06 Larynx and Trachea Anatomy Flashcards
T/F. Embryologically, the supraglottis and glottis are separate entities
Which branchial arches make the larynx
How many cartilages make the larynx and what are they
- Paired: arytenoid, corniculate, cuneiform
- Unpaired: epiglottis, thyroid, cricoid
What blood vessel travels with internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve piercing thyrohyoid membrane?
Superior laryngeal artery
What separates the 2 valleculae associated with the tongue and epiglottis?
Median glosso-epiglottic fold
What nerve provides sensory innervation to the piriform recess of the larynx?
Internal laryngeal branch of superior laryngeal nerve
What is the name of the upper free margin of the conus elasticus?
Vocal ligament
What is the name of the lower free margin of the quadrangular membrane
Vestibular fold
In an adult, what is the vertebral level of the
- hyoid
- cricoid
- carina
- C3
- C6
- T4
What is the membrane b/w the cricoid cartilage and 1st tracheal ring
cricotracheal membrane
What part of the thyroid cartilage articulates with the cricoid cartilage
Inferior cornu
What muscle adducts the false vocal folds and AE folds
thyroarytenoid muscle
What muscles does the anterior branch of the RLN innervate
Lateral cricoarytenoid, thyroarytenoid, vocalis muscles
Where does the superior laryngeal artery lie in relation to the superior laryngeal nerve
Artery is inferior to the nerve
What are the layers of the VF from superficial to deep
- Squamous epith
- Reinke’s space (superior layer of lamina propria)
- Intermediate and deep layers of lamina propria (vocal ligament)
- Thyroarytenoid muscle
What are the 2 types of squamous epithelium lining the TVF
Pseudostratified columna (superiorly and inferiorly) and stratified nonkeratinizing squamous (at the contact points of the TVFs)
How does position of larynx differ b/w neonate and adult
Neonate: larynx is C2-C3 with cricoid C3-C4
Adult: larynx is C5 with cricoid at C7
What is Broyles’ ligament and its significance
Vocalis muscle tendon that inserts into thyroid cartilage; serves as pathway for tumor extension into the thyroid cartilage
What anatomic structures inhibit malignant invasion by laryngeal cancers
Conus elasticus Quadrangular membrane Thyrohyoid membrane Cricothyroid membrane Internal perichondrium of thyroid lamina
Boundaries of Preepiglottic space
Superiorly: hyoepiglottic ligament
Posteriorly: Epiglottic cartilage
Anterioly: thyrohyoid membrane and hyoid bone
What anatomic feature of the epiglottis facilitates extension of cancer into the preepiglottic space
What vessels are in direct contact with the anterior trachea
brachiocephalic artery and the left brachiocephalic vein
What percentage of population has a thyroid ima artery
Which layers of the TVF are responsible for vibration
epithelium and superficial layer of the lamina propria
Average fundamental frequency of
- child
- adult female
- adult male
- 250 Hz
- 200 Hz
- 120 Hz
Average dB level of human voice
65-75 dB
Maximum range of fundamental freq for human voice
36-1760 Hz
Average maximum phonation time for adult male? female?
17-35 sec; 12-26 sec
What is the sequence of events during the glottic closure reflex
Closure of TVF then closure of FVF then adduction of AE folds
Unlike glottic closure reflex, laryngospasm is mediated solely by stimulation of what nerve
Superior laryngeal nerve