10/12 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Dobkin Flashcards
fx of individual interacting with their environment
want to consider:
- how does interaction with environment shape behavior?
- how does learning take place?
application of behavior → CBT seeks to supplant the experiences and learning that an individual has with new behavioral experiences/learning
process by which behavior is altered through environmental interaction
- relatively permanent change in an organism’s behavior due to experience
3 theories of learning
1. classical conditioning : learning based on associations
- ex. Pavlov’s dog
2. operant conditioning : learning based on consequences
- reinforcement (+ or - → end up INCR behavior)
- punishment (+ or - → end up DECR behavior)
3. social learning theory - learning based on some combo of associations, consequences, observations, cognitive mediation
cognitive behavioral therapy
evidence based psychotherapy
- based largely on Social Learning Theory
- incorporates Operant and Classical Cond heavily
targets thoughts and behaviors related to onset/maintenance of psychopathology
suitable for addressing a broad spectrum of psych concerns
principles behind CBT
there are multiple causal factors that INTERACT to produce a condition
- biological
- cognitive
- behavioral
goal of CBT is to affect C and B such that you’ll have spillover effects into the biological sphere
goal: replace thoughts that are unbalanced, disproportionate in our cognition/behavior and replace them with more approp ones such that the biological sphere is also altered for the better
1:1 CBT interventions
1. increasing meaningful and social activities
- volunteer work
- incr time with grandchildren
- painting/photography
2. exercise
3. problem solving for physical limitations
- pacing activities
- approp daily goals/less rigid demands
- plan around “off time”
4. anxiety management and relaxation
- breathing exercises
- progressive muscle relaxation
- guided visualization
- worry control
5. sleep hygiene
- using bed for sleep only
- relaxing before bedtime
- regular sleep hours
- limiting excess time in bed (no daytime naps, no cafeine/alc in evening)
goal: get people ACTIVATED → help them feel less hopeless, less depressed
thought monitoring and restructuring
involves rethinking the big picture stepwise
- catch negative thought
- press pause
- rewind
- replay
harnesses power of realistic thinking
→ multiple methods/techniques to get here
red flag thinking patterns
- mindreading (my symptoms make my friends uncomfortable)
- fortunetelling (I won’t enjoy it”
- labeling
- unfair comparisons
- what if
- catastrophizing
- emotional reasoning
- overgeneralizing
- “should”s
- all or nothing thinking
- blaming
- personalizing
- discounting the positive
look at slides

summary action of CBT
CBT works by providing new learning experiences that help to shape mood and behavior via intervening influence of thought