06_Aggression Flashcards
Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis (Dollard)
Aggression = consequence of frustration
Aggressive behaviors aim to eliminate frustrating block
Aggression is displaced onto another object if block cannot be eliminated
Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis:
2 requirements for aggressive behavior
Anger arousal
External aggressive cues
such as presence of a weapon
Social learning theory (Bandura):
Two types of aggressive behaviors that children demonstrated
Imitative and Non-imitative
Social learning theory (Bandura):
Factors that increase Imitation of Aggressive Model
When Model is Powerful, successful, liked, or familiar
When Model is same gender as the child
When Child is rewarded for acting aggressively
*effects of rewards rewards decrease over time, modeling is most important
Effects of media violence on Aggression
Increases aggression (Provides viewers with models for aggressive behavior)
Increases tendency to overestimate the likelihood that one will be a victim of violence
Exposure to pornography with violent themes Increases…
Aggressive behaviors toward women
Acceptance of rape myths
Callous attitudes towards sexual violence
Exposure to mild erotica may reduce aggressiveness
Deindividuation Model (Zimbardo)
People are more likely to act aggressively or in other antisocial ways when they believe they can act anonymously
Deindividuation & Aggression:
Anonymity reduces these 3 inhibitory mechanisms…
Shame and guilt
Fear evaluation
Feeling of personal responsibility
Reliance on group norms
Deindividuation does not always lead to antisocial behavior
If norms activated during deindividuation are prosocial, it increases prosocial behavior
Aggressiveness and Social Roles
Stanford prison experiment
People alter their behaviors to fit their assigned roles
Catharsis Hypothesis
Aggression reduces arousal level, which decreases likelihood of acting aggressive in the future
Research does not support this claim
When Threat of Retaliation Reduces Aggressiveness
Threat comes from person with high status or power
When Threat of Retaliation Increases Aggressiveness
When threat is coupled with provocation
Aggression may be displaced onto a person other than the provocateur