1 - 3 (2nd) Flashcards
What is a signal?
something which carries Information
Depending on signals’ temporal recurrence, signals can be ___, ___ and ___ (3 characteristics)
Quasiperiodic (almost periodic)
Medical signal processing chain
Before the signals enter amplifier, which device does it need to go through first?
An example of quasiperiodic signal. Why is it almost periodic?
ECG signals
=> looks periodic over a short time period (few sec), but the change of rhythm of the heartbeat is not precisely periodic (b/c of healthy day-cycle or pathological reasons during hours or days…)
ECG (signals)
Encoding needed? Why?
Info - heart cycle
O - voltage across points
E - no, but filtering is required to remove unwanted portion
Heartbeat (signals)
Info - Heart cycle parameters, anatomical and flow problems.
Encoding needed?
Origin - Acoustic waves (sound)
E - electrical signal from the microphone -> Coloured image on the computer screen
(frequency spectrum)
Entirely periodic biological signals are rare but carry lots of information.
=> they carry very little info
An example of stochastic signals.
=> Why are they stochastic?
Gamma photons detected during an isotope diagnostics (e.g, PET-SCAN,…..)
=> You can only give probability distribution between of the time that passes between arrival of 2 photons
(=> the info in this case is photon number detected during a longer time period)
Signals in medicine
PET: Positron Emission Tomography
Encoding needed?
Info - Location of drug, labeling molecule, etc.
Origin - gamma photons
E - electrical pulses from the detector.
-> Coloured image on the computer screen
SPET-CT:Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography
Encoding needed?
Info - Anatomy (X-ray) Label (desease,etc)
O - gamma photons, X-ray photons
Encoding - electrical pulses From the detector -> colored image
Signals in medicine
Heart beat
Information - Blood composition
Encoding needed?
O - Cell types and count in unit volume
E - electrical signal from the cell sorter => areas under the histogram
On the bass of possible changes in the physical quantity of signals
=> What are the 2 types of signals can be seen?
Analogue and digital signals
The basic characteristics of analogue and digital signals is that ____
only certain ranges of values (usually voltage ranges) are allowed
List 5 signal shapes
The basic characteristics of analogue and digital signals is that only certain ranges of values (usually voltage ranges) are allowed.
=> These ranges are separated by ____
Forbidden intervals (where the interpret ion is indefinite)
Due to forbidden voltage ranges, digital signals are quite _____ to disturbances
(this is why CD-recording is still good as original one after many duplications)
Analogue signals are either ____ or ____ signals (2 adjs)
What is a pulse signal?
The signal that has information supplied by occasional rapid changes of a physical quantity followed by a rapid return to the original value
Give each example for electric and non-electric pulse signals
Electric- scintillation counter
Non-e - hiccups and coughing
Fourier theorem states that:
any signal can be decomposed as a sum of sinusoidal signals, and any signal can be constructed from sinusoidal components.
Why is Fourier theorem useful in signal processing?
This is useful in signal processing because if the frequency range of the measured signal is known, the signal processing system only has to transfer sinusoidal signals of this frequency range, and thus it can reconstruct the signal without distortion.
Fourier theorem
In the case of periodic signals, the frequency of sinusoidal are the ____
Integral multiplies of the frequency of signal