#1-Causes of revolution / 1789 events Flashcards
who is in the first estate
the clergy, they made up 0.5% of population and had loads of control such as education
who were the second estate
120,000 nobles (less then 1% of population)
people who worked with king
venal office workers
those with country estates
who were third estate
28 million
bourgeoise- middle class people
peasants in the countryside- 80%
city workers
what privledges did the first and second estate have
annual grant of about 16 million livres (no tax)
2nd- exempt from large land tax taille, avoided conscription
what burdens did the third estate have
heavy tax burden
paid highest taille and gabelle
tithe to church
How was Louis limited in terms of power
relied on advice from administratos for decisions
needed consent from nobles
deep rooted privledges
what are the viewpoints of louis’ personality
lacked will but had good intention
devoted to subjects and reform
was not strong enough for the challenges
what issues were there with government
saw ministers individually instead of group decisions
court factions
large variation of laws and customs across France hard to organise
what was the cost of the war of austrain succession
1 billion livres
what was the cost of the 7 years war
1.8 billion livres
what war made the financial situation particularly bad
US war of independence
what caused a huge financial burden on france
debt from war
why was taxing inefficient
nobles were exempt
tax collection ineffecient due to regional differences
tax farming was inefficient
when was turgot controller general
what attempts did turgot use to improvce economy
removed price controls
removed guilds
proposed new property taxes
when was Necker controller general
what did Necker propose
reducing royal expenditure
increase royal share of farmed taxes
cut venal offices
what was Necker’s key mistakes
told Louis that France could afford the US war of independence - cost 1.3 billion livres
when was Calonne controller general
how did Calonne deal with financial issues
keep spending lavishly to maintain confidence in company
wished to make changes to tax
how bad was the situation in 1789
deficit of 126 million livres
debt taking 51% of spending
36% defence
what was the enlightenment
bringing new liberal ideas into france
who were three main enlightenment thinkers
where we enlightenment ideas passed
in salons and newspapers
by soldiers after the US war of independence
how many newspapers were there in 1785
what are examples of social discontent:
court and church discontent
priests didn’t get much tithe
nobles disliked court nobles
middle class taxation burdens
economic issues of the countryside:
1770-89 poor harvests land holding (land was split)- susbsitence farming
economic issues in the towns
rapid growth
lower living conditions
rich had to live alongside those in extreme poverty
bread riots common
why was 1789 particularly bad
1788 harvest was very bad
what happened february 1787
called the assembly of notables
what was the assembly of nobles
144 nobles come together to vote on whether to accept calonnes proposals they don’t so an estates general is called
what was the artistocratic revolt
after calonnes failure at the assembly, he tried to get proposals through parliament which fails so louis forces them through forcing the aristocracy to revolt
what did Necker when reappointed in 1789
called an estates general
when was the estates general
5 may 1789
what was the three estates
when the three estates met to discuss their grievances, louis failed to put forward a schedule. three groups were divied and the third estate was under represented
what was the national assembly
this was formed when the third and first estate argued over whether to vote by estate or by number or representatives
fromed when third estate start checking deputies credentials
what was the tennis court oath
when the King shut down the national assemblies meeting place so they went to a nearby tennis court to decide upon a new constitution
what were the July days
11-20,000 troops in paris Necker dismissed
12-violent clashes after Necker’s dismissal
13-barricades to prevent more royal troops entering paris
14-bastille stormed by mob (sans culottes)
15- louis removes troops
17-had to share power with National assembly
what happened in the country in 1789
poor harvest of 1788 lead to
rumours of criminals being sent to destroy harvests intentionally. attacked symbols of feudal power
20th july-6th august was main disruption
why was the abolition of feuda;lism thought of
peasant uprisings
when were the august decrees
4th of august
what was in the august decrees
feudal rights abolished tithes etc abolished equal taxes all eligable for any office compensation for loss of feudal rights
what was the declaration of the rights of man
august 26th
gave a constitutional monarchy and guarnteed french rights
what is the Kings suspenisve veto
he could deny laws for four years
why was the assembly worried about Louis xvi
14th of september he moves royal troops to teh capital- fears he wont accept a consitutional monarchy
what did louis do on October the 2nd
insulted the revolutionary flag.
What was the effect of the march on versailles
King was forced to accept the august decrees.