1: Introduction to the GI System Flashcards
Where does the peritoneal cavity lie?
Between the parietal and visceral layers of peritoneum
What does the peritoneal cavity contain? (2 things)
NO ORGANS Peritoneal Fluid
What absorbs the peritoneal fluid
Lymphatic vessels on the interior surface of the diaphragm
What’s the difference between the male and female peritoneal cavity?
Males: cavity completely closed Females: Cavity open to exterior of body through uterine tubes, cavity and vagina
Why are females more prone to infection? (to do with peritoneal cavity)
Because peritoneal cavity open to exterior of the body
What does the parietal peritoneum line?
Internal surface of abdominal wall
What does the visceral peritoneum line? (2 things)
Stomach Intestines
What do both layers of the peritoneum consist of?
Mesothelium - layer of simple squamous epithelial cells
What is between the parietal peritoneum and the muscular layer of the abdominal wall?
Extraperitoneal tissue
What allows for the considerable change in size of the bladder and rectum?
The extraperitoneal tissue only being attached to the parietal peritoneum LOOSELY
Where is the extraperitoneal tissue most dense and most firmly adherent?
Behind the linea alba on inf surface of diaphragm (basically centrally right underneath diaphragm)
Is the parietal peritoneum sensitive to pressure / pain / heat / cold and laceration? And why / why not?
Yes - pain well localised Because served by the SAME blood, lymphatic, and somatic nerve supply as region of wall it lines
Why does the appendicitis pain shift from dull middle pain to sharp over the appendix?
The appendicitis has got worse and touched the parietal peritoneum inflaming it, localising the pain
Is the visceral peritoneum sensitive to pressure / pain / heat / cold and laceration? And why / why not?
No - pain poorly localised Because served by the SAME blood, lymphatic, and somatic nerve supply as organs it covers
Where is pain in the visceral peritoneum referred to?
Dermatomes of spinal ganglia
What is a mesentry and why does it occur?
Double layer of peritoneum Occurs as a result of invagination of peritoneum by an organ
What does a mesentry consist of?
Continuity of the visceral and parietal peritoneum
What does a mesentry connect intraperitoneal organs to?
Body wall (usually posterior abdominal wall)
What is the greater omentum and where is it?
4 layered peritoneal fold Hangs down like apron from greater curve of stomach Then folds back up to ant surface of transverse colon and its mesentry
What does the lesser omentum connect the stomach to?
Portal triad (Part of a hepatic lobule containing: hepatic artery, hepatic portal vein, and bile ducts)
What is the lesser omentum and what does it
2 layered peritoneal fold Connects lesser curve of stomach and proximal part of duodenum to –> liver
What is a peritoneal ligament?
Double layer of peritoneum that connects an organ with another organ / abdominal wall
What are the peritoneal ligaments of the liver and what do they connect it to? (3 ligaments)
- Falciform - ant abdominal wall 2. Hepatogastric - stomach 3. Hepatoduodenal - duodenum
What are the peritoneal ligaments of the stomach and what do they connect it to? (4 ligaments)
- Hepatogastric - liver 2. Gastrophrenic - inf surface of diaphragm 3. Gastrosplenic - spleen 4. Gastrocolic - transverse colon
What is the top right section of the abdomen called?
Right hypo-chondriac region
What is the top middle section of the abdomen called?
Epigastric region
What is the top left section of the abdomen called?
Left hypo-chondriac region
What is the middle middle section of the abdomen called?
Umbilical region
What is the middle right section of the abdomen called?
Right lumbar region
What is the middle left section of the abdomen called?
Left lumbar region
What is the bottom right section of the abdomen called?
Right iliac region
What is the bottom middle section of the abdomen called?
Hypogastric region
What is the bottom left section of the abdomen called?
Left iliac region
What is the transverse mesocolon?
Mesentry of the transverse colon
What does the transverse mesocolon divide?
The abdominal cavity into: 1. Supracolic Compartment (above it) 2. Infracolic Compartment (below it)
What does the supracolic compartment contain? (3 things)
Stomach Liver Spleen
What does the infracolic compartment contain? (3 things)
Small intestine Ascending colon Descending colon
Where is anterior to the infracolic compartment?
Greater omentum
What divides the infracolic compartment into left and right infracolic spaces?
Mesentry of small intestine
What are on the lateral sides of the ascending and descending colons?
Paracolic Gutters
What do the paracolic gutters allow?
Free communication between surpracolic and infracolic compartments
What is the greater sac made up of?
Supracolic and infracolic compartments

Where is the lesser sac?
Post to stomach and lesser omentum

What is the superior recess of the lesser sac?
Where it cuts off at the top, at the diaphragm and coronary ligament of liver

What is the inferior recess of the lesser sac?
Where it cuts off at the bottom, at the sup parts of the layers of the greater omentum

How do the greater and lesser sac communicate?
Through omental foramen

What is the right subphrenic space?
Space between diaphragm of right lobe of liver Common site of fluid collection after right sided abd inflamm.
What is the right subphrenic space bounded by?
Bounded on left by falciform ligament Bounded post by upper layer of coronary ligament
What is the left subphrenic space?
Space between the diaphragm and left lobe of liver Bigger than right bc liver is on right Even bigger if spleen removed
What is the left subphrenic space bounded by?
Bounded to right by falciform ligament Bounded post by ant layer of left triangular ligament
What is the recto-uterine pouch? (Pouch of Douglas)
Where peritoneum passes from rectum down to post vaginal fornix, then back up to uterine cervix and body
What is the vesico-uterine pouch?
Where the peritoneum passes down from the uterine fundus and then up towards the bladder
What is the recto-vesical pouch?
In males, where the peritoneum passes from rectum down to the seminal vesicles then up to the bladder
What is the mesentry of the small intestine?
Fan shaped fold connecting jejunum and ileum to post abdominal wall
What is the root of the mesentry and where is it?
The parietal border of the mesentry attached to the small intestine 15cm from duedojejunal flexture on left side of L2, diagonally to ileocaecal junction (small and large intestine junction)

What does the root of the mesentry cross? (6 things)
2nd and 3rd parts of duodenum Abd aorta IVC R ureter R psoas major muscle R gonadal artery
What is the sigmoid mesocolon?
Peritoneal fold attaching sigmoid colon to pelvic wall
What shape is the sigmoid colon?
Inverted V, with apex at division of L common iliac artery
Where do the limbs of the sigmoid colon pass?
L limb descends medial to L psoas major muscle R limb passes into pelvis to end in midline at level of S3
What vessels run in between the layers of the sigmoid mesocolon?
Sigmoid and sup rectal vessels L ureter descends into pelvis behind SM apex