10 Flashcards
Pupillary light reflex
The iris is a muscle that contacts and relaxes to control the amount fo light that enters the eye
Responds to change in lighting, motivation, stimulus etc.
Sensitive cells in the back of retina that traduce light energy into electrochemical signals
Process of vision from retina
Photoreceptors (rods and cones) synapse onto bipolar cells which are larger and receive synapses from multiple rods and cones.
Bipolar cells convey excitatory or inhibitory signals to ganglion cell. Ganglion cell receive synapses from multiple bipolar cells
Ganglion cell synapse onto axon and then through to brain if action potential is reached
Pigment epithelium
A layer of black tissue that absorbs any stray photons that pass through the cells layers and are not absorbed by the photoreceptors.
If the light molecule that was not absorbed continued to “bounce around” it would make vision blurry and fuzzy, pigment epithelium prevents this to keep vision as clear as possible
Reflecting tapetum
Found in animals (dogs, cats, lions), the reason why their eyes glow in response to light at night.
When molecules come into eye, they are not absorbed (pigment epithelium) but instead are “bounced back” giving the photoreceptors a second chance to absorb and react to the light molecules
Creates a visual system that is more sensitive and therefore able to be activated by lower light however during day is less precise
Photoreceptors distribution
Fovea: a very small area where only cones
Periphery: rich with rods however very small amount of cones present
Area of clear vision
About 1-2 degrees of visual angle in size (changes due to distance)
Mostly cones
Densely packed with photoreceptors
Why do we not see the world upside down?
Due to the lens of the eye, stimulus is upside down and left-right reversed onto the retina however objects are coded by neural activity (transduction) which allows us to see normally (not upside down)
Visual fields
Information that enters from the right side field is projected onto the left side of the retina and information from the left visual field is projected onto the right side of the retina
Process of vision from environment
- An image is detected on the right visual field and then projected onto the left side of the retina.
- From here this information is passed along the optic nerve (a bundle of axons coming from the ganglion cells passing out the back of the eyeball).
- Where the optic nerve enters from the back of the eye you are blind, there are no photoreceptors
- The left and the right side of the retinas is kept separate along the optic nerve
- Info converges and integrates at optic chiasm
- Processed at left hemisphere (for this example)
- Reaches superior colliculus and lateral geniculate nucleus for basic visual processing (considered relay stations)
- Info sent to occipital lobe at the back of the brain in the primary visual cortex
*150-200 milliseconds for this process
Primary visual cortex
- Visual information flows along two pathways (processing streams):
• The What (ventral) pathway is involved in determining what an object is.
• The Where (dorsal) pathway is involved in locating the object in space, following its movement and guiding movement towards it
Where pathway
Travels from the primary visual cortex (striate cortex) in the occipital lobe up to the parietal lobe
Processes information about locating an object in space and determining where the body is located in respect to the object - moving towards a table and raising hand to pick up a cup
What pathway
Travels to the temporal lobe
Analyses for shapes and angles, information such as colour
Involved in identifying what an object is - the fact that the object is a cup rather than picking it up
Stroke patients
(temporal lobe) When the what pathway is damaged they can identify where the object is and pick it up but cannot identify what the object is
(parietal lobe) When the where pathway is damaged they can identify what something is and it’s purpose but cannot guide themselves towards the object or identify where it is
Can be general or specific (everything or just faces)
Perceiving colour
What pathway - allows distinguishing between different objects
Information from just three kinds of cells must be integrated to produce the rich and varied sense of color humans can perceive
Young-Helmholtz (Trichromatic Theory)
Young-Helmholtz (Trichromatic Theory): Colour is explained by differential activation of three colour receptors in the eye.
• Accounts well for the color vision experience of people who are born missing one or more types of cones (colourblindness)
- If one type of cone is more activated than another, you are more likely to see that colour
*Processes in retina
Phenomena trichromatic theory cannot explain
after an image is displayed for an amount of time and then removed, you are able to see colours that were not present in the picture.
Trichromatic theory cannot explain visual after images and explain why we see different colours
Opponent processing theory
Colours are derived from 3 antagonistic systems (black-white, red-green, blue-yellow)
In line with trichromatic theory hole, where after being saturated with one colour (red), once the stimulus is removed the cell will fire the opposite from the pair (green)
Once the activated cell is fatigued from overstimulation - we see the opposite colour
*Processed later on in brain
An active process of transduction and perception
Translation of information from the environment
into neural signals
Bottom up processing
Perception is driven by sensory input from the outside world.
Top down information
Perception is driven by your knowledge, experiences and expectations
Adelson Figure
A checkerboard kind of pattern with a cylinder on top. Two squares are present, an optical illusion where the colours of the squares appear different however are the same colour when compared directly against each other
Bottom up processing: the cones signal there is two identical colours (sensation)
Top down processing: The brain takes the shadow created by the cylinder into account and prevents you from correctly perceiving the colours
Ponzo illusion
Where size seems to be different when images are displayed at different points along a background to create an illusion of difference in size
We perceive size through a combination of top down and bottom up processing
Rotating Mask Illusion
Where a theatre mask is rotated as if on a stick however we perceive it to rotate only so much and then it appears to change back to the starting (viewing) image not continue the rotation and be a new (wearing) image.
Regardless of whether we look at the concave (wearing) or convex (viewing), our brains interrupts the neural signals so we always see a protruding face - top down processing
Perception is influenced by
- Context
- Schemas: enduring knowledge structures
- Experienced
- learning
- Motives can influence perception (e.g.,
motive to avoid perceiving stimuli with unpleasant content).
Gestalt law
Law of proximity Law of similarity Law of good continuation Law of closure Law of familiarity Law of common fate - exemplify the way the brain organizes perceptual experience to reflect the regularities of nature
Law of similarity
Things that are similar are grouped together
Ex. grouping by colours into columns rather than dots
Law of proximity
Things near each other appear grouped together
Ex. grouping by some images being closer than others
Law of good continuation
Lines tend to be seen as following the smoothest path
Ex. seeing a coiled rope as one piece rather than multiple small strands
Law of closure
Every stimulus pattern completed such that any gaps are seen as a closed, complete, whole figure.
Ex. filling in the gaps to create shapes when they are not complete
Law of familiarity
Things are more likely to form groups if the groups appear familiar or meaningful
Ex. seeing faces
Law of common fate
Things moving in the same direction appear to be grouped together
- Reflect experience
- Used unconsciously
- Occasionally misleading
Depth and distance perception
Two kinds of information provide important information about depth and distance
- Binocular cues (visual input from two eyes)
- Monocular cues (Visual input from one eye)
Binocular depth cues
- Accommodation (Convergence & divergence of eyes)
- Retinal disparity: The differences between the two retinal images of the same scene (when closing one eye how the image differs)
Monocular depth cues
- Interposition (occlusion): one object blocks another / is in front of the other
- Linear perspective: lines converge appearing to be further away
- Texture gradient: Distant objects appear to be blurred and indistinguishable (viewing a sand dune, can see specific grooves close however cannot see further away)
- Shading: 3D objects cast shadows
- Arial perspective: Far objects are fuzzy and appear blue- tinted
- Familiar size: Familiar objects that appear small are inferred to be distant
- Relative size: The smaller of 2 objects is seen as further away
Perceptual constancies
- Colour constancy
- Shape constancy
- Size constancy
Colour constancy
Tendency to perceive object colour as stable, even under conditions of changing illumination
Shape constancy
We recognise an object as having the same shape although we may view it from a different angle, at a different distance (a door opening, we don’t perceive the shape of the door to have changed)
Size constancy
Objects do not differ in size when viewed from different distances (a door opening, we don’t perceive the size to change)
- “Face Blindness”
- Damage to the Fusiform Face Area
- Can recognise specific facial features (e.g., an overly large nose), but not a whole face
Motion blindness
• A neuropsychological disorder in which a patient cannot perceive motion in their visual field, despite being able to see stationary objects without issue.
• There are varying degrees of akinetopsia: from seeing motion as a cinema reel to an inability to discriminate any motion
• Caused by damage to the medial temporal lobe (area MT,
which is responsible for the perception of motion). Often due to acquired TBI