081.04 STABILITY Flashcards
Stability and manoeuvrability are (proportional/inversily proportional) to each other.
Stability and manoeuvrability are (inversily proportional) to each other.
For an aeroplane to possess dynamic stability it needs static stability (and/or/and not) sufficient damping.
For an aeroplane to possess dynamic stability it needs static stability (and) sufficient damping.
If the sum of the moments in flight is not zero, the aeroplane will rotate around the (neutral point/CG/aerodynamic centre of the wing/centre of pressure).
If the sum of the moments in flight is not zero, the aeroplane will rotate around the (CG).
For an aeroplane in steady, straight and level flight, lowest value of lift occurs at CG (forward/aft) and (high/low) thrust.
For an aeroplane in steady, straight and level flight, lowest value of lift occurs at CG (aft) and (high) thrust.
Phugoid oscillations are (short/long) preiod oscillations in which speed (remains approximately constant/varies significantly) around the (longitudinal/lateral/vertical) axis.
Phugoid oscillations are (long) preiod oscillations in which speed (varies significantly) around the (lateral) axis.
For a properly loaded aircraft, put the following in right order, forward to aft:
- manouevre point
- CG
- neutral point
For a properly loaded aircraft, put the following in right order:
- CG
- neutral point
- manoeuvre point
- CiNeMa -
An aeroplane that exhibits insufficient stick force per g, can resolve this by installing a (bobweight/spring) which pulls the stick (forwards/backwards).
An aeroplane that exhibits insufficient stick force per g, can resolve this by installing a (bobweight) which pulls the stick (forwards).
The part of an aeroplane that provides the greatest positive contribution to static longitudinal stability is the (engine/wing/horizontal tailplane/fuselage).
The part of an aeroplane that provides the greatest positive contribution to static longitudinal stability is the (horizontal tailplane).
A sideslip angle is considered to be (positive/negative) during a sideslip to the left = nose pointing to the (right/left), (right/left) wing low and airflow coming from the (left/right).
A sideslip angle is considered to be (negative) during a sideslip to the left = nose pointing to the (right), (left) wing low and airflow coming from the (left).
A sideslip angle is considered to be (positive/negative) during a sideslip to the right = nose pointing to the (right/left), (right/left) wing low and airflow coming from the (left/right).
A sideslip angle is considered to be (positive) during a sideslip to the right = nose pointing to the (left), (right) wing low and airflow coming from the (right).
The contribution of swept back wings to static directional stability is (positive/negative/neglectible).
The contribution of swept back wings to static directional stability is (positive).
The following have a positive effect on lateral stability:
- (high/low)-mounted wing
- (dihedral/anhedral)
- (swept-back/straight) wing
- (dorsal/ventral/dorsal and ventral)
The following have a positive effect on lateral stability:
- (high)-mounted wing
- (dihedral)
- (swept-back) wing
- (dorsal)
A sideslip to the right is created by (left/right) wing down and (left/right) rudder.
A sideslip to the right (so nose to the left) is created by (right) wing down and (left) rudder.
Flap extension (increases/decreases/doesn’t affect) lateral stability.
Flap extension (decreases) lateral stability.
A yaw damper suppresses the tendency to (…).
A yaw damper suppresses the tendency to (Dutch roll).
The following have a postitive effect on directional stability:
- (forward/aft) CG
- (swept-back/straight) wings
- (dorsal/ventral/dorsal and ventral)
The following have a postitive effect on directional stability:
- (forward) CG (longer arm)
- (swept-back) wings (more drag on wing into the wind)
- (dorsal and ventral)
In a spiral dive, the aircraft (is/is not) in a stalled condition. It is caused by (strong/weak) directional and (strong/weak) lateral stability. It is a combined lateral and directional (periodic/aperiodic) motion.
In a spiral dive, the aircraft (is not) in a stalled condition. It is caused by (strong) directional and (weak) lateral stability. It is a combined lateral and directional (aperiodic) motion.
A Dutch roll is caused by (strong/weak) directional and (strong/weak) lateral stability. It is a combined lateral and directional (periodic/aperiodic) motion.
A Dutch roll is caused by (weak) directional and (strong) lateral stability. It is a combined lateral and directional (periodic) motion.
Consider an aeroplane with swept back wings. With increasing altitude and constant IAS the static lateral stability will (increase/decrease) and the dynamic lateral-directional stability will (increase/decrease).
Consider an aeroplane with swept back wings. With increasing altitude and constant IAS the static lateral stability will (increase) and the dynamic lateral-directional stability will (decrease).