081.01 SUBSONIC AERODYNAMICS .02 - .12 (airflow, drag, flaps) Flashcards
.02 Two-dimensional airflow around an aerofoil .03 Coefficients .04 Three-dimensional airflow around an aeroplane .05 Total drag .06 Ground effect .07 The relationship between lift coefficient and speed in steady, straight, and level flight .09 CLMAX augmentation .010 Means to reduce the CL-CD ratio .012 Aerodynamic degradation
The centre of pressure of a symmetrical aerofoil is located at approximately (…)% of the section chord behind the leading edge.
The centre of pressure of a symmetrical aerofoil is located at approximately (25)% of the section chord behind the leading edge. Irrespective of AoA
The aerodynamic centre of a wing is the point relative to which (the pitching moment coefficient does not change with varying AoA / the aeroplane becomes longitudinally unstablle when the CG is moved beyond it in an aft direction).
The aerodynamic centre of a wing is the point relative to which (the pitching moment coefficient does not change with varying AoA).
source: https://aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/19388/what-is-the-difference-between-centre-of-pressure-aerodynamic-centre-and-neutra

The total drag of an aerofoil in two-dimensional flow comprises (…) drag and (…) drag.
The total drag of an aerofoil in two-dimensional flow comprises (form, profile or pressure) drag and (skin friction) drag.
The maximum CL/CD ratio is typically at an AoA of (…)°.
The maximum CL/CD ratio is typically at an AoA of (4)°.
Minimum drag of an aeroplane in straight and level flight occurs at (…).
Minimum drag of an aeroplane in straight and level flight occurs at (maximum CL/CD).
A polar curve of an aerofoil is a graphic relation between (…) and (…).
A polar curve of an aerofoil is a graphic relation between (CL) and (CD).
Curve 1 in the attachment is a (positively cambered/negatively cambered/symmetrical) aerofoil.

Curve 1 in the attachment is a (positively cambered) aerofoil.

Curve 2 in the attachment is a (positively cambered/negatively cambered/symmetrical) aerofoil.

Curve 2 in the attachment is a (symmetrical) aerofoil.

Curve 3 in the attachment is a (positively cambered/negatively cambered/symmetrical) aerofoil.

Curve3 in the attachment is a (negatively cambered) aerofoil.

List of which of the following lift coefficient (CL) is a function:
- density
- pressure
- temperature
- camber of the aerofoil section
- AoA of aerofoil section
List of which of the following lift coefficient (CL) is a function:
- density
- pressure
- temperature
- camber of the aerofoil section
- AoA of aerofoil section
Excluding constants, the induced drag coefficient is the ratio of (…) and (…).
Excluding constants, the induced drag coefficient is the ratio of (CL2) and (aspect ratio).
- So induced drag is proportional to CL2 and inversely proportional to AR. -
Induced drag is the result of (…).
Induced drag is the result of (downwash generated by tip vortices).
With flaps deployed, at constant IAS in straight and level flight, the magnitude of tip vorices (remains the same/increases/decreases).
With flaps deployed, at constant IAS in straight and level flight, the magnitude of tip vorices (decreases).
- Flaps increase CL, so for a constant IAS a lower AoA is needed to maintain straight and level flight. Lower AoA means lower induced drag. -
State if the induced drag increases or decreases in the following cases:
- lower AoA
- increased aspect ratio
- deployment of flaps while load factor = 1 and speed constant
- fitting of winglets
- replacing a rectangular wing by an elliptical
- flying slower while maintaining straight and level flight
- increasing aeroplane mass at constant load factor
State if the induced drag increases or decreases in the following cases:
- lower AoA = decrease
- increased aspect ratio = decrease
- deployment of flaps while load factor = 1 and speed constant = decrease
- fitting of winglets = decrease
- replacing a rectangular wing by an elliptical = decrease
- flying slower while maintaining straight and level flight = increase
- increasing aeroplane mass at constant load factor = increase
Total drag is the sum of (…) drag and (…) drag.
Total drag is the sum of (induced) drag and (parasite) drag.
If the runway is warm, ground effect will (remain the same/increase/decrease).
If the runway is warm, ground effect will (decrease).
- lower air density, so less ‘cushion’ effect -
Ground effect will occur at a height (…).
Ground effect will occur at a height (half the wingspan of the aircraft).
Trailing-edge flap type number 1 shown in the attachment is a (…) flap.
source: https://www.cfinotebook.net/graphics/operation-of-aircraft-systems/high-lift-devices/four-basic-flap-types-labeled.webp

Trailing-edge flap type number 1 shown in the attachment is a (plain) flap.
source: https://www.cfinotebook.net/graphics/operation-of-aircraft-systems/high-lift-devices/four-basic-flap-types-labeled.webp
Trailing-edge flap type number 2 shown in the attachment is a (…) flap.
source: https://www.cfinotebook.net/graphics/operation-of-aircraft-systems/high-lift-devices/four-basic-flap-types-labeled.webp

Trailing-edge flap type number 2 shown in the attachment is a (split) flap.
source: https://www.cfinotebook.net/graphics/operation-of-aircraft-systems/high-lift-devices/four-basic-flap-types-labeled.webp
Trailing-edge flap type number 3 shown in the attachment is a (…) flap.
source: https://www.cfinotebook.net/graphics/operation-of-aircraft-systems/high-lift-devices/four-basic-flap-types-labeled.webp

Trailing-edge flap type number 3 shown in the attachment is a (slotted) flap.
source: https://www.cfinotebook.net/graphics/operation-of-aircraft-systems/high-lift-devices/four-basic-flap-types-labeled.webp
Trailing-edge flap type number 4 shown in the attachment is a (…) flap.
source: https://www.cfinotebook.net/graphics/operation-of-aircraft-systems/high-lift-devices/four-basic-flap-types-labeled.webp

Trailing-edge flap type number 4 shown in the attachment is a (Fowler) flap.
source: https://www.cfinotebook.net/graphics/operation-of-aircraft-systems/high-lift-devices/four-basic-flap-types-labeled.webp
On a CL/α graph, flaps extention moves the curve (up/down) and (left/right).
On a CL/α graph, flaps extention moves the curve (up) and (left).
The effect of trailing flaps extention in level flight will be a nose (up/down) pitching moment.
The effect of trailing flaps extention in level flight will be a nose (down) pitching moment.
- Because CP moves aft and furter away from CG -
Vortex generators are fitted in front of control surfaces to (prevent flutter/re-energise the boundary layer/increase effective AoA).
Vortex generators are fitted in front of control surfaces to (re-energise the boundary layer).