease
C. Crohn’s disease
A 25-year-old woman presents with abdominal pain, bloatng and weight loss. Physical examinaton is unremarkable except for BMI 18% (see lab results and report), Test Result Normal Values Hb 90 130-170 g/L. (Male) 120-160 g/L (Female) MCV 70 80-95 f Calcium 2.05 2.15-2.62 mol/L Phosphate, inorganic 0.79 0.82-1.51 mmol/L Tissue transglutaminase antbody: Positve. Which of the following is the best management?
A. Glucocortcoids
B. Gluten free diet
C. Metronidazole
D. Ciprofoxacin
B. Gluten free diet
A 56-year-old man presents with epigastric pain, bloatng and weight loss. Gastroscopy showed antral mass and biopsy is taken (see reports). Helicobacter pylori breath test: Positve. Biopsy report: Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue lymphoma (MALToma). Which of the following is the next step in management?
A. Eradication therapy for H. Pylori
B. Referral for gastrectomy
C. Chemotherapy
D. Radiotherapy
A. Eradication therapy for H. Pylori
A young woman who is known to have pan ulceratve colits is admited for a severe relapse. Since there was no response to medical treatment, surgery is decided. The patent is very sceptcal about surgery and requested more informaton. What is the appropriate way to address her concerns?
A. Tell her that she will die if surgery is not performed
B. Discard her concerns as unfounded and push her for surgery
C. Inform her that surgery will leave her with a colostomy bag
D. Agree on another meetng with the surgeon and the gastroenterologist
D. Agree on another meetng with the surgeon and the gastroenterologist
A 52-year-old man, who has been medically treated as peptc ulcer for a long tme, underwent upper endoscopy, which showed a malignant ulcer. During the visit, he started blaming his primary physician and wanted to fle a complaint. Which of the following is the most appropriate response?
A. Agree that it is his right to do so
B. Take a neutral stand in this issue
C. Inform him that his doctor did what he could do
D. Tell him that he should blame himself not his doctor
A. Agree that it is his right to do so
A married man, who had a trip to Thailand 2 months ago, is complaining of recurrent diarrhoea and weight loss. He underwent HIV testng which came reactve. However, he requested not to tell anyone including his wife. Which of the following is the best response?
A. Disclose the result to his employer
B. Request the social worker to inform his wife
C. Report to the infection control unit in the hospital
D. Respect his request not to disclose the result to anyone
C. Report to the infection control unit in the hospital
A 60-year-old man presented with high-grade fever and lef pleuritc chest pain. On examinaton, he has early clubbing and evidence of moderate pleural efusion in the lef side of the chest. Pleural fuid analysis revealed pH of 7,0. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Empyema
B. Chylothorax
C. Parapneumonic efusion
D. Tuberculous pleural efusion
A. Empyema
A 65-year-old man with diabetes and hypertension is admited with extensive anterior ST elevaton myocardial infarcton (STEMI). had successful angioplasty and stentng to lef anterior descending artery. Aspirin, clopidogrel, bisoprolol and enalapril were started (see lab results). Test Result Normal Values Cholesterol (HDL) 1.0 > 1.03 mmol/L Cholesterol (LDL) 3.36 <3.36 mmol/L Total Cholesterol 5.0 <5.1 mmol/L Triglycendes 2.2 <2.16 mmol/L Which of the following is recommended?
A. No additonal medicaton is indicated
B. Atorvastatin
C. Fenofbrate
D. Niacin
B. Atorvastatin
A 55-year-old man with diabetes presented to the Cardiology Clinic with vague chest pain with exerton for 2 months (see report). Electrocardiogram: Normal. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
A. Assurance
B. Exercise ECG testing
C. Coronary angiogram
D. Adenosine myocardial perfusion imaging
B. Exercise ECG testing
A 60-year-old man with poorly controlled hypertension presents with exertonal dyspnea and occasional paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea. No chest pain or palpitaton. On examinaton, he is comfortable at rest; the JVP is 3 cm above sternal border, loud A2 and lef ventricular $4, no murmur (see reports). Blood pressure 160/100 mmH Heart rate 76 /min Respiratory rate 18 /min Oxygen saturaton 95 % Electrocardiogram: Shows sinus rhythm and lef ventricular hypertrophy.
Echocardiogram: Normal cardiac chambers size, concentric lef ventricular hypertrophy and normal lef ventricular ejecton fracton. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction
B. Restrictve cardiomyopathy
C. Silent myocardial ischemia
D. Constrictve pericardits
A. Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction
A 30-year-old man is found to have cardiomegaly on chest X-ray during pre-employment check- up. He denies chest pain, dyspnea, orthopnea or PND. Physical examinaton unremarkable (see reports). Blood pressure 120/80 mg Heart rate 76 /min Respiratory rate 18 /min Electrocardiogram: Normal. Echocardiogram: Dilated lef ventricle with ejecton fracton of 40%. Which of the following is the best management?
A. Digoxin
B. Lisinopril
C. Furosemide
D. Echocardiogram in 6 months
B. Lisinopril
A 45-year-old man with previous history of rheumatc heart disease presents with worsening dyspnea, orthopnea and PND. Physical examinaton shows holosystolic murmur in the apex and bibasilar crackles on lung auscultaton. His symptoms improved with furosemide, spironolactone, enalapril and carvedilol (see report). Echocardiogram: Showed mildly dilated lef ventricle, LVEF 45% and severe rheumatc mitral regurgitaton. Which of the following is the best next step in management?
A. Digoxin
B. Losartan
C. Follow-up in 6 months
D. Mitral valve replacement
D. Mitral valve replacement
A 70-year-old man is found to have ejecton systolic murmur in the aortc area during routne medical check-up. He denied symptoms of dyspnea, chest pain or syncope. Physical examinaton revealed slow raising carotd pulsaton; normal JVP and normal lung auscultaton (see reports). Blood pressure 110/70 mmHg Heart rate 76 /min Respiratory rate 18 /min Electrocardiogram: Normal sinus rhythm with LVH. Echocardiogram: Shows concentric LVH, normal ejecton fracton and severely stenosed aortc valve. Which of the following is the next step in management?
A. Aortic valve replacement
B. Follow-up in 6 months
C. Furosemide
D. Enalapril
B. Follow-up in 6 months
A 30-year-old woman with history of rheumatc heart disease since childhood presented with exertonal dyspnea and occasional paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea. Physical examinaton showed JVP of 5 cm above sternal angle, loud S1, loud P2 and mid diastolic rumbling murmur in the apex. Fine basal crackles are present on lung auscultaton. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Mitral stenosis
B. Aortic stenosis
C. Tricuspid stenosis
D. Pulmonary stenosis
A. Mitral stenosis
A 60-year-old man presents with abdominal distension dyspnea and orthopnea. The JVP is markedly elevated and fails to descend during inspiraton. Lower limbs showed massive pitng edema up to the thighs. Heart sounds are normal. There are bibasilar crackles on lung auscultaton. Abdominal examinaton showed hepatomegaly and positve shifing dullness (see report). Echocardiogram: Both atria are dilated. Lef and right ventricles are normal in size and LVEF is 60%. No valve lesions. Which of the following has the highest diagnostc value?
A. Holter monitor
B. Cardiac CT scan
C. Coronary angiogram
D. Exercise ECG testng
B. Cardiac CT scan
An 18-year-old boy presents with recurrent syncope with exercise. Physical examinaton showed normal JVP, jerky carotd pulsatons and thrustng apex. There is an ejecton systolic murmur, which is best heard in the lef parasternal area that increases in intensity with standing and reduced during handgrip (see report). Blood pressure 110/70 mmHg Heart rate 76 /min Electrocardiogram: Shows lef ventricular hypertrophy. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Aortc stenosis
B. Pulmonary stenosis
C. Ventricular septal Defect
D. Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
D. Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
A young man with diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy presented with recurrent exertonal chest pain and syncope. Which of the following is the best management?
A. Nifedipine
B. Metoprolol
C. Hydralazine
D. Nitroglycerine
B. Metoprolol
A 65-year-old woman with diabetes and hypertension, presented with retrosternal chest pain at rest for 3 hours. Physical examinaton is normal except for $4 gallop (see lab result and report). Blood pressure 110/70 mmHg, Heart rate 76 /min, Oxygen saturaton 95 % Test Result Normal Values Troponin 10 < 0.2 pg/L
Electrocardiogram: T-wave inversion in leads V2-V5. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Stable angina
B. Unstable angina
C. Elevaton myocardial infarcton
D. Non ST elevaton myocardial infarcton
D. Non ST elevaton myocardial infarcton
A 60-year-old man with diabetes and hypertension is admited to the Coronary Care Unit with diagnosis of unstable angina. Physical examinaton is normal except for S4 gallop. Aspirin, bisoprolol, enoxaparn, atorvastatn and nitrate are started (see lab result and reports). Blood pressure 110/70 mmHg, Heart rate 76 /min Respiratory rate 18 /min Test Result Normal Values Troponin .001 < 0.2 pg/L Electrocardiogram: Showed ST depression in leads II, III, AVF. Echocardiogram: Normal. What additonal medicaton is indicated?
A. Clopidogrel
B. Candesartan
C. Streptokinase
D. Spironolactone
A. Clopidogrel
A 30-year-old man presents with burning retrosternal chest pain associated with dyspnea. His history is signifcant only for common cold 2 weeks ago (see image). Which of the following clinical signs is likely to be present?
A. Murmur
B. Pericardial rub
C. Cannon a-wave
D. Fourth heart sound
B. Pericardial rub
A 70-year-old man presents with dyspnea, fatigue and pre-syncope. On examinaton, the JVP showed Cannon a-wave and variatons in the intensity of the frst heart sound (see image). Which of the following is the defnitve treatment?
A. Implantable cardioverter defibrillator
B. Permanent pacemaker
C. Oral theophylline
D. Oral metoprolol
B. Permanent pacemaker
A 64-year-old woman with advanced breast cancer complains of dyspnea on exerton. On examinaton, her systolic blood pressure is noted to markedly decrease during inspiraton. Heart sounds are distant to auscultaton. Chest is clear (see report). Blood pressure 95/65 mmH, Heart rate 100 /min, Respiratory rate 24 /min, Temperature 36.6 °C, Oxygen saturaton 95 % Chest x-ray: Marked cardiomegaly with clear lung felds. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Hypertrophic obstructve cardiomyopathy
B. Restrictive cardiomyopathy
C. Dilated cardiomyopathy
D. Cardiac tamponade
D. Cardiac tamponade
A 65-year-old woman with diabetes and hypercholesterolemia presents to the Emergency Department with chest tghtness associated with sweatng and nausea of 4-hour duraton. Physical examinaton showed elevated JVP, which increases further during inspiraton, S4 gallop and clear lung felds on chest auscultaton. Aspirin and clopidogrel were given. Results of cardiac enzymes are pending (see image). Blood pressure 90/55 mmH Heart rate 76 /min Respiratory rate 18 /min Oxygen saturaton 95 % Which of the following immediate acton should be taken?
A. Chest X-ray
B. Echocardiogram
C. Coronary CT angiogram
D. ECG with right chest leads
D. ECG with right chest leads
A 25-year-old woman presented with dyspnea and cyanosis. Physical examinaton revealed elevated JVP with predominant a-wave and lef parasternal heave. There is an ejecton systolic murmur best heard in the lef second intercostal space that increases in intensity during inspiraton. An ejecton click is also heard in the same area Blood pressure 110/70 mmHg Heart rate 76 /min Respiratory rate 20 /min Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Aortc stenosis
B. Coarctaton of aorta
C. Ventricular septal defect
D. Congenital pulmonary stenosis
D. Congenital pulmonary stenosis
A 70-year-old man is admited for stomach resecton for gastric cancer. On the 4TH postoperatve day. the patent developed retrosternal chest pain accompanied with dyspnea and perfuse sweatng. Physical examinaton is remarkable only for S4. Aspirin, clopidogrel and nitrate were administered (see report) Blood pressure 110/70 mmHg, Heart rate 76 /min, Respiratory rate 18 /min, Temperature 36.6 °C Oxygen saturaton 95 % Electrocardiogram: Shows ST elevaton in leads V2-V5. Which of the following is the most appropriate step in management?
A. Thrombolytc therapy
B. Primary angioplasty
C. Abciximab
D. Warfarin
B. Primary angioplasty
A 70-year-old man with hypertension, diabetes and aortc sclerosis discovered to have atrial fbrillaton on routne health check-up. He denies dyspnea, chest pain or palpitatons. Which of the following drugs is recommended to prevent systemic embolization?
A. Aspirin
B. Warfarin
C. Clopidogrel
D. Rivaroxaban
B. Warfarin
A 22-year-old woman presents with retrosternal burning chest pain, which is worse during breathing and coughing. Precordial auscultaton showed an added sound of 3 components; systolic, diastolic and presystolic (see image). Which of the following is the best inital treatment?
A. Tissue plasminogen actvator
B. Enoxaparin
C. Ibuprofen
D. Prednisone
C. Ibuprofen
In a patent with heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy presentng with fast atrial fbrillaton, which of the following drugs is the most appropriate to control the heart rate?
A. Digoxin
B. Diltazem
C. Ivabradine
D. Propranolol
A. Digoxin
A 40-year-old man is admited with palpitatons of 4-hour duraton. He had similar atack a month ago but did not seek medical advice. His inital electrocardiogram showed atrial fbrillaton with controlled ventricular rate. He subsequently converted to sinus rhythm. Which of the following drugs is the most appropriate to maintain sinus rhythm?
A. Digoxin
B. Bisoprolol
C. Verapamil
D. Amiodarone
D. Amiodarone
An 18-year-old girl is recently diagnosed to have rheumatc fever with cardits. Echocardiogram showed mild mitral stenosis with mild regurgitaton. To what age the rheumatc fever prophylaxis is recommended?
A. 40
B. 28
C. 23
D. 21
A. 40
Which of the following is an absolute contraindicaton for thrombolvtc therapy?
A. Pregnancy
B. Intracranial hemorrhage 2 years ago
C. Cardiopulmonary resuscitaton for 10 min
D. Blood pressure at presentaton of 180/110 mmH
B. Intracranial hemorrhage 2 years ago
A 28-year-old woman presents to the Cardiology Outpatent Department with recurrent palpitatons for the last 6 months. She describes the palpitatons as fast heartbeat, which starts and ends suddenly. Each atack lasts 5-10 min. No associated chest pain, dyspnea, syncope or presyncope (see lab result and report). Test Result Normal Values Hb 132 130-170 g/L (Male) 120-160 g/L (Female) Thyroid-Stmulatng Hormone 3.8 0.4 - 5.0 jU/mL. Electrocardiogram: Normal sinus rhythm with rate of 70/min. Which of the following is the best next investgaton?
A. Exercise ECG testing
B. Electrophysiology
C. Echocardiogram
D. Holter monitor
D. Holter monitor
An elderly patent is admited with diagnosis of unstable angina. He is known to have atrial fbrillaton and taking warfarin. The atending resident administered heparin but did not check the INR, which came back as 6.8. The patent developed bleeding from the gums and hematuria. His son is upset, and he requests an explanaton. Which of the following is the most appropriate response?
A. Say that you are sorry for what happened and request him to calm down
B. Apologize and reassure him that you will start an investigation
C. Tell him that this is an expected side efect of the drug
D. Inform him that the situaton is under control
B. Apologize and reassure him that you will start an investigation
A 60-year-old man with hypertension and diabetes undergone coronary angiogram, which showed 3-vessel disease requiring coronary bypass surgery. The patent refused surgery. Being the resident with the team, what is the appropriate communicaton tool to be used?
A. Use the SPIKES protocol
B. Tell the son to speak to the patent
C. Respect autonomy and contnue medical treatment
D. Apply the counselling in the presence of the consultant
D. Apply the counselling in the presence of the consultant
A patent who presented with heart failure had an echocardiogram, which showed severe rheumatc mitral regurgitaton requiring valve replacement. He is waitng to know the result. Which of the following is the most appropriate way to break the news?
A. Avoid asking him about what he already knows
B. Tell him all the details from the beginning
C. Express more sympathy than empathy
D. Deliver the informaton in small steps
D. Deliver the informaton in small steps
A 53-year-old widow with dilated cardiomyopathy presented to the Cardiology Clinic with decompensated heart failure. She lives alone, has no insurance and cannot aford the cost of medicatons. During counselling, which of the following is the most appropriate plan?
A. Arrange for a charity organizaton to help her fnancially
B. Involve the social worker and the hospital support system
C. Refer her to the Emergency Department
D. Advise her to avoid salt and stop smoking
B. Involve the social worker and the hospital support system
A 79-year-old man with multple co-morbidites is hospitalized for dissectng aneurysm and needs urgent surgery. He lives alone and he has no writen will or advanced directve. His conditon is very critcal in the ICU. What is the best way to arrange the consent for surgery?
A. The atending medical team should sign the consent form
B. The social worker is asked to complete the consent form
C. Proceed for emergency and delay the consent
D. Request a court decision
A. The atending medical team should sign the consent form
A 38-year-old man presented to the Emergency Department with 5-day history of fever and a productve cough (see lab results and reports) Blood pressure 100/65 mHg Temperature 39 °C Test Result Normal Values WBC 12 4.5-10.5 x 109/L ESR 26 2-10 mm/h (Male) 3-15 mm/h (Female) Chest X-ray: Right middle lobe infltrate. Sputum culture: Pending. Which of the following is the most appropriate immediate therapy?
A. Moxifoxacin 400mg IV once daily
B. Cefazidime 1 gm IV every 8 hours
C. Meropenem 1 gm IV every 8 hours
D. Piperacillin /Tazobactam 4.5 gm every 6 hours
A. Moxifoxacin 400mg IV once daily
A 27-year-old man presented to the Emergency Department with 2-days history of confusion and 5-hours history of seizures. Positve history of multple unprotected sexual contact for the last 6 years. On examinaton, he was disoriented to tme; place and person (see lab results and report. Temperature 39 °C Test Result Normal Values WBC 1.3 4.5-10.5 x 109/L Serum Cryptococcal Antgen: Positve. Which of the following is the most appropriate diagnostc test?
A. HIV serology
B. CSF toxoplasma PCR
C. CSF culture for syphilis
D. Herpes Simplex Polymerase chain reacton (PCR)
A. HIV serology
A 22-year-old man recently diagnosed with HIV presented to the clinic for counselling. Whom should he disclose his HIV status to?
A. Wife
B. Parents
C. Brother
D. Employer
A. Wife
A 53-year-old man recently diagnosed with HIV came to the clinic for counselling. Who should be ofered HIV testng?
A. Parents
B. Ex-wife
C. 28-year-old son
D. Ofce colleagues
B. Ex-wife
A 69-year-old man known to have diabetes mellitus, presented to Emergency department with 4-day history of productve cough and tachypnea. On examinaton, oriented to tme place and person. Chest exam revealed right lower lobe crepitaton (see lab results and report). Respiratory rate 23 /min
Temperature 38.5 °C Test Result Normal Values WBC 12 4.5-10.5 x 109/L Urea 5 2.75-7.4 mmol/L Chest X-Ray: Right lower lobe intltrate. Which of the following is the most appropriate management approach?
A. Admit to general ward and start IV antbiotcs
B. Admit to Intensive care unit and start IV antbiotcs
C. Start oral antbiotcs and observe in Emergency Room for 24 hours
D. Start oral antbiotcs and see in outpatent clinic in 7-days
A. Admit to general ward and start IV antbiotcs
A 70-year-old woman known to have hypertension on medicaton. Presented to the Emergency Department with 4-days history of productve cough, shortness of breath and tachypnea. Chest exam, right lobe zone crepitaton. Temperature 38.5 °C Which of the following is the most appropriate next diagnostc test to confrm the diagnosis?
A. Chest X-ray
B. Elevated WBC
C. Sputum culture
D. Echocardiogram
A. Chest X-ray
A 54-year-old man known to have diabetes and hypertension presented to Emergency Department with 9-days history of cough, headache, shortness of breath and fever. Cough was productve of white sputum, which has become yellowish lately. On chest examinaton, wheezing, and right side crepitaton (see lab results and reports). Temperature 38 °C Test Result Normal Values Retculocyte 8 0.2-1.2 % WBC 12 4.5-10.5 x 109/L Cold agglutnin ttre: 1:256 Chest X-Ray: Bilateral shadowing both lungs with more density on the right middle lobe. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Bronchial asthma exacerbaton
B. Streptococcal pneumonia
C. Atypical pneumonia
D. Exacerbaton of heart failure
C. Atypical pneumonia
A 28-year-old woman referred to the clinic with 3-weeks history of generalized fatgability, malaise, arthralgia, back pain and fever. Positve history of raw milk ingeston. Abdominal examinaton, mild hepato-splenomegaly (see lab results and report). Temperature 39 °C Test Result Normal Values Hb 10.5 130-170 g/L (Male) 120-160 g/L (Female) Platelets count 120 150-400 x 109/L Blood culture: Gram negatve cocco-bacilli. Which of the following is the frst line in treatment opton?
A. Doxycycline and clindamycin
B. Doxycycline and streptomycin
C. Ciprofoxacin and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole
D. Rifampin and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole
B. Doxycycline and streptomycin
A 28-year-old woman referred to the clinic with 3-week history of generalized fatgability. malaise, arthralgia, back pain and fever. Positve history of raw milk ingeston. Abdominal examinaton, mild hepato-splenomegaly (see lab results and reports). Temperature 38.5 °C Test Result Normal Values Hb 10.5 130-170 g/L (Male) 120-160 g/L (Female) Platelets count 120 150-400 x 109/L Blood culture: Gram negatve cocco-bacilli MRI of the back: Sacroiliac joint spondylits. Which of the following is the optmal duraton of therapy?
A. 3 weeks
B. 6 weeks
C. 12 weeks
D. 24 weeks
C. 12 weeks
A 45-year-old housemaid from Southeast Asia, recently came to Saudi Arabia, presented to the Emergency Department with 2-weeks history of productve cough and shortness of breath. Positve history of hemoptysis. Chest exam showed right upper zone crepitatons (see lab results and report. Temperature 38.5 °C Test Result Normal Values WBC 14 4.5-10.5 x 109/L ESR 73 2-10 mm/h (Male) 3-15 mm/h (Female) Chest X-Ray: Right upper lobe infltrate and cavitaton. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step?
A. IV cefriaxone
B. Bronchoscopy
C. Sputum for acid fast bacilli
D. Isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide and ethambutol
C. Sputum for acid fast bacilli
A 45-year-old man admited to the hospital with history of productve cough and shortness of breath. He was found to have cavitatory pulmonary tuberculosis (TB. He was started on 4 ant- TB drugs. Few days later, he notced that the urine color is red. Detailed history revealed family history of urethral stones (see lab resuits). Test Result Normal Values Hb 11 130-170 g/L (Male) 120-160 g/L (Female) Platelets count 110 150-400 x 109/L Which of the following is the most likely cause of his new symptom?
A. Urethral stones
B. Renal tuberculosis
C. Medication side effect
D. Hematological abnormalites related to TB
C. Medication side effect
A 45-year-old man admited to the hospital with history of productve cough and shortness of breath. He was found to have positve acid fast bacilli (AFB) in sputum. He was started on isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide and ethambutol. He came back to the clinic for follow up afer 3- weeks. Cough was beter and no other symptoms (see lab results) Admission lab results: Test Result Normal Values Total bilirubin 5 3.5-16.5 mol/L Aspartate aminotransferase 28 12-40 IU/L Alanine aminotransferase 32 5-40 IU/L ESR 75 2-10 mm/h (Male) 3-15 mm/h (Female) Follow-up lab results: Test Result Normal Values Total bilirubin 0.7 3.5-16.5 mol/L Aspartate aminotransferase 75 12-40 IU/L Alanine aminotransferase 80 5-40 IU/L ESR 35 2-10 mm/h (Male) 3-15 mm/h (Female) Sputum AB Negatve Which of the following is the best management approach?
A. Continue ant-TB and repeat LFT in 1 week
B. Stop all ant-TB and repeat LFT in 1 weeks
C. Stop pyrazinamide and repeat LFT in 2 weeks
D. Stop isoniazid and rifampin and repeat LFT in 2 weeks
A. Continue ant-TB and repeat LFT in 1 week
A 60-year-old man known to have hypertension and post aortc valve replacement on lisinopril 20 mg. amlodipine 5 mg and warfarin 3 mg once daily. He was admited to the hospital with history of productve cough and shortness of breath, and was found to have positve acid fast bacilli (AFB) in sputum. First line four ant-TB drugs were started. Which of the following regarding medicatons should be done?
A. Lisinopril dose needs to be decreased
B. Amlodipine needs to be stopped
C. Warfarin needs to be increased
D. Rifampin should be stopped
C. Warfarin needs to be increased
A 60-year-old man from India presented to the Emergency Department with headache and low- grade fever for 3-weeks. The headache became worse over the last 2-days and was associated with vomitng. In the emergency room, he developed generalized seizures (see lab results and reports), Test Result Normal Values WBC 19 4.5-10.5 x 109/L Pressure 280 200-250 mmH20 (Male) 300-400 mmH20 (Female) Cells 380 0-3 /ML Total protein (Men) 3 0.22-0.33 g/L Glucose 1.2 2.50-3.89 mmol/L CSF diferental WBC count: 73% lymphocytes and 13 % neutrophils. CSF culture: Pending. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Neurocystcercosis
B. Tuberculous meningits
C. Bacterial meningits
D. Viral meningits
B. Tuberculous meningits
A 53-year-old woman known diabetc, hypertensive and cardiac arrhythmia on amiodarone, presented to Emergency Department with 3-days history of progressive redness and pain on her right leg. Examinaton showed a sharply demarcated red lesion, which was tender with no ulcer, Temperature 38.8 °C. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Erysipelas
B. Erythema nodosum
C. Side efect of Amiodarone
D. Necrobiosis lipodica diabetcorum
A. Erysipelas
A 53-year-old woman known diabetc presented to the Emergency Department with 5-days history of progressive redness and pain on her right thigh. On examinaton, right thigh showed 15 cm red lesion, which was tender with no uicer (see report). Temperature 38.3 °C Ultrasound: Showed infammatory changes and 10 x 8 cm deep abscess collecton. Which of the following is the best management approach?
A. Admit to ward and start IV antibiotics
B. Admit to ICU and start IV antbiotcs
C. Discharge home on oral antbiotcs with 1-week follow up
D. Admit to ward, start IV antbiotcs, and surgical consultaton
D. Admit to ward, start IV antbiotcs, and surgical consultaton
A 53-year-old woman known diabetc presented to the Emergency Department with 5-days history of progressive redness and pain on her right thigh. On examinaton, right thigh showed 15 cm red lesion, which was tender with no uicer (see report). Temperature 38.3 °C Ultrasound: Showed infammatory changes and 10 x 8 cm deep abscess collecton. Which of the following is the best management approach?
A. Admit to ward and start IV antibiotics
B. Admit to ICU and start IV antbiotcs
C. Discharge home on oral antbiotcs with 1-week follow up
D. Admit to ward, start IV antbiotcs, and surgical consultaton
D. Admit to ward, start IV antbiotcs, and surgical consultaton
A 53-year-old woman recently returned from Egypt, known diabetc, presented to the Emergency Department with 3-days history of progressive redness and pain on her right shin. Positve history of allergy to penicillin. On examinaton, right leg has red lesion, which was tender with no ulcer. She was started on oral antbiotcs. Next day she complained of abdominal pain, watery diarrhoea and fever. Temperature 37.8 °C Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Worsening of diabetc gastroparesis
B. Allergy to antbiotc
C. Clostridium difcile infection
D. Salmonellosis
C. Clostridium difcile infection
A 63-year-old woman known diabetc for the last 20-years on insulin, presented to the Emergency Department with 3-days history of right knee pain and swelling. Right knee examinaton revealed, red, swollen and tender with severely limited range of movement. Other joints were normal (see lab result and report). Temperature 39 °C Test Result Normal Values WBC 17 4.5-10.5 × 109/L Synovial fuid: WBC: 55.000 Crystals: Pending Culture: Negatve Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Charcot joint
B. Septic arthritis
C. Gout arthrits
D. Pseudo-gout arthrits
B. Septic arthritis
A 32-year-old man presents to the Emergency Department with 3-days history of generalized body aches, sore throat, runny nose, productve cough and shortness of breath. Chest exam shows right lung crepitatons. The patent was admited and according to the results of throat swab was started on oseltamivir (see report). Temperature 39 °C. Chest X-Ray: Right middle lobe infltrate. Which of the following isolaton precautons should be considered?
A. Contact
B. Standard
C. Airborne
D. Droplet
D. Droplet
A 33-year-old woman presents with headache and myalgia for 5 days. 2 days ago, she started to have fever and notced a skin rash on her face. She returned from Jeddah 10-days ago (see lab resuits). Test Result Normal Values Hb 8 130-170 g/L (Male) 120-160 g/L (Female) Platelets count 80 150-400 x 109/L Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
A. Steroid
B. IV antviral
C. IV antbiotcs
D. Supportive management
D. Supportive management
A 27-year-old soldier going to a military mission at the Southern border of Saudi Arabia. His medical history is insignifcant apart from a positve history of depression, which is controlled by medicaton. He came for counselling regarding malaria preventon. Which of the following is the best malaria chemoprophylaxis regimen?
A. Atovaquone-proguanil
B. Doxycycline
C. Mefoquine
D. Chloroquine
A. Atovaquone-proguanil
A 30-year-old man presents to the Emergency Department with history of fever and headache. He recently came from a trip to Sudan, where he stayed there for 10-days. Abdominal examinaton, palpable spleen 3 cm below costal margin (see lab results). Temperature 40 °C Test Result Normal Values Hb 9 130-170 g/L (Male) 120-160 g/L (Female) Platelets count 90 150-400 x 109/L Aspartate aminotransferase 88 12-40 IU/L Alanine aminotransferase 94 5-40 IU/L Which of the following is the frst line treatment opton?
A. Quinine
B. Mefoquine
C. Chloroquine
D. Artemisinin based combinaton therapy
D. Artemisinin based combinaton therapy
A 45-year-old man, heavy smoker, presents to the Emergency Department with 5-days history of fever and skin rash and 3-days of dyspnea and dry cough. Skin examinaton shows vesicular lesions over the truck and extremites, some of the lesions were crusted. Chest examinaton shows bilateral crepitaton’s (see report). Respiratory rate 28/min Temperature 39 °C Oxygen saturaton 82 % Chest X-Ray: Difuse bilateral infltrate. Which of the following is the most appropriate intravenous treatment opton?
A. Cefriaxone and azithromycin
B. Acyclovir
C. Steroids
D. Furosemide
B. Acyclovir
A 22-year-old man recently returned from Umrah, presents to Emergency Department with 1- day history of fever and headache. Upon arrival to the Emergency Department, he started to have seizures on the right extremites. On examinaton, positve Kering sign (see lab results and report). Temperature 39 °C Test Result Normal Values Cells 380 0-3 /pL Total protein (Men) 1.2 0.22-0.33 g/L CSF analysis: WBC diferental count: 87% neutrophils and 5% lymphocytes. Which of the following is the most appropriate intravenous treatment opton?
A. Cefriaxone, vancomycin and steroid
B. Cefriaxone and vancomycin
C. Cefriaxone and IV acyclovir
D. Acyclovir and steroid
A. Cefriaxone, vancomycin and steroid
A 22-year-old man presents to Emergency Department with 4-days history of fever, headache and confusion. On examinaton, Kemig’s sign is present (see lab results and reports). Temperature 39 °C Test Result Normal Values Cells 380 0-3 /pL Total protein (Men) 0.8 0.22-0.33 g/L Glucose 3.7 2.50-3.89 mmol/L CSF analysis: WBC diferental count: 5% neutrophil and 90% lymphocytes. CSF Culture: Pending. Which of the following is the most appropriate intravenous treatment opton?
A. Cefriaxone, vancomycin and steroid
B. Cefriaxone and vancomycin
C. Cefriaxone
D. Acyclovir
D. Acyclovir
A 22-year-old man recently returned from Hal, presents to Emergency Department with 1-day history of fever and headache. On examinaton, Kerig’s sign is present. Skin examinaton showed petechial rash on extremites and trunk (see lab results and report). Temperature 39 °C
Test Result Normal Values Cells 380 0-3 /pL Total protein (Men) 0.9 0.22-0.33 g/L Glucose 1.2 2.50-3.89 mmol/L CSF analysis: WBC diferental: 87% neutrophils and 5% lymphocytes. Which of the following isolaton precautons should be considered?
A. Contact
B. Droplet
C. Standard
D. Airborne
B. Droplet
A 27-year-old man recently returned from Umrah. Presents to Emergency Department with 1- day history of fever and headache. On examinaton, positve Kernig’s sign and petechial rash on extremites and trunk. He was isolated and started on antbiotcs (see lab results and report). Temperature 39 °C Test Result Normal Values Cells 380 0-3 /pL Total protein (Men) 0.9 0.22-0.33 g/L Glucose 1.2 2.50-3.89 mmol/L CSF analysis: WBC diferental 87 % neutrophil and 5 % lymphocytes. How many hours afer startng antbiotcs should isolaton be discontnued?
A. 12
B. 24
C. 48
D. 72
B. 24
A 64-year-old diabetc woman was recently started on hemo-dialysis through a femoral central line. During dialysis, the nurse notces that she is shivering. Detailed history reveals a 3-day history of fever. On examinaton, central line site was red with pus discharge. Which of the following is the most appropriate management approach?
A. Withdraw blood culture and start IV antbiotcs
B. Start IV antbiotcs and hold dialysis for 3 days
C. Withdraw blood culture, change the line and resume dialysis
D. Withdraw blood culture, start antbiotcs and remove the line
D. Withdraw blood culture, start antibiotics and remove the line
A 64-year-old diabetc woman is receiving hemo-dialysis through a femoral central line. She develops line sepsis. Blood culture grows MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus). She was started on IV vancomycin 1000 mg every 72 hours (to be infused over 20 min). Immediately afer startng vancomycin, she started to have fushing, redness and itching over the face, neck and trunk. Which of the following is the most appropriate management approach?
A. Stop vancomycin and label her allergic to vancomycin
B. Contnue vancomycin but a lower dose
C. Continue vancomycin but slower infusion rate
D. Change vancomycin to cefazolin 1000 mg every 24 hours
C. Continue vancomycin but slower infusion rate