1: History of HCI Flashcards
What are the input and output of past, present and future interfaces?
input: keyboard, mouse, light pen, punch cards, command line
output: printout from printer
input: voice commands, touch screens
output: monitor, speaker
future: brainwaves, holograms, full virtual reality, eye implants
What is the memex?
a device in which an individual store all his books, records communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility. It is an enlarged intimate supplement to his memory.
What is the metaphor or conceptual model of the memex?
Conceptual model of memex: Books, records, communications, extended memory.
Users will be able to click on “associative indexes” in the memex to link two items or records together
What current day concepts did the memex inspire?
hyperlinks and hypertexts
What is similar or different about these current day concepts compared to the memex?
contains more functionality in the sense that on top of storing information, games can be played on the device etc
What is a tab, pad and board?
Tab: wearable centimeter-sized devices, phones, smartwatch
Pads: hand-held decimeter-seized devices, iPad, tablets
Boards: Metre sized interactive display devices, smart TV, digital billboards, computers
What current day concepts did Weiser’s ideas inspire?
phones, wearable technology, ipad tablets, smart tvs, laptops
What are possible future interfaces that could be developed?
What is the Reality-Virtuality (RV) Continuum?
It is the range of completely real to completely virtual. Scales accordingly (from reality to virtuality) to:
real environment –> augmented Reality –> Augmented virtuality –> virtual environment
Give an example of a device in RE, AR, AV, VE
RE: Phones, laptop, tv
AR: holo lens
AV: idk
VE: htc vive
Give an example of a device in each of the 7 classes
monitor-based video displays
optical see-through HMD
Video see-through HMD
Monitor based Av system
immersive, partially immersive AV shows 3D
partially immersive AV that allows real object interaction
What is the taxonomy for mixing real and virtual worlds?
mixed reality