10 Non Reactive Research Flashcards
reactive research techniques
people being studied are aware of that fact, experiments, survey research
nonreactive research techniques
the people being studied are not aware that they are part of a research project, based on positivist principles, aka non-obtrusive measures
erosion measures
selective wear is used as a measure, wear suggests greater use, physical traces
accretion measures
measures are deposits of something left behind which suggest a behaviour, physical traces
running records
regularly produced public records may reveal much, archives
other records
irregular/private records can reveal a lot, archives
external appearance
how people appear may indicate social factors, observation
count behaviours
counting how many people do something can be informative, obsrvation
time duration
how long people take to do things may indicate their attention
content analysis
a technique for gathering/analyzing the content of text, produces a quantitative description of the symbolic content in a text, cannot interpret the contents signifigance
words, meanings, pictures, symbols, ideas, themes, any message that can be communicated
anything written, visual, spoken that that serves as a medium for communication
coding system
a set of instructions/rules on how to systematically observe/record content from text
structured observation
systematic careful observation based on written rules
whether or not something occurs, and how often