10. pricing Flashcards
What is Price?
Price is the sum of the values that consumers exchange for the
benefits of having or using the product or service (usually
amount of money)
▪ Income
▪ Flexible and quick to alter
▪ Easy to imitate
▪ “Right” price is determined by customers
why pricing is key
No matter how good the product, how creative the promotion
or how efficient the distribution, unless price cover costs, the
company will make a loss.
▪ Undercharging → lost margin
▪ Overcharging → lost sales
▪ Both elements can affect firm’s profitability.
importance of pricing
▪ Pricing should be used as a strategic tool.
▪ It can help to achieve corporate and brand objectives without
necessarily cutting prices.
▪ Price is always set in relation to the other elements of the
marketing mix.
▪ Price is key to positioning → often, it sends quality cues to
pricing methods
- cost
- competition
- marketing
Cost-orientated Pricing
Price based on costs of production and other costs, plus a
reasonable return for the efforts and risks of the company
▪ Assumption
▪ Low cost → lower prices → more sales → more profits
▪ Two methods are normally used
▪ Full-cost pricing
▪ Direct- (or marginal-) cost pricing
Advantages cost oriented pricing
▪ Gives an indication of minimum
price needed to make a profit.
▪ Can be used with other methods –
acts as a constraint.
critics cost oriented pricing
Takes no account of customers’
willingness to pay.
▪ If followed strictly, leads to an
increase in price when demand
▪ Is illogical because a sales estimate
is made before a price is set.
▪ There may be problems in
allocating overheads
Direct-cost pricing Advantages
▪ Avoids problem of allocating
▪ Avoids ‘price up as demand down’
▪ Indicates lowest price at which it
is sensible to take business.
Direct-cost pricing critics
▪ When business is buoyant, gives
no indication of optimum price.
▪ Cannot be used in the long-term
because fixed costs need to
covered too.
Competitor-orientated Pricing
Price based on focusing on competitors rather than costs when
setting prices
▪ Two often used forms
▪ Going-rate pricing
▪ Competitive bidding
Going-rate pricing
▪ With no product differentiation,
producers are forced to accept the
going rate.
▪ In reality there is almost no situation
in which no differentiation occurs.
competitive bidding
The supplier will price according to
a specification drawn up by the
purchaser. Usually the supplier will
choose the lowest (most
competitive) price tendered.
▪ Statistical modelling has resulted in
the following basis for calculating
expected profits:
Expected profit =
Profit x Probability of winning
competitor based pricing - restrictions
Restricted in practice
▪ Difficult to express precise statistical probability
▪ Only in situations with medium to long term range
▪ Relies heavily on competitor information systems
Market-orientated pricing and strategy
The price of a product should be set in line with marketing strategy.
▪ The danger is to view price in isolation.
▪ Price should refer to other marketing decisions, such as positioning,
strategic objectives, promotion, distribution, and product benefits.
▪ The idea is to diminish customer confusion.
▪ Setting prices will depend whether is a new or an existing product
pricing new products
▪ The usual pricing objective for new products is to gain profitable market
▪ A key decision that marketing management faces when launching new
products is positioning strategy.
Implications for pricing new products:
1. Marketing management must decide on a target market and on the
extent of its differential advantage
2. Where multiple segments appear attractive, modified versions of the
product should be designed and priced differently in line with the
respective values that each target market places on the product.
conditions for skim pricing
- considarable differentiation
- quality sensitive customers
- sustainable advantage
- few competitors
- few substitutes
- difficult competitor entry
conditions for market penetration
- limited differentiation
- price sensitive customers
- no sustainable advantage
- many competitors and substitutes
Characteristics of high price market segments
Product provides high value
2. Customers have high ability to pay
3. Consumer and bill payer are different
4. Lack of competition
5. Excess demand
6. High pressure to buy
7. Switching costs
Conditions for charging a low price
Only feasible alternative
2. Market penetration or domination
3. Experience curve effect/low costs
4. Make money later
5. Make money elsewhere
6. Barrier to entry
7. Predation
Methods of estimating value
Trade-off analysis (also known as Conjoint Analysis)
▪ Experimentation
▪ Economic value to the customer analysis
▪ Frequent mistakes in pricing
▪ Dropping price too quickly
▪ Focusing too much on cost, rather than value
▪ Neglecting to change price based on market changes
▪ Setting price independent of rest of marketing mix
▪ Not sufficiently applying differentiated pricing
Distribution channel
= Marketing channel (of distribution)
▪ → The Place element of the Marketing mix
▪ = A group of interdependent organizations that together make
the product available to (end) users
▪ = All organizations through which product must pass between
point of production and final consumption
▪ = “Downstream” part of supply chain
Channel intermediaries
= The organizations that facilitate the distribution of products
to customers
▪ Usually organized in what is called a “supply chain”
▪ = The means by which the products are moved from producer
to final customer.
Functions of channel intermediaries
Basic question: to sell directly to the ultimate customer or to
use channel intermediaries such as retailers and wholesalers?
▪ Reconciling the needs of producers and consumers
▪ Improving efficiency
▪ Improving accessibility
▪ Providing specialist services
Reconciling the needs of producers and consumers
Manufacturers typically sell a
large quantity of a limited range
of goods
Consumers and business usually
want only a limited quantity of a
wide range of goods
Improving efficiency
The number of transactions between
three producers and three customers
is reduced by using one intermediary.
Direct distribution == 9 transactions
With an intermediary == 6 transactions
Distribution and selling costs/effort,
therefore, are reduced.
Improving accessibility
Major divides needed to be bridged
▪ Location gap: producers and customers are geographically
* Asian cars in Europe
* Riders delivering Restaurant meals at home
▪ Time gap: the distance between production and
buying/consumption moments.
Providing specialist services
Manufacturers are not always prepared/equipped to provide
specialist services.
▪ Intermediaries may be better prepared to
▪ Sell
▪ Provide service, credit, (extra) warranty
▪ Install/setup/configure
Multichannel distribution
Distribution may take many forms depending on the type of product,
size of organization and market.
▪ Distribution may be direct (manufacturer to consumer) or indirect
(through wholesalers, agents and retailers to the consumer)
▪ Examples of multichannel distribution include organization-specific
(high street) stores, other specialist retail outlets (e.g., Currys, PC World),
catalogue shops (Argos), agents, on-line retail stores (Amazon) and
organization-specific websites
How channel members add value
- Help to improve distribution efficiency
- Reduce the cost of distribution
- Have necessary infrastructure
- Facilitate the information transmission