09 - Relativity, Black Holes, and Quasi-Stellar Objects Flashcards
how does the highly warped space/time called black hole come to be?
the most gigantic stars, whose immense gravity is enough to overcome neutron degeneracy pressure, forces the star to collapse past the neutron star phase
an object of zero radius and density/gravity that are infinite
black hole
radius of a black hole event horizon, space-time folds back on itself
Schwarzschild radius
edge, the boundary of a black hole region, events not visible to an outside observer, the boundary which nothing can escape
event horizon
lengthens the wavelength of a photon as it escapes a gravitational field (slows down time)
gravitational redshift
slowing of moving clocks or clock in strong gravitational fields
time dilation
einstein’s 1916 theory that gravity is due to a curve of space-time, and space and time are related and considered the fabric of the universe. there is no absolute frame of reference for speed/light, even though that’s what we naturally think
general theory of relativity
very massive star collapses into a black hole, a possible source of focused gamma-ray burst star more than 15-20M would conserve angular momentum and spin rapidly
a sudden powerful burst of gamma rays lasting seconds then fading
gamma-ray burst
intense radio source at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, only a few AU in diameter
Sagittarius A (4.6M M)
evidence is accumulating that most galaxies contain…
…a supermassive black hole at their centre
an attempt to to explain the different types of active galactic nuclei (AGN) using a single model viewed from different directions
unified model
a galaxy that is a strong source of radio signals
radio galaxy
otherwise typical but with an unusually luminous small core, that fluctuates in brightness
Seyfert Galaxy
emit radio energy from two regions (lobes) outflow from the galaxy
Double-Lobed Radio Source
small, powerful source of energy in the active core of a very distant galaxy
quasar (quasi-stellar object, QSO)
a galaxy whose centre emits large amounts of excess energy, often in the form of radio emissions. They have massive black holes in their centres into which matter is flowing
active galaxy
the centres of active galaxies that are emitting large amounts of excess energy
active galactic nuclei (agn)