1] Occupational Medicine Flashcards
4 components according to Fillingim et al
1- stress and negative affectivity
2- global psych and somatic Sx
3- passive pain coping
4- active pain coping
16 items, scored 0-6 (worst)
2 subscale = activity and work
5 Waddell signs
1 = superficial and widespread tenderness or nonanatomic tenderness 2= stimulation tests: axial loading and pain on simulated rotation 3= distracted SLR 4= non-anatomic sensory changes 5= over-reaction
1- superficial and widespread tenderness or nonanatomic tenderness
Skin discomfort on light palpation or tenderness crossing over non-anatomical boundaries
2- stimulation tests: axial loading and pain on simulated rotation
Eliciting pain when pressing down on top of the pts head or rotating shoulders and pelvis together th should not be painful
3- distracted SLR
If they complain of pain during SLR but not at another time when the PT isnt “testing”
4- non-anatomic sensory changes
Regional sensory changes and weakness
- sensory loss in an entire extremity or side of body
- or weakness that is non-consistent and jerky
- “cogwheeling” (early Sx in PD)
5 - overreaction
Exaggerated response to pain thats not reproduced when given later
Rule of Waddells sign
If more than 3/5 are present, then theres high chance that the pain is non-organic
Work conditioning points
Single discipline model
Work conditioning exam and eval form
Physical conditioning and functional activities
4 hour sessions
Work hardening points
Multidisciplinary model
Work hardening exam and eval
Real work activities
8 hour sessions
Sedentary work
Up to 10 lbs
Light work
20 pounds
Medium work
20-50 lbs
Heavy work
50-100 pounds
Very heavy work
More than 100 pounds
Formula to determine task difficulty
Multiply # (how hard task is) by the # (how often its done)