0519 - Larynx and vocalisation - EG Flashcards
Across what vertebral levels does the larynx cross?
List the main structural components of the larynx.
hyoid bone, cricoid cartilage, arytenoid cartilage, thyroid cartilage.
List the 4 main functions of the larynx.
(1) control inlet to the lungs - prevent food from being inspired(2) vocalisation (3) bracing the thorax during effort of abdominals (4) adapted speech for humans.
List the adaptations humans have to allow speech to occur.
(1) shortening of the snout and cranial base (2) thick and mobile tongue (3) descended placement of the larynx with loss of apposition of epiglottis and soft palate.
what vowel sounds are due to manipulation of the tongue?
tongue depressed: ‘ar’, ‘u’, ‘o’; back of tongue: ‘aw’, ‘or’ , ‘au’.(compared to ‘ee’ ‘i’ ‘oo’ sounds by lips and palates)
What is klinorynchy?
the change from a horizontal (chimpanzee) to vertical (human) face, creating a naso-laryngeal tract with a right angle.
List the groups of laryngeal muscles
(1) posterior crico-arytenoidius(2) inter-arytenoidius(3) lateral crico-arytenoidius(4) oblique ayrtenoidius(5) crico-thyroidius(6) thyro-arytenoidis(7) vocalis
Which is the only muscle of the larynx that sits on the outside? what is its innervation?
cricothyroidius innervated by the superior laryngeal n.
Which muscles of the larynx lengthen the vocal cords?
Which muscles of the larynx shorten the vocal cords?
Which muscles of the larynx abduct the vocal cords?
posterior crico-arytenoidius.
Which muscles of the larynx adduct the vocal cords?
inter-carytenoidius, oblique arytenoidius
Which muscles control tension in the vocal cords?
Which muscles draw the epiglottis down?
aryepiglottic and thyroepitglottic muscles
What nerves supply the larynx?
superior laryngeal nerves; (br. of X) has 3 branches - internal, external and recurrent.
What nerves supply sensory and secretomotor innervation to the larynx?
The internal laryngeal the larynx untilthe vocal folds, post which is supplied by the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
What nerves supply motor innervation to the muscles of the larynx?
recurrent laryngeal serves all intrinsic muscles of the larynx except for cricothyroidius and cricopharyngeus.
What vessels provide the blood supply to the larynx?
superior laryngeal a (br of superior thyroid a off external carotid, travels with internal laryngeal n) to structures above vocal folds, inferior laryngeal a to structures below the vocal folds (accompanies recurrent laryngeal n.)