10. Evolution and Natural Selection Flashcards
Evolution definition
is the change in genetic makeup of biological populations over successive generations
Changes in gene pools can be caused by :
- mutations
- environmental selection pressures
- genetic drift
- gene flow immigration
- artificial selection pressures
characteristics of mutations in DNA
- the only way new genetic material can be made
- almost always harmful to the individual
- can only be passed on if they happen in germ-line cells that make gametes
- can be very small mistakes ( a single DNA base) or very large ( part or whole chromosomes)
Definition of environmental selective pressures
select individuals best adapted to a specific environment, promoting their survival and passing on genes through natural selection
eg. competition for water, food and oxygen
changing temperature predation
population def
a group of organisms of the same species living in the same area
transmissible from parent to offspring (encoded in DNA)
Struggle (for survival)
the battle for organisms to survive and reproduce in their environment, caused by selective pressures and limited resources
advantageous phenotype
a biochemical, physical or behavioral trait that increases an individual’s fitness in its local environment
disadvantageous phenotypes
a biochemical, physical or behavioural trait that lowers an individual’s fitness in its local environment
fitness def
a measure of how well an organisms survives and reproduces on its environment
a group of interbreeding organisms that produce viable and fertile offspring in nature
natural selection def
is a mechanism for evolution where individuals best adapted to the selection pressures in their environment survive and pass on their alleles
Process of natural selection
- there is a physical, biochemical or behavioural variation in phenotypes between individuals in a popualtion
- This variation is heritable
- A specific selection pressure exists that causes a struggle for survival. Some individuals survive and reproduce better as they have an advantageous phenotype that helps them overcome the selection pressure
- Organisms with the ‘fitter’ or advantageous - phenotype pass their alleles onto the next generation. This changes the allele makeup of the population as the trait becomes more common
allele def
each of two or more alternative forms of a gene that arise by mutation and are found at the same place on a chromosome.
the set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment