10/2c Healthcare Delivery Systems Part 1 (Integrated Care and Practice) Flashcards
delivery system is:
an interplay between access, cost, and quality healthcare
Healthcare access
Public Sector - federal, state, local
Private Sector - for profit, non for profit
examples of government sector healthcare
VA Medicare Medicaid Not competeing against each other Governed by las steps to go through to access more care health policies
examples of private sector healthcare
corporations nonforprofit small businesses capital banks money from investors shareholder/stakeholder/board of directors consumer cost sharing
out of pocket payments for consumer cost sharing
copayments and deductibles
Define copayment
flat fee/dollar amount that the person who is consuming the healthcare good or service has to pay in addition to the insurance payment
define deductible
how much the person consuming has to pay out of pocket before the insurance kicks in
- not a free market, so doesn’t depend on supply and demand
- the more that people are in the private sector, the more out of pocket payments will be there
define coinsurance
- reported in GCP (overall amount the country consumes in goods and services)
- consumption has increase a lot over time
healthcare financing - how are we giving money to healthcare?
- The flow of dollars (premiums and taxes) from individuals and employers to health insurance plan (private or government)
- Provider can get money in different ways:
1. OOP
2. Individual Private Insurance
3. Employment Based Private Insurance
health spending by major sources
- private = 34%
- medicare = 20%
- medicaid = 17%
at the end of the day, what is health insurance?
- provides a mechanism to distribute health care more in accordance with human need rather than exclusively on the basis of ability to pay
- funds are redistributed from the healthy to the sick, a subsidy that helps pay the costs of those unable to purchase their own
- private insurance is mainly experience rated and employer based
Government financing of health care
- social insurance model
- allows only those who have paid a certain amount of SS taxes to be eligible for part a and only those who pay a monthly premium receive benefits from part b
Original medicare
parts a and b
medicare advantage pans
part c = HMOs and PPOs
-approve by medicare, but run by private companies
medicare prescription drug coverage
part d
- formulary
- premium
- deductible
- co-pay
- brand
- coverage/gap
- large deductibles, copayments, and gaps in coverage caused medicare to only pay for 58% of the average beneficiary’s health care expenses in 2012
- medigap is supplemental private insurance coverage purchased by employers or beneficiaries
- public assistance model
- tax payers (those who contribute) may not be eligible for benefits
- state children’s health program
- Patient Driven Payment Model
- long term care centers being reimbursed for their patients
- nursing driven payment model
- the process of using data to evaluate the performance of health plans and health care providers against recognized quality standards
health policies
- public health policies are results of decisions made by an authoritative branch of government that are intended to influence the utilization of healthcare resources
- MOST > LEAST = communist > socialist > comprehensive > wellfare > entrepreneurial
Patient protection and affordable care act (ACA)
tried to increase access to more individuals through Medicaid expansion
Bundle payment systems
episode based payments
- fee for services reform towards a payment that rewards value rather than volume
- ends up being bad down the line, because they try to cut costs and avoid things they don’t deem “necessities”
Accountable Care Organizations
- groups of doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers who come together voluntarily to give coordinated high quality care to their medicare patients
- different types of ACOs
1. medicare shared savings program
2. advance payment aco model
3. pioneer aco model - they prove outcomes with their patients and are able to get bonuses