081.07 PROPELLERS Flashcards
The pitch or blade angle of a propeller is the angle between the (…) and the (…).
The pitch or blade angle of a propeller is the angle between the (chord line) and the (plane of rotation).
Geometric pitch of a propeller is the (theoretical/actual) distance a propellerwould advance in one revolution at zero blade angle of attack.
Geometric pitch of a propeller is the (theoretical) distance a propellerwould advance in one revolution at zero blade angle of attack.
Effective pitch of a propeller is the (theoretical/actual) distance a propeller advances in one revolution.
Effective pitch of a propeller is the (actual) distance a propeller advances in one revolution.
The difference between effective and geometric pitch is called (…).
The difference between effective and geometric pitch is called (propeller slip).
Teh reference section of a propeller blade with radius R is usually taken at a distance from the propeller axis equal to (0.25/0.50/0.75/0.90) R.
Teh reference section of a propeller blade with radius R is usually taken at a distance from the propeller axis equal to (0.75) R.
A climb propeller has a (fine/course) pitch, a cruise propeller a (fine/course).
A climb propeller has a (fine) pitch, a cruise propeller a (course).
Propeller efficiency is the ratio of (…) to (…).
Propeller efficiency is the ratio of (power output or power available Thrust x TAS) to (power input or shaft power Torque x RPM).
State to which diagram the following refers:
- feathered propeller
- windmilling propeller
- propeller in cruise
- propeller in reverse operation
State to which diagram the following refers:
- feathered propeller → 3
- windmilling propeller → 4
- propeller in cruise → 1
- propeller in reverse operation → 2
A windmilling propeller produces (…) instead of thrust.
A windmilling propeller produces (drag) instead of thrust.
State if a windmiling or non-rotating propeller results in larger drag in case of an engine failure.
A windmilling propeller results in larger drag.
When an aircraft is in asymmetric flight, the overall sideslip force wich will be created when only slipping towards the running engine will be (forward/aft) of the CG in the (same/opposite) direction as the rudder force.
When an aircraft is in asymmetric flight, the overall sideslip force wich will be created when only slipping towards the running engine will be (aft) of the CG in the (opposite) direction as the rudder force.
- say left engine dead, left rudder will cause the wind to hit the right side of the vertical fin and push the aircraft in the opposite direction. Fin is aft of the CG -
Propeller solidity is the ratio of the frontal area of (one blade/all blades/propeller disc) to the frontal area of (one blade/all blades/propeller disc).
Propeller solidity is the ratio of the frontal area of (all blades) to the frontal area of (propeller disc).
To increase propeller power absorbtion, the number of blades can be (increased/decreased) and the mean chord of the blade (increased/decreased).
To increase propeller power absorbtion, the number of blades can be (increased) and the mean chord of the blade (increased).
During the take-off roll, when the pilot raises the tail in a tail wheeled propeller driven aeroplane, the additional aeroplane yawing tendency is due to the effect of (slipstream/asymmetric blade effect/gyroscopic precession/torque reaction).
During the take-off roll, when the pilot raises the tail in a tail wheeled propeller driven aeroplane, the additional aeroplane yawing tendency is due to the effect of (gyroscopic precession).
Propeller gyroscopic effect occurs during a (changing/constant) aeroplane attitude and the effect is most noticable at (high/low) speed and (high/low) prop RPM.
Propeller gyroscopic effect occurs during a (changing) aeroplane attitude and the effect is most noticable at (low) speed and (high) prop RPM.
For a clockwise turning propeller, the asymmetric blade effect in the climb at low speed will (roll/yaw) the aeroplane to the (left/right).
For a clockwise turning propeller, the asymmetric blade effect in the climb at low speed will (yaw) the aeroplane to the (left).
- down going blade produces a larger thrust vector -
The system where two propellers are rotating in opposite direction on the same shaft is called (counter/contra) rotating propellers.
The system where two propellers are rotating in opposite direction on the same shaft is called (contra) rotating propellers.
The system where two propellers are rotating in opposite direction on different engines is called (counter/contra) rotating propellers.
The system where two propellers are rotating in opposite direction ondifferent engines is called (counter) rotating propellers.
Torque effect causes a (rolling/yawing) moment while slipstream effect causes a (rolling/yawing) moment.
Torque effect causes a (rolling) moment (in opposite direction of propeller rotation) while slipstream effect causes a (yawing) moment.
In twin engine aeroplanes with propellers turning clockwise as seen from behind, the (left/right) engine is the critical engine.
In twin engine aeroplanes with propellers turning clockwise as seen from behind, the (left) engine is the critical engine.