1. Units and Measures used in Stability Flashcards
Length on Load Waterline (LWL):
This is the distance along the hull at the level of the water from the FWD Perpendicular to the very aft when floating in the fully loaded condition.

Length Overall (LOA):
Is the extreme length of the vessel. Critical for choosing a berth but not used in stability.

Forward Perpendicular (FP):
The vertical line (perpendicular to the waterline) at the point where the forward edge of the stem touches the water when the vessel is floating at the Summer Load Water line.

After Perpendicular (AP):
The vertical line or line perpendicular to the waterline on the after side of the rudder post or the centre line of the rudder stock(if no rudder post fitted) where it touches the water line when the vessel is floating at her Summer Load Draft.

Length Between Perpendiculars (LBP):
The distance between the Forward (FP) and Aft Perpendiculars (AP)

The point midway between the forward and aft perpendiculars. The centre of the load line circle should indicate this position.

Moulded dimensions:
the inside measurement, taken from the internal side
of the plates
Beam or Breadth (B):
Measurement across ship at midships from the inside of the plating on each side.
Extreme Breadth (EB):
the maximum beam taken over all extremities.
Moulded Base Line:
line which passes through the upper edge of the keel
Define Depth (D):
Distance from the bottom of the keel to Freeboard Deck at the ship’s side.
Define Draught or Draft (d):
Distance from the bottom of the keel to the waterline.
Do not confuse D (Depth) and d (draft)!
Define Draught Datum Line:
The line which passes through the lowest point of the hull and is extended to the forward and after perpendiculars. This is the line from which the draught marks are measured.
Define Freeboard (FBD):
Vertical distance from the top edge of the Deck Line (Freeboard Deck) measured amidships to the waterline.
Or measured vertically from Water line to the Freeboard Deck or Weather deck.
Define Freeboard Deck:
Freeboard deck/ Weather deck and Main deck are all the same!
Upper most continuous deck to which all WT(watertight) bulkheads are carried., running from bow to stern.
Whole ship must be watertight below the freeboard deck.
Define Assigned Freeboard:
The Distance measured vertically in mm, from the upper edge of the deck line to the upper edge of the related load line.
Difference between Watertight and Weathertight
Watertight = A door, hatch or other means of closure is said to be watertight meaning that it will prevent water passing in either direction.
Weathertight = This is a similar means of closure and will prevent water entering the hull of the ship in the worst sea and weather conditions likely to be encountered by the ship in service. Water can pass in one direction only.
Reserve Buoyancy:
The measured, enclosed watertight volume between the waterline and the freeboard deck.
It can also be expressed as a percentage of the total volume of the vessel.
Why is it important and considered in the Load
Line Certificate calculations?
In a seaway the vessel will be hogged and sagged
with the passing of the waves. When sagged the vessel is displacing the same amount but with less buoyancy acting upon it. This can lead to the ship being
overwhelmed. The Reserve Buoyancy keeps the vessel safe from sinking.
Define Watertight and Weather tight:
Watertight is A door, hatch or other means of closure is said to be watertight meaning that it will prevent water passing in either direction.
Weathertight: This is a similar means of closure and will prevent water entering the hull of the ship in the worst sea and weather conditions likely to be encountered by the ship in service. Water can pass in one direction only.
Define Centreline:
Do not mix up between CL and Amidships.
CL is a line indicating the longitudinal plane cross-section along the length of the vessel through a point at half the beam.
Define the Sheer of a vessel:
The upward curvature of the vessel towards the bow and stern. This helps maintain freeboard when the vessel is pitching.
Define Gross Tonnage GT and Net Tonnage NT:
Gt is the Total Enclosed volume of the vessel.
NT is the GT - non revenue size (non money making volume of the ship)
Define Light Displacement, Load Displacement, Deadweight Tonnage and Displacement:
Light Displacement is the total weight of an empty ship at summer load line.
Load displacement is the weight of ship and everything on it at summer load line.
Deadweight Tonnage is the max weight of everything on ship when floating at summer load line, excluding the weight of the ship. DWT = Load - light.
Displacement is the weight of the ship and everything on it at any draught.
Outline the main diference in requirements for Damage Stability required by a ship under the SOLAS Convention and the REG-YC Convention;
SOLAS / Load line convention
- Must Remain Afloat
- 2 or more watertight compartments flooded allowed.
Red Ensign Group - YC
- Only 1 watertight compartment allowed to flood.
Draw an All Seasons Load Line set up.
Plimsol Mark with Fresh water mark and deck line.

Draw a Standard Load line set up
Standard load line includes Plimsol Mark with the following marks;
Tropical Fresh
Winter North Atlantic