09a - Futur Simple Flashcards
To form the futur simple of most verbs, use the infinitive as the stem and add the endings -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. For -re verbs, drop the e from the infinitive before adding the endings.
To decide
je déciderai - tu décideras - il décidera - nous déciderons - vous déciderez - ils décideront
To form the futur simple of most verbs, use the infinitive as the stem and add the endings -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. For -re verbs, drop the e from the infinitive before adding the endings.
To choose
je choisirai - tu choisiras - il choisira - nous choisirons - vous choisirez - ils choisiront
To form the futur simple of most verbs, use the infinitive as the stem and add the endings -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. For -re verbs, drop the e from the infinitive before adding the endings.
To answer
je répondrai - tu répondras - il répondra - nous répondrons - vous répondrez - ils répondront
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Vous (suivre) __________ un cours de français.
1 suivrez
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Nous (dîner) __________ chez Yann la semaine prochaine.
2 dînerons
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Tu (entendre) __________ de la belle musique.
3 entendras
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Elle (chercher) __________ un autre emploi.
4 cherchera
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Ils (ne jamais oublier) __________ votre générosité.
5 n’oublieront jamais
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Je (travailler) __________ samedi après-midi.
6 travaillerai
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Nous (rendre visite) __________ à notre famille.
7 rendrons
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Il (finir) __________ le livre avant lundi.
8 finira
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- On (remplacer) __________ tous les meubles.
9 remplacera
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Tu (partir) __________ avant nous.
10 partiras
The endings of the futur simple are the same for all verbs. However, some irregular verbs have irregular stems. You simply have to memorize them.
To go
The endings of the futur simple are the same for all verbs. However, some irregular verbs have irregular stems. You simply have to memorize them.
To notice
The endings of the futur simple are the same for all verbs. However, some irregular verbs have irregular stems. You simply have to memorize them.
To have
The endings of the futur simple are the same for all verbs. However, some irregular verbs have irregular stems. You simply have to memorize them.
To run
Je courrai
The endings of the futur simple are the same for all verbs. However, some irregular verbs have irregular stems. You simply have to memorize them.
To become
Je deviendrai
The endings of the futur simple are the same for all verbs. However, some irregular verbs have irregular stems. You simply have to memorize them.
Must, to have to
Je devrai
The endings of the futur simple are the same for all verbs. However, some irregular verbs have irregular stems. You simply have to memorize them.
To send
The endings of the futur simple are the same for all verbs. However, some irregular verbs have irregular stems. You simply have to memorize them.
To be
Je serai
The endings of the futur simple are the same for all verbs. However, some irregular verbs have irregular stems. You simply have to memorize them.
To do
Je ferai
The endings of the futur simple are the same for all verbs. However, some irregular verbs have irregular stems. You simply have to memorize them.
To have to
Il faudra
The endings of the futur simple are the same for all verbs. However, some irregular verbs have irregular stems. You simply have to memorize them.
To die
Je mourrai
The endings of the futur simple are the same for all verbs. However, some irregular verbs have irregular stems. You simply have to memorize them.
To rain
Il pleuvra
The endings of the futur simple are the same for all verbs. However, some irregular verbs have irregular stems. You simply have to memorize them.
Can, to be able to
Je pourrai
The endings of the futur simple are the same for all verbs. However, some irregular verbs have irregular stems. You simply have to memorize them.
To receive
Je recevrai
The endings of the futur simple are the same for all verbs. However, some irregular verbs have irregular stems. You simply have to memorize them.
To return, to come back
Je reviendrai
The endings of the futur simple are the same for all verbs. However, some irregular verbs have irregular stems. You simply have to memorize them.
To know
Je saurai
The endings of the futur simple are the same for all verbs. However, some irregular verbs have irregular stems. You simply have to memorize them.
To hold
Je tiendrai
The endings of the futur simple are the same for all verbs. However, some irregular verbs have irregular stems. You simply have to memorize them.
To be worth
Il vaudra
The endings of the futur simple are the same for all verbs. However, some irregular verbs have irregular stems. You simply have to memorize them.
To come
Je viendrai
The endings of the futur simple are the same for all verbs. However, some irregular verbs have irregular stems. You simply have to memorize them.
To see
Je verrai
The endings of the futur simple are the same for all verbs. However, some irregular verbs have irregular stems. You simply have to memorize them.
To want
Je voudrai
Some slight spelling modifications occur with some verbs. These are seen throughout all persons of the future conjugation.
To buy
Some slight spelling modifications occur with some verbs. These are seen throughout all persons of the future conjugation.
To call
Some slight spelling modifications occur with some verbs. These are seen throughout all persons of the future conjugation.
To hire
Some slight spelling modifications occur with some verbs. These are seen throughout all persons of the future conjugation.
To wipe
Some slight spelling modifications occur with some verbs. These are seen throughout all persons of the future conjugation.
To throw
Je jetterai
Some slight spelling modifications occur with some verbs. These are seen throughout all persons of the future conjugation.
To clean
Je nettoierai
Some slight spelling modifications occur with some verbs. These are seen throughout all persons of the future conjugation.
To prefer
Je préférerai
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Il (être) __________ déçu de ne pas vous voir.
1 sera
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- L’étudiant (faire) __________ un stage à Nantes.
2 fera
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Tu (savoir) __________ demain si tu as réussi à ton examen.
3 sauras
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Nous (avoir) __________ les résultats demain.
4 aurons
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Le professeur (aller) __________ à Paris en juin.
5 ira
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Il (préférer) __________ suivre le cours d’histoire de l’art.
6 préférera
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Nous (voir) __________ un bon film au cinéma.
7 verrons
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Il (falloir) __________ remettre les devoirs jeudi.
8 faudra
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Elle (pouvoir) __________ aller à la campagne avec nous.
9 pourra
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Il (pleuvoir) __________ demain.
10 pleuvra
Les étudiants passeront leurs examens en mai.
As in English, the French future tense is used to describe future events.
Students will take their exams in May.
As in English, the French future tense is used to describe future events.
Courses will resume in December.
Les cours recommenceront en décembre.
As soon as
Aussitôt que
Dès que
As long as
Tant que
In a compound sentence in French, if the main clause is in the futur simple, the dependent clause, introduced by some conjunctions, will also be in the futur simple.
Show go to Paris when she has time
Elle ira à Paris quand elle aura le temps.
In a compound sentence in French, if the main clause is in the futur simple, the dependent clause, introduced by some conjunctions, will also be in the futur simple.
He will tell us when we have to talk.
Il nous dira lorsqu’il faudra parler.
In a compound sentence in French, if the main clause is in the futur simple, the dependent clause, introduced by some conjunctions, will also be in the futur simple.
She will inform you as soon as she gets the results.
Elle vous préviendra dès qu’elle aura les résultats.
In a compound sentence in French, if the main clause is in the futur simple, the dependent clause, introduced by some conjunctions, will also be in the futur simple.
As soon as he arrives we will leave.
Aussitôt il arrivera, nous partirons.
In a compound sentence in French, if the main clause is in the futur simple, the dependent clause, introduced by some conjunctions, will also be in the futur simple.
She will call you as soon as she lands in London.
Elle vous téléphonera aussitôt qu’elle atterrira à Londres.
In a compound sentence in French, if the main clause is in the futur simple, the dependent clause, introduced by some conjunctions, will also be in the futur simple.
As long as the sun is out we will stay on the terrace.
Tant qu’il y aura du soleil, nous resterons sur la terrasse.
The future tense of être and avoir is sometimes used to express probability in the present, to indicate something that is likely or allegedly true.
The student is not in class. He’s probably still asleep.
L’étudiant n’est pas en classe. Il sera encore endormi.
The future tense of être and avoir is sometimes used to express probability in the present, to indicate something that is likely or allegedly true.
The teacher did not ask for our homework. He is probably distracted.
Le professeur n’a pas demandé nos devoirs. Il sera distrait.
In a narration, the futur simple can be used to express a future idea from the standpoint of the past, as shown in the following examples. (Note that English uses a conditional form, would, in this case.)
Unfortunately her works would become recognized only after her death.
Malheureusement, ses livres ne seront reconnues qu’après sa mort.
In a narration, the futur simple can be used to express a future idea from the standpoint of the past, as shown in the following examples. (Note that English uses a conditional form, would, in this case.)
One of the geniuses of the 18th century and he would die in misery.
Un des génies du 18 siècle et il mourra dans la misère.
The futur simple can be used instead of an imperative (command form) to achieve a less peremptory tone.
Please send him my answer.
Vous voudrez bien lui envoyer ma réponse.
The futur simple can be used instead of an imperative (command form) to achieve a less peremptory tone.
Please show a little compassion.
Je vous demanderez de faire preuve de compassion.
The futur simple can be used instead of an imperative (command form) to achieve a less peremptory tone.
Please excuse us.
Vous voudrez bien nous excuser.
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Vous (aller) __________ à l’opéra quand vos amis (être) __________ à Lyon.
1 irez…seront
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Nous (prendre) __________ une décision dès que la presse (annoncer) __________ les résultats. .
2 prendrons….annoncera…
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- L’exposition (avoir lieu) __________ en janvier quand tous les tableaux (être) __________ réunis.
3 aura lieu….seront…
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Le professeur (emmener) __________ les élèves au musée dès qu’il (pouvoir) __________.
4 emmènera…pourra…
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Il (devoir) __________ nous appeler dès qu’il (être) __________ en contact avec M. Clément
5 devra..sera
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Tant qu’il y (avoir) __________ des hommes, il y (avoir) __________ des guerres.
6 aura…aura
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Elle (enseigner) __________ le français quand elle (habiter) __________ au Vietnam.
7 enseignera…habitera…
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Nous (jouer) __________ au bridge quand nous (rendre visite) __________ à nos amis.
8 jouerons…rendrons…
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Elle (se reposer) __________ quand elle (avoir) __________ de longues vacances.
9 se reposera…aura…
Mettre au futur simple les verbes entre parenthèses.
- Dès qu’il (obtenir) __________ l’accord, il (partir) __________.
10 obtiendra…partira…
Changer les verbes du futur immédiat au futur simple.
- L’avion va décoller à onze heures. ________________________________________
1 décollera
Changer les verbes du futur immédiat au futur simple.
- Tu vas apprendre à conduire.
2 apprendras
Changer les verbes du futur immédiat au futur simple.
- Je vais peindre le salon. ________________________________________
3 peindrai
Changer les verbes du futur immédiat au futur simple.
- Ils vont sortir avec des amis. ________________________________________
4 sortiront
Changer les verbes du futur immédiat au futur simple.
- Vous allez recevoir une invitation. ________________________________________
5 recevrez
Changer les verbes du futur immédiat au futur simple.
- Nous allons débarquer à midi. ________________________________________
6 débarquerons
Changer les verbes du futur immédiat au futur simple.
- Elle va écrire une lettre au président.
7 écrira
Changer les verbes du futur immédiat au futur simple.
- Tu vas mettre ton chapeau gris. ________________________________________
8 mettras
Changer les verbes du futur immédiat au futur simple.
- Ils vont aller en Bolivie. ________________________________________
9 iront
Changer les verbes du futur immédiat au futur simple.
- Il va vivre jusqu’à cent ans.
10 vivra