1. Changing Place Flashcards
What is place
A portion of geographic space to which meaning has been given by people made of local locale and sense of place
What does Doreen Massey think
Places are shaped by internal and external linkages, which bind the local with the global
All places change physically and their meaning significance and purpose change e.g.
Oswiecim was a polish market town before being used a death camp aushwitz
A persons interpretations and feeling about a place are influenced by a number of factors
-personal connections with similar places (happy holiday near the sea)
-interpretations of beauty ( nature vs built )
Personality (rural vs urban like )
Early experience of different places ( positive or negative memories of certain places )
Human characteristics of place -demographically
Age ratios
Gender ratios
Ethnicity ratios
Human characteristics of place - culturally
Human characteristics of place - socio economically
Education levels
Income levels
Employment types
What shapes the character of place - physically
Building materials
MNCs - globalisation
Flow of commodities and capital easier therefore increased wealth
Industrialisation in some areas, and deindustrialisation in others.
Physically changed high streets, sometimes resulting in ‘clone towns
Acceleration of environmental decline and pollution of certain places (increased urbanisation, increased infrastructure,
SHifting flow of people affect
Immigration and emigration from an area can influence the dependency ratio, and gender ratios of a place.
Rural-urban migration can lead to shanty towns….
…. And unemployment or poverty in large areas of the city potentially (supply and demand).
Migration can shape the services and provision in an area (usually inner city areas, but sometimes rural) to meet the cultural demands of the migrants.
In-migration of wealthy people to an area, can drive house prices up.
Changes in wealth can affect the employment structure in an area.
Shifting flows of money and investment
E.g. Increases = more ‘white collar work’
Decreases = Greater proportions of unemployment, and a cycle of deprivation and pollution in a place.
FDI can lead to building construction and building improvements in a place.
Changes in wealth can affect the employment structure in an area.
shifting flows of ideas
For example, developments in structural engineering can change the nature of buildings in an area e.g. Tokyo high rise ‘earthquake proof’ buildings.
Fibre optic cables and broadband can change the nature of where businesses can locate, and can influence the nature of high streets.