09.06 Epithelial and connective tissue Flashcards
one type of leukocytes that contribute to acute and chronic inflammatory responses. have pink cytoplasm

a. Mostly dense collagen fibers that resists stress from all directions.
b. Very little ground substance or cells.
c. Fibroblasts are most abundant cells in this type

- Responsible for the synthesis of organic components of the bone matrix, such as collagen, glycoproteins and proteoglycans.
- Located in the bone surface
- Also contains tyep II collagen but abundant elastic fibers
- Located in the pinna of the ear, the internal and external auditory tubes, the epiglottis, and the larynx.
- Somewhat yellow due to elastic fibers
- Chondrocytes are large and abundant and there is less ECM.
partly surround the endothelial cells of blood vessels
- Contains type II collagen and found in the respiratory passages, the end of ribs and joints and at the epiphyseal plates
- Has blue-grey apperaence due to the ECM it secretes
- Only type of cartilage that can undergo degeneration (which hurts the joints, leading to joint replacement surgery)

• These cells are responsible for bone resorption (break-down) when the body needs calcium.
i. Plasma cells: terminally differentiated B lymphocytes that produce and secrete antibodies
mast cells are derived from the bone marrow. Have granules with mediators such as histamine, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes
one type of leukocytes that contribute to acute and chronic inflammatory responses

• Secondary or mature bone
• Replaces woven bone in most sites
• Haversian canals are seen
Series of concentric lamellae seen in lamellar bone
They can transverse the length of the bone
A blood vessel is positioned in the center which supplies nutrients to the osteocytes within the lacunae of the canals
a. Multilocular (multiple droplets per cell)
b. Very vascular
c. Plentiful in infants and seen in much smaller amounts in adults
d. Contains thermogenin (a heat releasing protein)
embryonic connective tissue is very loose with jelly-like matrix.
Wharton’s jelly: only found in the umbilical cord.

Collagen Fiber possess great tensile strength. Each fiber consists of tropocollagen molecules which are composed of 3 α chains wrapped around each other in helical formation

- Primary or immature bone
- First to form during fetal development or repair
- Has abundant osteocytes and irregular collagen
a. Formed primarily of elastic tissue with very little collagen.
b. Fibroblasts are seen.
aka areolar connective tissue OR lamina propria in mucosa.
Has abundant ground substance with loosely woven collagen and elastic fibers.
- Contains dense type I collagen in its matrix, allowing it to withstand strong tensile forces
- Found in the intervertebral disks, in the pubic symphysis of the pelvis, and attached to bone
- There is no perichondrium and there is very little ECM.
- Chondrocytes of fibrocartilage are derived from fibroblasts that differentiate later.
i. Type III collagen is the major component
ii. Fibers form meshlike networks interspersed with fibroblasts and macrophages
iii. Forms architectural network of liver sinusoids, adipose tissue, bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, smooth muscle and the islets of Langerhans (pancreas)

- Mature bone cells that are housed in the lacunae of the bone.
- Secrete substances necessary for bone maintenance
a. Coarse collagen bundles oriented into parallel sheets that resist tissue forces
white adipose tissue is unilocular (a single lipid droplet per cell). the tissue is very vascular.