1. Fitness & Wellness Flashcards
What is wellness?
The condition of the human organism consisting of its health/disease status and risk potential.
What is physical fitness?
The condition of the body that enables an individual to use his/her body in activities requiring: Muscular strength; Muscular endurance; Cardiovascular endurance; Flexibility; Agility; Power; Speed; without undue experience of fatigue and exhaustion.
What are the two categories of physical fitness?
- Functional and Health Related Fitness: Cardiovascular Fitness or Endurance, Flexibility, Muscular Endurance, Muscular Strength, Body Composition
- Motor Fitness: Agility, Anaerobic Power, Explosive Leg Strength or Power
What components are the underlying physical factors in performing the essential tasks of law enforcement?
Functional and Motor Fitness
What does the wellness pyramid consist of?
Self-Responsibility (Cap) Stress Management Tobacco Cessation Weight Control Proper Nutrition Regular Exercise (Foundation)
What makes up the foundation of the wellness pyramid?
Regular Exercise and Proper Nutrition
What is the cap that holds down all the other areas in the wellness pyramid?
Police officers have a higher incidence of what stress-related disorders?
What is the health profile of law enforcement professionals as an occupational group?
What are the three fuel nutrients essential for a proper diet?
- Carbohydrates
- Fats
- Protiens
What are the three non-fuel nutrients essential for a proper diet?
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Water
What are the two types of cholesterol?
- HDL cholesterol which is considered “good cholesterol” and helps to carry cholesterol to the liver
- LDL cholesterol which is the “bad cholesterol” that tends to clog arteries
What are vitamins?
Organic substances essential for metabolism, growth and development
What are minerals?
Inorganic substances needed in very small quantities
What is the recommended water intake?
Drink 6-8 (8 ounce) glasses of water each day - more if you are exercising
What are the types of stress?
- Eustress: Good Stress
- Distress: Bad Stress
- Acute: Short-term with quick resolution
- Chronic: Prolonged or Cumulative
What is stress?
The natural reaction of the mind and body to a demand placed on it - pleasant or unpleasant
What is Critical Incident Stress (CIS)?
Heavy duty stress that causes psychological and physical discomfort for 2 days to 1 month, incident specific
What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
Creates major distress and long lasting disruptive changes in a person’s life, similar to CIS but symptoms are prolonged past 1 month
What is stress external to agency?
- Frustration with the judicial system
- Lack of consideration by courts for scheduling officer appearances
- Perceived lack if public support
- Negative or distorted media coverage of policing
- Officers dislike of the decisions and interests of city council, county commissioners, or legislatures
What is stress internal to agency?
- Policies that are offensive to officers
- Poor training and inadequate career development opportunities
- Lack of identity and recognition for good performance
- Poor economic benefits, working conditions, and equipment
- Excessive paperwork
- Inconsistent discipline
- Perceived favoritism regarding promotions and assignments
What is cynicism?
The practice of always looking for what is wrong in people; the “us vs. them” mentality
What are family and personal stressors?
- Marital
- Children
- Parents
- Financial
What are the three basic approaches to stress management?
- Avoid
- Alter
- Adapt/Accept
What are the five phases of transition after a traumatic event?
- Denial: Refuse to believe
- Anger: “had to happen to me”
- Bargaining: “take back the bullet”
- Depression: Often the longest
- Acceptance: “gets over”
What percentage of officers have serious alcohol problems?
What percentage of officers have serious drug problems?