100 Syndrome Flashcards
What are the most common heart defets in 22q11
TOF, Interrupted aortic arch, conotruncal
Monitoring in 22q11
Ca level, PTH
Immune function: T/B cell subsets, immunoglobulins, and post vaccine antibodies (avoid live vaccines if immunodeficient)
Renal US
Cholestasis + pulmonary artery disease + butterfly vertebra
Alagille syndrome
AD JAG1, Notch 2
+ posterior embryotoxon, DD, FTT
Dysmoprhic face: prominent foreheard, deep set eyes, hypertelorism, bulbous nsoe tip
ST segment abnormalities v1-V and norturnal agonal respirations
Brugada syndrome
FHx SIDS, unexpected death at night
Southeast Asian
Tx: Quinidine, defibrillator, avoid arrhythmogenic meds
Pulmonic stenosis + TFF + ichthyosis + keratosis + cupid’s bow lips
Cardio-Facio-Cutaneous syndrome
BRAF, KRAS (AD - consitutive activation)
- Assoicated with ALL
+ sparse hair/eyebrows, bitemporal constriction, hypertelorism, downslanting PF
+ HCM, Pulmonic stenosis
+ atopic dermatitis + keroatosis + ichthyosis
Coarse face, papillomata, wrinkled skin w/ deep creases, pulmonic stenosis
Costello syndrome
+ bladder ca, rhabdomyosarcoma, neuroblastoma
Epistaxis + GI bleed
- Look for juvenile polyps in SMAD4
- Screen for AVMs
Carpal bone abnormality + CHD
Holt Oram
- Carpal defect always present, other hand malfromations possible
- monitor for arrhythmia (even if heart structurally normal)
Lengtigines, HCM, short status, pectus, ptosis, hypertelorism
Noonan w/ Multiple lentigines
EKG changes
Ocular hypertelorism
Pulm stenosis
Abnormalities of genetalia
Retardation of growth
What is the mechanism of disease for Noonan spectrum disorders?
Constitutive activation of Ras MAPK GTPase pathway
Pulm stenosis, coarse face, cryptorchidism, bleeding disorder
Monitor: TTE, renal U/S, bleeding times
7p11 deletion syndrome
Williams Syndrome
Supervalvular AS, hernia, joint issues, ID
Endo issues: Hypercalcemia, hypercalciruia, hypothyroidism
Monitor: Hearing loss, diabetes, Ca levels, Thyroid, renal US, TTE
Stellate/Iacy iris, short nose w/ full tip, malar hypoplasia, full lips, wide mouth, small jaw, prominent earlobes
7p11.23 deletion (ELN)
Monitor: Ca, TFTs, TTE (aortic stenosis), Renal, hearing loss
What is the mechanism of Ataxia Telangiectasia?
ATM gene (AR)
ds DNA repair
+ leukemia and lymphoma risk
How do you manage Ataxia Telangeictasia?
Monitor for leukemia/lymphoma
IVIG if immunodeficiency
Avoid ionizing radiation
Growth restriction, immunodeficiency, photosensitivity, insulin resistance, azoospermia
Bloom syndrome
BLM (DNA replicaton/repair gene)
- chromatid/chormosome breaks
- Risk of colon and other cancers
Butterfly distribution sun sensitive telangiectasias
Bloom symdrome
- growth restriction, azoospermia in males, cancer risk, immunodeficiency
Triradial and quadriradial figures on karyotype
Bloom syndrome
- Increased sister chromatid exchanges
- FTT, immunodeficiency, azoospermia in males, butterfly rash
Cancers (colon +)
Bone marrow failure, short stature, multiple congenital anomalies
Fanconi anemia
FANCA (A, C, D2, E, F, G), BRCA2 (AR), RAD51 (AD), FANCB (XL)
marrow failure (Pancytopenia)
Malignancy (solid tumors, AML)
Malformations (CNS, heart, GI, GU, ear, skeletal)
Dx with chromosome breakage analysis
Arachnodactyly + contractures + crumplied ears
Beals syndrome (congenital contractural arachnodactyly)
+ Marfanoid
Managementt: TTE (IAA, VSD, aortic dilation) q2 yrs
Upper GI (duodenal/esophageal atresia)
Hyperextensable skin, heaped up scar-like lesion over pressure points, cyst-like lesions over bony prominences, hypotonia
Classic EDS (I or II)
- Molluscoid pseudotumor (heaped up lesions)
- Subcutaneous spheroids (Cyst like lesions over prominences) - fibrosed/calcified fat globules
+ Root dilation
Management: TTE for aortic root
What are the distinguishing features of EDSIII
No skin fragility, No heme manifestations (easy bruising, prolonged bleeding)
Which gene can cause a phenocopy of hypermobile EDS
Tenascin X
Organ rupture, translucent skin, easy bruising
Vascular EDS (type IV)
Major criteria: arterial/organ rupture, family Hx
Mino criteria: thin skin, joint hypermobility, easy bruising, club foot
Mointor by angriography
What are the dysmorphic features of vascular EDS
Thin philrum and lips
Cmall chin
Thin nose
Large eyes
Thin, transculent skin
Thin, hyperextensible skin + joint laxity + hypotonia + globe rupture + scoliosis
Kyphoscoliotic EDS (VI)
PLOD1 (AR) - crosslinking enzyme
EDS + severe hypotonia and scoliosis, scleral fragility, and rupture of globe
Tx: TTE for aortic root dilation, ophthal monitoring
Aneurisms + scoliosis + bifid uvula
Loeys dietz syndrome
Vascular (aneuryism/dissection)
Skeletal (pectus, scoliosis)
Dysmoprhic (hypertelorism, cleft, bifid uvula, craniosyntosisis)
Skin (thin, easy bruising, atrophic scar)
Tx: vascular surveillance, B blocker, losartan
Arterial vessle tortuosity, hypertelorism
Loeys Dietz
Vascular + skeletal + craniofacial or skin
Management: Vessel imaging surveillance + losartan, B blocker
Scoliosis, high arched palate, lumbosacral dural ectasia, joint hypermobility
Aortic root dilation/dissection
Skeletal: Pectus, < upper/lower segment,
ectopia lentis
Lumboscaral dural ectasia
Management: B blocker/losartan, ophtho
GJB6 diseases
Connexin 30 - gap junciton channel
Deletions = Deafness (AD or AR)
Trafficking mutations = Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia
Palmoplantar keratosis, Malformed nails, hypotrichosis normal sweating
Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia
GJB6 (AD) - missence variants that affect trafficking
ED with normal sweating and teeth
sparse hair, no sweat, hypodontia
Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia
Peeling skin and perioral hyperpigmentation at birth, rest may not be evident until childhood
Management: maintain hydration, dentist
What are the oculocutaneous albinism genes?
TYR - Tyrosinase (AR)
P - pigment (AR) - deletions common, part of PWS/Angelman region on 15q11
SLC45A2 (AR)
GPR143 (XL)
OCA1 vs OCA2
OCA1 has no melanin synthesis -> born white. + nystagmus, strabismus, vision acuity issues
OCA2 has some melanin synthesis -> vision better
Adrenal insufficiency, delayed puberty, cryptorchidism
X linked arenal hypoplasia congenita
NROB1, 1/3 is in Xp21 deletion syndrome (glycerol Kinase def)
- Adrenal
- Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (delayed puberty)
Tx: steroids, HRT
Salt wasting + Virilization
21 Hydroxylase deficiency (AR)
high 17-OHP (hydroxyprogesterone), high androgens/testosterone
Tx: Steroids
Female genetalia, 46XY
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
Androgen receptor (XL)
Can be complete or partial
Tx- remove testes after puberty OR prepubertal gonadectomy with estrogen replacement
delayed puberty, anosmia
Can have ataxia, GU anomaly, high palate, pes cavus, CL/P, ID, choanal atresia, SNHL
Tall stature, azoospermia, gynecomastia, mild developmental delay
Tx: Testosterone replacement, sperm bank
GNAS Activating vs In activating mutations
Activating -> high cAMP ->Mccune albright (sporadic)
- fibrous dysplasia, fracture, CAL spots, hyPER thyroid, elevated hormone, ovarian systs
Deactivating -> low cAMP -> Albright osteodystrophy (AD)
- osteoma cutis (subQ nodules), osseous heteroplasia, pseudohypoparathyroidism
polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, cranial formaina thickening, ovarian cysts
Mccune albright
GNAS (activating mutations, sporadic)
Tx: bisphosphonates, octreotide, promocriptine, endo management
IUGR, diabetes in first 6 weeks of life - resolve by 18 months
Transient neonatal diabetes
UPD1 (paternal), Paternal 6q25 Duplication
- high glucose, low insulin
Lymphedema, hypothyroidism, delayed puberty, low hairline, cubitus valgus
45X (SHOX gene)
- Cardiact: Coarctation, bicuspid AV, HLH
- Gonadal dysgenesis 10%
Tx: check if Y chromosome mosaic - risk for gonadoblastoma, cardiac f/u
Increased deoxypridinoline to pyridinoline radio in urine
Crosslinked telopeptides in urine
EDS VI (kyphoscoliotic)
cauliflower like collagen fibers
EDS type I and 2
COL5A1 and 5A2
Free melanin granules on biopsy hyperpigmented streaks
Incontinentia pigmenti
IKBKG (NEMO) - NF kappaB modulator
XL (male lethal)
4 stages: verucous, blistering, hyperpigmented, hypopigmented
+ nail, teeth hypoplasia, retinal neovascularization
Blepharophimosis, Ptosis, Epicanthus Inversus (BPES)
+ premature ovarian failure, lacrimal anomalies
Tx: Surgery, ovum donation
GJB2 and GJB6
Congenital hearing loss
Connection 26 and 30
- Can have palmar-plantar keratoderma (GJB2)
- Look for splice site and deletions (trafficking mutations in GJB6 = hydrodic ectodermal dysplasia)
Tx: Cocklear implants
Hypopigmented skin, nystagmus, pulmonary fibrosis, absent platelet dense bodies
Hermansky Pudluck
HPS genes (AR)
- Common in puerto ricans
Tx: DDAVP, skin protection, PFTs
SNHL + syncope, FHx sudden death
Jervell and Lange Nielsen
KCNQ1, KCNE1 (AR) - allelic with AD Long QT
- Abnormal repolarization in heart and depolarization in cochlea
Tx: Cochlear implants, BBlocker, pacemaker/defibrillator
Bilaterally progressive subacute vision loss in 20s and 30s
central retina vessel tortuosity, swelling of retinal nerve fibers, circumpapillary telaniectatic microangiopathy
Leber herdiatary optic neuropathy (LHON)
Targarted variants: G11778A, G3460A, T14484C
- Complex 1 in ETC
Tx: avoid smoking, EtOh
Enlarged vestibular aqueduct, cochlear hypoplasia, goiter
SLC26A4 (AR) - Chloride/iodide exchange channel
SNHL, temporal bone anomalies, vestibular anomalies
- Most patients have goiter but euthyroid
Tx: Monitor thyroid, hearing aids
SNHL, RP, balance problems
- RPE and inner hair cells abnormal
Tx: Vit A, cochlear implants
SNHL, heterochromic idrides, dystrophic canthorum
Clinical: NTD, white forlock, hirschsprungs
- Calculate W index
Tx: Folic acid supplementation during pregnancy (NTD)
Episodic abd pain, neuropathy + Hepatocellular carcinoma
Acute intermittent porphyria
- No Skin findings
- Urine changes color after oxidation
Tx: IV hemin, IV Destrose, Avoid triggers, liver transplant
Givosiran (Si RNA)
HB Bart
Loss of 4 alpha Thal alleles
- Hydrops, severe hypochromic anemia, neonatal death
- Tx: Intrauterine blood transfusions
Alpha Thal with 3 dysfunctional alleles
Microcytic hemolytic anemia, HSM, jaundice
Tx: splenectomy, transfusions
Alpha Thal Trait vs Carrier
Alpha Thal
HBA gene
Trait = 2 of 4 functional alleles; low MCV, high MCH
Carrier = 1 of 4 functional allele; no endophenotype
Beta Thal
HBB (beta subunit)
- 2 null alleles = Major - severe anemia, HSM w/ FTT
- Carrier - endophentoype
- No symptoms at birth (fetal Hgb present)
- Modified by a thal trait -> imbalance between alpha and beta subunit is the problem
prolonged PTT, decreased factor VIII activity
Hemophilia A
F8 (XL)
- Inversion intron 22 = most common mutation type
- 10-30% females have increasd bleeding risk
Tx: IV factor 8, avoid bleeding
Prolonged PTT, decreased Factor IX activity
Hemophilia B
F9 (XL)
- FIV activates FVIII
- 10-30% of females have <40% activity (increased bleeding risk)
Tx: recomobinant F IX concentrate
Cirrhosis, skin darkening, Diabetes, cardiomyopathy, hypogonadism, arthritis
HFE (AR, low penetrance) - regulates iron absorption
C282Y homo or C282Y/H63D are most common genotypes
- Iron saturation >60%(m) or 50%(f)
Tx: Phlebotomy if ferritin > 300 (m) or > 200 (f)
Goal ferritin <50, iron sat <50%
Recurrent infections, absent CD19 B cells
Bruton’s Agammaglobulinemia
- lack of lymphoid tissue, low but measureable IgG levels
Tx: IV or SC IG injections
Familial mediterranean fever
MEFV (AR) - Pyrin
Decreased IL1B activation -> increased IL1 response
Recurrent inflammation
Amyloidosis -> Renal failure
Tx: Colchicine
hypertelorism, brachydactyly, cryporchidism, ID, shawl scrotum
Tx: orchiopexy
Cone-rod dystrophy, Obesity, delayed puberty, GU malformations, polydactyly
BBS1,BBS 10 (AR) - ciliopathy
- Renal diases = major COD
ambiguous genetalia, craniosynostosis, choanal atresia, hydrocephalus, bowing of long bones
- increased urinary progesterone metabolites
Antley Bixler
POR (NADPH-cytochrome P450 Reductase)
Lab: Abnormal steroids/sterols
Tx: steroids, surgery
Ear malformation, Branchil fistula, Renal hypoplasia
Branchio-Oto- Renal syndrome
EYA1, SIX1, SIX (AD) - developmental homeobox genes
Facial palsy, hearing loss, tracheal esophageal fistula, Cleft palate, interrupted aortic arch
Coloboma, Heart, Atresia (choanal), Retardation, Genitalurinary anomalies, Ear cahnges
+ CN palsy, TE fisula common
stimulus induced drop attacks, short/fleshy hands, small terminal phalanges, microcephaly, short stature
Coffin Lowry
XRay - Anterior vertebrae beaking, metacarpal pseudoepiphyses
Tx: benzos for drop attacks, supportive
Hypoplastic middle phalax of index finger, hypoplastic thenar eminence, pulmonary valve stenosis, how anterior hairline, growth restriction
Cornelia De Lange
NIPBL, SMC1A, SMC3, HDAC8, RAD21 (most AD, de novo)
- hearing loss, , dental problems, ID
- Synophrys
5p deletion, abnormal laryngeal development
Found face, hypertelorism, epicanthal folds, low set ears
5p15.2 del
Cat-like cry, ID, FTT, hpyotonia
Diaphragmatic hernia, olfactory tract atrophy, nail and phalages hypoplasia, coarse face
Fryns syndrome
unknown gene (AR)
Diaphgram + distal digit + dysmorphic face + multiple congenital malformations (heart, brain, GU)
macrocephaly, hypertelorism, polydactyly, hand and foot syndactyly (cutaneous), DD
Greig Cephalopolysyndactyly
GLI3 (AD) - SHH regulator
Macrocephaly + hypertelorism
Cutaneous syndactyly
Hypotonia, Developmental delay, central apnea, retinopathy, ocuolomotor apraxia
- Ciliopathy
- Motor tooth sign
- May have renal or liver disease
Short columella with depressed nasal tip, fetal fingertip pads, large/cupped ears, ITP
- abnormal epigenetic control
+ eversion of lateral eyelids, ID, renal anomalies, CHD, joint laxity, anal atresia
What is the most common terminal deletion syndrome?
hypotonia, DD, FTT, microcephaly, cleft, CHD, seizures, SNHL
Which poly T tract is linked to DeltaF508?
Which poly T tract, when associated with R117H, can contribute to classic CFTR
5T + R117H in cis -> classic CF
7T + R117H in cis -> nonclassic
Maternal UPD 15
Prader Willi
Deletion (70%), Mat UPD (30%), imprinting defect (1%)
- Multiple paternally expressed genes in imprinted area
- Hhypotonia, DD, hyperphagia -> Obesity, hypogonadism, small hands/feet
Tx: Monitor OSA, DM, osteopenia, feeding
broad thumbs/toes, ID, cryptorchidism, pilomatrixoma
Rubensteine Taybi
CREBBP, EP300 (AD) - histone acetyltransferase
+ Beaked nose
+ sleep apnea, tumors (meningioma, pilomatrixoma, leukemia)
Tx: vision, hearing, heart monitoring
self injury, stereotypies, upper body squeeze, brachydactyly, sleep disturbance, Ftt -> Obesity
Smith Magenis
RAI1 (AD), 17p11 del
+ infantile hypotonia, neuropathy, facial features worsen over time
Tx: Sensory integration, behavioral, melatonin, anntual Thyroid/lipid monitoring
3/4 finger syndactyly, holoprosencephaly, 99% early miscarriage, 10% of all spont. abortions
If maternal: Small placenta, IUGR w/ MACROcephaly
If paternal: large placenta, good size w/ MICROcephaly
Serum hCG low
Midline cleft, holoprosencephaly, omphalocele, polydactyly
Trisomy 13
75% maternal nondysjunction, 20% due to translocation, 5% mosiac
+ cutis aplasia
44% die in first month, 70% in 1 year
Microophthalmia, Clenched hands with overlapping fingers 2/3 and 5/4, renal anomalies
Trisomy 18 (edwards)
90% mat nondj, 10% mosaic, 1% translocation
Triple screen: Low AFP, hCG, and UE3
+ IUGR, rocker bottomed feet, micrognathia, CHD
50% in 1 week, 90% 1 year
Hypotonia, myopia, hearing loss, macroglossia, hypotonia, hirschsprung, duodenal atresia
Down syndrome
90% mat nondysjunction (3/4 M1, 1/4M2), 5% robertsonian
+ upslanting PF, single creases, sandlegap toes
- ALL, alzheimers, CHD, thyroid disease
Tracheoesophageal fistula, esophageal atresia, limb abnormalities, TOF, vereberal abnormaltlities, anal atresia
Unknown gene
Vertebral, Anal, Cardiac, TEF, Esophageal atresia, Renal, Limb
- Variant has hydrocephalus
Broad bridge of nose continuing into forehead, short philtrum, downturned mouth, growth deficiency, igA deficiency, atypical absense seizures
Wolf Hirschorn
4pdel (WHSC1, and WHSC2) - 87% de novo, 13% translocation
- greek warrior helmet face, ID, facial assymetry, CL/P, structural brain anomalies
- Check IgA levels, EEG, MRI brain
- Seizures respond to VPA
VLCFA high, leukodystrophy
ABCD1 (transporter)
Childhood: ADHD -> disability in 2 yrs
Adulthood: AMN
Carrier females -> 20% get spasticity with normal adrenal function
Tx: BMT, lorenzo’s oil
Most common genes for AD Alzheimer’s
Account for ~5% of all Alzheimers
- APP is on ch 21
Acquired microcephaly, ataxia, DD, happy demeanor, seizures
Face: Prognathia, light hair/eye, wide mouth with protruding tongue
Maternal 15q11 del (70%), mat UBE3A mutation (10%), Imprinting defect (3%), paternal UPD
Testing: DNA methylation analysis defects deletion, imprinting, and pat UPD (80%), sequencing as second line
Electron dense grandules in tunica media of arterioles. FHx of classic migraines
Macrocephaly, hypotonia, leukodystrophy, NAA peak
- N-acetylaspartate buildup -> demyelination
- Life expectancy teens
Hypotonia, decreased taste w/ smooth tongue, decreased reflexes, absent tears, pain insensitivity
Familial Dysautonomia
IKBKAP (AR) - ashkenazi jewish disease
- Abnormal sensory and autonomic nerve development
- 40% have autonomi crisis
- Progressive GI dysmotility
Recurrent pneumonia
Tx: Protect eye, PT/OT, BP management
Prominent forehead and jaw, long face, large ears, ID
Fragile X
FMR1 - CGG repeat
56-200 - premutation, 200+ = full mutation
Carriers: premature ovariant failure (F), ataxia/tremor