1. Lecture: TAPEWORMS: Anoplocephalidosis, horse tapeworm Flashcards
hosts for horse tapeworms (ANOPLOCEPHALA SPP.) ?
FH: horse , donkey
IH: forage mite
how is parasite transmitted to final host?
ingestion of cysticercoids in mites
where is adult parasite located in FH?
A. magna : small intestine (stomach )
P.mamillana: small intestine
A.perfoliate: terminal ileum, caecum, ileocecal junction/valve
morphology: eggs?
pear-shaped embryophore with/without protrusions?
symptoms of mild and severe infection?
-light; no CS
-heavy: GIT disturbances, diarrhea, anemia, COLICS
when is number of tapeworms highest in small intestine?
winter and early spring
what are different methods used to diagnose tapeworms in horsE?
eggs>faeces flotation method
adults and proglottids>necropsy or faeces In fall
antibodies to specific antigen>ELISA
radiology>intestinal obstruction
rectal examination > firm mass in ileocecal region
is faecal flotation method reliable?
negative sample NOT reliable
what good practices would you recommend to owner to reduce reinfection?
pick up and dispose manure regularly, do not spread manure on fields, compost it away from pasture, keep number of animals on pasture to minimum, foals separately from adults, use feeder for hay and grain rather than feeding on ground