(1) Self Flashcards
What are the theories of human behaviour?
Behavioural sciences
Management / business
What does SELF mean in patient safety?
Level of knowledge and expertise
Capacity to do the job
Who we are our self factors
What does CONTEXT mean in patient safety?
Working equipment Physical environment Too busy - lack of time Distractions, interruptions, handovers Roles and responsibilities Team support Communication Culture
What does TASK mean in patient safety?
Cognitive and action processes that must take place logically and methodologically (in a planned way)
Systems and processes in place to help the work - taking observations etc.
What are the acronyms for managing stress in clinical practice?
IMSAFE = illness, medication, stress, alcohol, fatigue
HALT = hungry, angry, late, tired
Define stress
State of the individual (fatigue, lack of knowledge, negative life events, unwell, experiences)
And how our brains process our perceptions