1. Final Project - Specifications Flashcards
project manual
a bound book containg all the contract and nonctract documents for a construction project, except drawings
includes specificiations
the project manual is divided in 4 major parts
1) bidding requirements
2) parts of the contract
3) the general and supplementary conditions of the contact
4) the technical specifications
what are the contents of bidding requirements in a project manual?
- invitation to bid
- prequalification forms
- instructions to bidders
- information available to bidders
- bid forms
supplements to bid forms include:
- bid security form
- subcontractor list
- subsititution list
what are the contents of contract forms in a project manual?
- Agreement (contract between owner and contractor)
- Performance bond
- Labor and materials payment bond
- Certificates of insurance
Conditions of the contract:
- General conditions of the contract
- Supplementary conditions
Technical specs and drawings are complementary. How so?
Drawings show general configuration and layout of building components, along with general notes to explain graphics
Techincal specs describe the quality of materials and workmanship along with general requirements for the execution of the work, standards, and other items that are more appropriately described in written, rather than graphic, form
what is one method of ensuring that wirtten techincal specifications contain requirements for all the mateirals and construction idicated on the drawings?
-the use of a common checklist between spec writer and project manager
when there is a conflict between the drawings and the specifications, which is more binding in the case of conflicting information
written specifications
what are the four areas of concern when coordinating informatioin between drawings and techincal specs?
1) specs should contain all the materials and construction indicated on the drawings
2) the terminology used in both documents should be the same
3) dimensions and thicknesses should only be indicated on one document
4) notes on the drawings should not describe methods of installation or material qualities; these belong in the specs
When incorporating the mechanical engineer’s spcifications into the project manual, the architect should establish all of the following except the
a. exact numbering system of the specifications
b. type of header and footer used on each page
c. content of each specification section
d. page layout of the specification
c. content of each specification section
The architect is responsible for developing the overall format and appearance of the project manual and the specification section. Each consultant is responsible for the conent of their respective specifications
Which of the following would not be in a project manual
a) bid log
b) subsurface soil conditions report, noted “for information only”
c) sitework specification
d) bid bond form
a) bid log
a bid log is ued by the architect to record the bids as they are opened and to help the owner evaluate them. It is never included in the project manual
- a subsurface soil conditions report would not be part of the contract documents, but may be included in the project manual and be designated “for information only”
- a sitework spec is one of the technical section and would be included in the manual,
- bid bond would be included in the manual;considered to be a bidding document , not part of contract documents
master specification
- a prewritten test that includes the majority of requirements for a particular specification section
- edited by deleting uneccessary portions, and adding particular information related to project at hand
Project Specifications
Developed for a specific project
Model Specifications
Specific and similar kinds of projects - minimal editing
Outline or Preliminary Specifications
During design - appearance, texture & other criteria
two broad categories of specificatoins
1) prescriptive / proprietary
2) performance
base bid with alternates
- type of spec that calls out a propietary product but allows the substitution of other products that the contractor thinks are equal to the one stated
- dangerous method of specifying because contractor may substitute a less expensive item that he or she thinks is equal but is actually not
two variation of base bid specs
1) list several apporved manufacturers of a product
- contractor is free to bid on any one listed
- satisfies the requirement for public work where at least 3 manufacturers must be listed
- burden is on architect to make sure all options are equal
2) base bid with approved equal language
- states that one product or an approved equal must be used
- contractor may propose and substitution but it must be apporvied by architect
- burden on contractor for finding a substitution
- burden is also placed on architect to fairly and accurately evaluate proposed substituions from contracto
- spec must clearly state how much lead time the contractor must give the architect and how alternates will be evaluated
why are descriptive specs more difficult to write?
-architect must include all the pertitnent requirements for the construction and installation of the product
Which of the following types of specs would probably NOT be used to specify asphalt shingles?
a. descriptive
b. base bid with “approved equal” language
c. reference standard
d. base bid with alternates
d. base bid with alternates
base bid with alternates is not apporpriate because this type of spec would leave too much to the discretion of the contractor without provision for review by the architect
- there are many different types of shingles available and this type of spec may leave the owner open to use of an inferior product
- a better spec would be the base bid with approved equal language
Prescriptive Specifications:
Describes the means and methods for achieving the desired result, but without stating the result.
- Descriptive (Open) Spec: used in competitive bidding, and does not give level of control in closed spec.
- Describe characteristics, materials, finishes, workmanship, and fabrication of products without stating individual trade or manufacturer’s names required.
- Consensus Spec: written agreement on certain materials, testing procedures that conform to criteria developed and recognized by the public or authority.
- When referenced, the standard becomes part of the spec.
- Proprietary (Closed) Spec: does not allow for substitution, and typically used to control aesthetics, function, and quality.
- Identify name, model number, finish type, and submittal requirement.
• Desirable only when there is no practical way to specify a unique product by performance or consensus. Minimum of three brand names of comparable quality. Div 1 allows approved alternatives - process of getting approval required.
Prescriptive Method
- Detailed statement of products, materials, or systems and their installation requirements
- It is a GENERIC description, no product or names or reference to standards
Ex: a 26 ga pre-finished sheet metal flashing
Who’s primarily responsible for prescriptive specifications?
BUT architect’s potential liability is increased because he assumes responsibility for performance.
State: “complete all work in accordance with the manufacturer’s written instructions and specifications”
describe open specs and name the types of open specs?
- Several (3-5) appropriate material/product/systems are given and the contractor can use any of them, or suggest his own if he can prove the performance and quality is equal.
- used when you have a public job and/or want competitive bidding.
- responsibilites lie in the hands of the contractor for performance. They can submit substitution requests for approval during bidding, or risk it getting rejected during shop drawings/ inspection.
types include: despcriptive, reference, performance
descriptive spec is
a type of open spec.
- they outline the final results desired but do not specifically tell the contractor what materials to use
- descriptive specs require the architect to list all of the desired characterisitcs of the material and put the onus on the contractor to find a product that will satisfy the requirements
- difficult to write because of the level of detail that must be included to ensure that an apporpriate product is chosen
who’s primarily responsible for descriptive specs?
The architect assumes total responsibility for the function and performance of a product.
descriptive spec
- type of open spec
- All components of products, their arrangement and methods of assembly, physical and chemical properties, arrangement and relationship of parts, and numerous other details and requirements are described.
- The most detailed of all specifications to be used when the architect is certain the assembled product will function properly.
when should proprietary specs be used?
You or the owner want to see something specific, because you want it, or know it will work best for the application (eg: Owner wants the same window to match the rest on the existing house)
which spec is most restrictive
proporietary sepcs
- give architect complete control of what is installed
- do not allow for competitive bidding
- easier and shorter to write
- burden is on the specifier who must call out products that meet code requirements and within budget
Performance Specifications:
Describes required work results, verifiable as meeting stipulated criteria and free of unnecessary process limintations.
Performance specifications are numbered and titled by UniFormat, NOT Master Format.
Performance Method
- tell what results the final construction assembly should achive
- give contractor some choice in how they will be achieved
- Specifier choses what is needed to comply with the requirements of the project, rather than describing how it is to be built.
- Comply with testing = performance spec
Ex: Windows: to CAN/CSA - A440
- Type: projected: top projected with triple glazing*
- Classification Rating : Air tightness A3, Water tightness B5, Wind load resistance : C2*
when should a performance spec be used?
-You don’t have a manufacture preference and the contractor can competitively bid
performance spec
- used when specifier wants to encourage new ways of achieving a particular end result
- example: a movable partition system could be specified by stating its required fire rating, acoustical properties, finish, max thickness, required size
- difficult to write because they require specifier to know all the criteria, state the methods for testing compliance, and be prepared for cost concequences
who is priamarily responsible for performance specifications?
Contractor fully responsuble,
but architect needs more research
reference standard spec
- type of open spec
- Like an open spec, but items have to meet specific testing authority requirements (UL, ASTM, ANSI)
- easy to write
- chances for error are reduced and liability is minimized
- burden is on architect to know what is in the standard and how to refer to the appropriate part of the standard if it includes more provisions than are needed for the job
when should a reference standard spec be used?
-You want or need things to conform to requirements.
-who is primarily responsible for a reference standard spec?
a reference standard spec is
a type of open spec
- simpler to write than descriptive specs
- refers to industry standards to deine the desired characteristics of materials and installation items
Non-restrictive Specifications:
Combination of performance and prescriptive specifications.
cash allowance spec
-A dollar amount decided upon by the architect/owner, and to be set aside for a product/system that hasn’t been totally designed or figured out yet. This portion of the bid will be equal for all bidders.
when should a cahs allowance spec be used?
-You don’t know exactly what you want to use, but know about how much you want to spend on it (eg: casework)
who’s primarily responsible for a cahs allowance spec?
-Contractor/Owner. The specific product/system is chosen should be the allowance price. Issue a CO for any amount +/- the bid amount as required
an architect is writing specifications for a small clothing boutique. the architect has worked closely with the talented owner and fashion deisgner to plan an intricately detailedtile floor for the main showroom. The designer wishes to use a type of marble she saw installed in a friend’s home in Rome. Which type of specification is more apporpriate
a. prescriptive
b. proprietary
c. descriptive
d. reference standard
b. proprietary
A proprietary spec would be appropriate in this situation because it would give the architect the most control over the product provided and installed by the contractor.
- the architect and owner would have the opportunity to select the products they want to use for the floor and would refer to those specific products in the spec.
- a proprietary spec is a type of closed, or prescriptive spec
What should you avoid specifying if you have specified the results of a material or assembly?
The method of install, may cause conflict and expose arch to risk.
For what materials must the architect provide a spec?
All materials on drawings.
what are the 2 main area of a projects specifications where sustainability issues are addressed?
1) division 01: general requirements
2) all individual sections that cover specific material and construction elements
3 keys to writing good specs
must be
1) clear
2) complete
3) unambiguous
A specification section written following the recommendations of the Construction Specifications Institute would include all of the following sections EXCEPT
a. administration
b. exectution
c. general
d. products
a. administration
The three part specifciations format developed by the CSI and Construction Specifications Canada (CSC) includes sections entitled General, Products, and Exectution
A contractor under a fixed-price construction contract has allowed the electrical subcontractor to install lighting fixtures other than those stated in the contract documents. The electrical subcontractor and the contractor both believe the substituted fixtures to be of equal value. The construction is substantially completed [substantially performed] and the architect rejects these fixtures. According to AIA Document A201,
General Conditions, which of the following is true?
a) The architect must accept the lighting fixtures as installed without a cost credit to the owner.
b) The architect must accept the lighting fixtures as installed but with a cost credit to he owner.
c) The contractor is required to replace the lighting fixtures with the fixtures specified without reimbursement.
d) The contractor must replace the lighting fixtures with the fixtures specified but is entitled to reimbursement for labor costs for the replacement.
c) The contractor is required to replace the lighting fixtures with the fixtures specified without reimbursement.
What type of specification is the following:
Hangar anchorage devices: size for 3x calculated loads, except size direct-pull concrete inserts for 5x calculated loads
performace specification
the spec simply states how the hangar anchorage devices must perform; that is, they must support a certain amount of weight
What type of specification is the following:
Hangar wire: ASTM A641, soft, Class 1 galvanized, prestretched; sized in accordance with ASTM C754
reference spec
-refers to a specific industry standard spec
What type of specification is the following:
Ceiling main runners: 1.5” steel channels, cold rolled
descriptive spec
=describes various qualities (size, material, and method of fabrication) of the ceiling runner
a perfomance specification
a) allows innovation by the contractor
b) requires more work by the architect
c) is not apporpriate for normal building products
d) all of the above
d) all of the above
- performance specs let the contractor, material supplier, and fabricator decide how best to supply the required building component
- although performance specification are detailed, there are many ways to satisfy them
- they are more difficult to research, write, and review, so there is more work for the architect
- for ordinary materials, there is usually no need to write performance specs because the requirements are so well established in the construction industry
Which of the following are likely to occur if the drawings and specifications are not thoroughly coordinated? (choose four)
a. a decrease of the actual cost from the estimated cost because the constractor bid on a less expensive material shown on the drawings, although the same material was called out as more expensive type in the specs
b. the immediate filing of a lawsuit
c. the need for a change order dring construction, to account for modificiations required to correct discrepancies in the two documents
d. a delay in construction
e. an increase in cost because the contractor bid the least expensive choice between two conflicting requirements when the client wanted the more expensive option
f. the architect may be held financially responsible for the omission
- it is commonly believed that specs take precedence over the drawings
- conflicts in the documents can be corrected with an addendum prior to bidding or negotiation or by change order or construction change directive after the construction contract is signed
Which of the following statements about specifications are true? (Choose 2)
a. both narrowscope and broadscope section can be used in the same project manual
b. drawings are more binding than specs if there is a conflict
c. specs show quality; drawings show quantity
d. proprietary specs encourage competitive bids
e. specs should not be open to interpretation if they are the “base bid with alernates” type
f. proprietary specs are the most difficult for an architect to write
the specs for a project state that all custom built casewrok comply with the AWI Quality Standards. Of which type of specification is this an example of?
reference spec
- it requires a material or product to comply with the requirements of an independent testing lab
- short and easy to write but require knowledge of which standards best apply
What is the Uniformat organizational structure.
3 levels of increasingly detailed information subdivided into 3 elements of the building:
A - Substructure
B - Shell
C - Interior
What are the 3 component parts of a spec section in CSI (SectionFormat) format
- General – What’s covered/the scope, related sections (ie: door section would reference door hardware section), quality control, required submittals (if applicable), guarantees, warranties.
- Materials – The materials, products, and equipment to be used (can list multiple options if an open spec)
- Execution – Instruction how to install the products and perform the work.
MasterFormat is subdivided into a hierarchy, list the 4 main organizational structures.
- DIVISIONS (Level 1)
- SECTIONS (Level 2)
- PARTS 1.General 2.Products 3.Execution
- ARTICLES major subjects comprised of paragraphs
Example: 04 43 13 - Marble Veneer Cladding
Division 04 = Masonry
Section 43 = Veneer Cladding
13 = Specific Product
What is the NMS and who produces it?
aka ‘Deletion Spec’
NMS = National Master Specification
- Library of construction specification sections written in contract spec format (MasterFormat)
- Produced by Federal Government + Private Interests
List NMS Divisions 02 through 14 (15-19 reserved for future expansion)
00 - Procurement and Contracting Requirements
01 - General Requirements
02 - Existing Conditions
03 - Concrete
04 - Masonry
05 - Metals
06 - Wood, Plastics and Composites
07 - Termal Moisture Protection
08 - Openings
09 - Finishes
10 - Specialties
11 - Equipment
12 - Furnishings
13 - Special Construction
14 - Conveying Equipment
List the 9 Sections found in Division 00:
00 Procurement & Contracting Requirements
00 10 Solicitation (RFP etc)
00 20 Instructions for Procurement (supplemental instructions / meetings, etc)
00 30 Available Information
00 40 Procurement Forms & Supplements (bid forms etc.)
00 50 Contracting Forms & Supplements (agreement form)
00 60 Project Forms (Bond forms, certificates, CA forms)
00 70 Conditions of the Contract (general conditions, supplementary conditions)
00 80 N/A
00 90 Revisions, Clarifications, and Modifications
What are divisions 00 + 01
00 Procurement & Contracting Requirements
01 General Requirements
Which Master Format divisions relate to structural elements?
2 Exitsting Conditions
3 Concrete
4 Masonry
5 Metals
6 Wood Plastics Composites
Which disciplines are found in the ‘Facility Services’ Section of the MasterFormat system? What divisions are those?
MECH (21-25)
ELEC (26-28)
Divisions 20-28
List ‘Infrastructure’ Divisions 30 through 39 (30, 36-39 reserved for future expansion)
31 - Earthwork
32 - Exterior Improvements
33 - Utilities
34 - Transportation
35 - Waterway + Marine Construction
List the 9 Sections in Div. 01:
01 General Requirements:
01 10 Summary (of work, contracts, restrictions)
01 20 Price + Payment Procedures (allowances, unit prices, alternates)
01 30 Admin. Rqrmts (PM & coordination, progress documentation, submittal procedures etc)
01 40 Quality Rqrmts
01 50 Temp. Facilities + Controls
01 60 Product Rqrmts
01 70 Execution + Closeout Rqrmts
01 80 Performance Rqrmts
01 90 Life Cycle Activities (commissioning, O+M)
List the 8 Sections in Div. 02
02 00 Existing Conditions (maint of existing)
02 10 N/A
02 20 Assessment (Surveys, assessments)
02 30 Subsurface Investigation (Geo)
02 40 Demolition + Structure Moving
02 50 Site Remediation
02 60 Contaminated Site Material removal
02 70 Water Remediation (groundwater)
02 80 Facility Remediation
List the 8 Sections in Div. 03
03 00 Concrete (maintenance, common work, scheduling)
03 10 Concrete Forming & Accessories
03 20 Concrete Reinforcing
03 30 Cast-in-Place
03 40 Precast
03 50 Cast Decks + Underlayment
03 60 Grouting
03 70 Mass Concrete
03 80 Concrete Cutting + Boring
What are the 6 Sections found in Div. 04?
Section 04 Masonry
04 00 Masonry (maintenance, schedules)
04 02 Unit masonry
04 40 Stone assemblies
04 50 Refractory masonry (chimneys)
04 60 Corrosion-resistant masonry
04 70 Manufactured masonry
What is found in 04 20 20?
04 Masonry
04 02 Unit Masonry (clay, brick, CMU, veneer, glass)
What are the 5 Sections found in Div. 05
05 00 Metals
05 10 Structural Metal Framing
05 20 Metal Joists
05 50 Metal Fabrications (railings, grates, nosings, stairs)
05 60 N/A
05 70 Decorative Metal
What are the 8 Sections found in Div. 06?
06 00 Wood, Plastics, Composites (common work, maintenance)
06 10 Rough Carpentry
06 20 Finish Carpentry
06 30 N/A
06 40 Architectural Woodwork (casework, stairs/railings, ornamental wood, wood trim, wood frames)
06 60 Plastic Fabrications (solid surface)
06 70 Structural Plastics (composite lumber)
06 80 Composite Fabrications
What are the 9 Sections found in Div. 07?
07 00 Thermal + Moist. Protection (maint. + protection)
07 10 Dampproofing + Waterproofing
07 20 Thermal Protection (vapour retarder, air barrier)
07 30 Steep Slope Roofing
07 40 Roofing + Siding Panels
07 50 Membrane Roofing
07 60 Flashing + Sheet Metal
07 70 Roof + Wall Specialties + Accessories (roof pavers, vents)
07 80 Fire + Smoke Protection (Fireproofing, firestopping, smoke seals)
07 90 Joint Protection (seals, gaskets, rods)
What are the 9 Sections of Div. 08?
08 00 Openings (Maintenance, operation, schedules)
08 10 Doors + Frames
08 20 N/A
08 30 Specialty Doors + Frames (slide glass, coil, etc)
08 40 Entrances, Storefronts + Curtain Walls
08 50 Windows (metal, wood, plastic, composite)
08 60 Roof Windows + Skylights
08 70 Hardware (not schedule! in 00)
08 80 Glazing
08 90 Louvers + Vents
What are the 8 Sections in Div. 09?
09 00 Finishes (maintenance, common work, schedule)
09 10 N/A
09 20 Plaster + Gypsum Board
09 30 Tiling
09 40 N/A
09 50 Ceilings
09 60 Flooring
09 70 Wall Finishes
09 90 Painting + Coating
What are the 8 Sections in Div. 10?
10 00 Specialties (operations, maintenance, common work, commissioning)
10 10 Information Specialties (chalkboards, signage)
10 20 Interior Specialties (compartments, partitions, wall, door protection, WC accessories)
10 30 Fireplaces + Stoves
10 40 Safety Specialties (fire extinguishers, emerg. aid)
10 50 Storage Specialties (lockers, shelving, wardrobe)
10 70 Exterior Specialities (exterior clocks, flagpoles)
10 80 Other Specialties (pest control)
What division would air-supported structures fall under?
Div 13
In what division would you find elevators?
Div 14
In what division would you find fire suppression systems?
Div 21 Fire Suppression
In what division would you find plumbing?
Div 22 Plumbing
In what division would you find HVAC systems?
Div 23 Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
In what division would you find lighting control?
Div 25 Integrated Automation
In what division would you find cable, telephone, internet?
Div 27 Communications
In what division would you find security systems?
Div 28 Electronic Safety + Security
In what division would you find soil stabilization?
Div 31 Earthworks
In what division would you find fencing + planting?
Div 32 Exterior Improvements
In what division would you find storm drainage?
Div 33 Utilities
Requirements for library checkout equipment are found in which division of the MasterFormat specs?
a. 10 10 00
b. 11 05 00
c. 12 45 00
d. 13 80 00
b. 11 05 00
divisoin 11, Equipment, is the CSI spec division for larger, specialty items, including library checkout equipment
- division 10 is for smaller specialties
- division 12 is for furnishings
- division 13 is for special construction
Which MasterFormat division would include the spec requirement for metal studs for interior partition walls
Division 09, Finishes
-metal studs are typically speficied as part of gypsum board assemblies
In what division would you find stage or gym equipment?
Div 11 Equipment
A reference to 3000 psi concrete alludes to the concrete’s
a) ultimate strength
b) strength in tension
c) flexural strength
d) design strength in psi curing for 28 days
d) design strength in psi curing for 28 days
The design strength of the final mix of concrete is specified by the compressive strength of the conrete in pounds per square inch after is has cured for 28 days
-common strengths include 3000 psi and 4000 psi although high strength is available up to 22,000 psi
the procedure for submitting shop drawings for archtiectural woodwork is specified in MasterFormat Division….
procedures for submittal are foun in Division 01, General Requirements
IN the MasterFormat system, where would requirements for testing a plumbing system be located?
in Part 3 of Section 22 40 00, Plumbing
What do [] represent?
Square brackets are a direction for the spec writer. They enclose alternative words, phrases, numerical values or blank spaces.