1. The role of Internet in Tourism Flashcards
Information & Communication technology
Information Technology
enhancing the entire range of business processes by ICT tools
digitalization of all process & value chains in the Tou industries
Network of networks, linking computers sharing TCP / IP transmission control protocol / Interent protocol: a standard protocol used to send and receive data
1969: connection between UCLA and the Stanford Research institute
1971: first virus
1978: 400 users
1994: altervista
1995: Internet explorer, eBay, Amazon
1997: instant messenger
1998: 1 million users
2004: FB, Mozilla
2005: 1 Billion users
2012: 2.4 Billion
Interent Users in the World
ASIA 1 bill Europe 500 mio LA + Caribbean 320 mio North America 310 mio Africa 300 mio Middle East 111 mio Oceania 26.8 mio
World interent penetration rates (% of habitants)
North America Oceania Europe LA / Car Middle east, Asia Africa
More that 50% of population don’t have internet connection
CH 80/85% hare connected
Interent usage. Projection
is going to growth
Double in the newt 3 years (petabytes)
information sources used when make a decision about travel plans
- Recommendation of friends, colleagues or relatives
- Internet websites
- Personal experience
- Travel agencies / Tou Office
- Free catalogues
- Magazines
- Social Media sites …
What use people to arrange holiday?
interent (58%) someone you know (22%) travel agency (22%) phone (18%) ....
people spend on average 7 hours for arrange holiday and visit 13 website.
ITC Advantages
Cost leadership
Product differentiation
ITC Advantages - Cost leadership
Reduce cost of precesses, customer, supplier
increase cost efficiency
ensure competitive pricing
ITC Advantages - Product differentiation
Unique product, added value (UPS unique selling proposition)
Differentiate product or services
ITC Advantages - Focus
ITC-enhanced segmentation and targeting
Develop relationship marketing
aim to develop mini market segments
create niche markets
(miles & more not possible if no internet)
ITC Advantages - Time
Timely solution
Maximize interaction and reduce response time
Enable just in time initiative, reducing stock / distribution costs
(you can see availability in hotel)
Closed net worlds within organization or individual department
enable organization to improve internal management at all levels
integrate internal function and maximize efficiency
Share data and processes
= Intranet with partners
allows parents to interact electronically
empower co-operation between parents
enable a certain degree of transparency and interactivity
Intranet vs Extranet
Intranet is a “Closed” network within organization. Extranet is a network among partners