10 oral cavity and nasal cavity Flashcards
the mouth cavity has two parts
1 vistibules : ext lips and cheek deided into sulci labial and buccal
2 oral cavity :space enclose by teeth
oral cavity proper
roof: hard and soft palate
floor :reflection of mm under tongue
ant: communicated vestibule
post:comunicateswith ororpharynx
oral cavity has two opening:
oral fissure-from vistibule to outside
oropharyngeal(isthmus) -from cavity to oropharynx
decidous teeth eruption :
20 teeth 5 in each quadrant
start at 6 months
fully erupted 2yo
first primary tooth eurapt lwer central insisor
mandebular earlier than maxillary euraption
permenant teeth eruption :
23 total 8 each quadrant
start erupt 6yo
finish eurption 12 yo
except third molar
first erupt lower central insisor
1st permenant tooth erupt first mola
gingiva of the tooth innervation
molars- buccle branch of v3
premolars and insisirs- mental branch of v3
tongue devided into two parts
muscular muscle coved with mm
oral part- ant2/3
pharyngeal part- post 1/3
1dorsum of the tongue contains of:
1 median fissure- fibrous septum
2 sulcus terminalis -v shaped sepe oral/pharyngial
3 foramen cercum- tip of v
the four types of lingual papillae:
1 filiform
2 fungiform
3 vallate 8-12 infront of sulcus terminalis
4 foliate on the sides
which libualpapillae type has no tast buds ?
smallest and numerous
lingual tonsil
on post 1/2 aggregation of lymph nodes
part of waldeyers ring
ventral surface of the tongues covered with:
lower part of tongue
smooth and thin mm
1 frenulum
2 deep ling a and v
3 fimberialed fold on the sides
intrinsic muscles of the tongue is
oraginat inthe same organ adn NOT ATTACHED TO BONE
superior longi
inferior longi
extrinsic muscles of the tongue is
4 muscles
what is the action of intrinsic longi muscle
alters shape of tongue
what is the actions of extrinsic muscles ?
palatoglossas- upword and backword styloglosssas- upword and backword
hyoglossas- depresses tongue
genoglossas- protrudes apex of tongue
what is the only muscle that isnot nerve supply by cn12 (hypoglossaL)?
(pharyngeal pluxus)
arteries blood supply to tongue:
lingual a- ant aspect of eca
tonsillar a -facial a eca
ascending pharyngeal a
Nasal septum formed by
formed from bone and cartilage
vomer bone
septal cartilage
nasal cavity devided into
1 vistibule :anterior aspect of nasial cavity
2 nasal conchae: sup mid inf
nasal conchae-bony of lateral bone
2 nasal conchae: sup mid inf
what is it ?
inferior meatus has -nasolacrimal duct
bony elivator from ethmoid bone
and benith each concha is a meatus (passage)
Spheno-Ethmoidal recessis?
Space ABOVE SUP concha
between sphenoid and ethmoid bone
**recieves sphenoid air sinuses
arteries of nasal cavity :
this area is rich in blood supply
1MAIN sphenopalatine a-maxil a
2 sup labial a
3 ethmoidal a -ICA
4 greater palatine a
INnervation of nasal cavity :
special sen- olfactory n 1
generalsen- max nv2 /opthalamic v1