05.02 Combating climate change at the supranational scale- The IPCC and supranational climate policy Flashcards
When was the IPCC formed?
Who created the IPCC?
How many Assessment Reports have been produced by the IPCC?
What is the name and date of the latest Assessment Report?
AR6 2021/2022
In which city did the last famous conference take place?
Paris, 2015
In which year did the conference in Paris take place?
What were the headline temperature predictions for AR6?
Minimum 1.5°C rise, maximum 4.8°C rise
Was the warming spatially homogeneous?
No, faster warming in the Arctic
What were the headline sea level rise predictions for AR6?
Current sea level rise: 20cm, sea level rise by 2100: 0.5m-1m
What is the role of the IPCC?
To gather and disseminate climate change data, provide a scientific authority on climate change, and convene global summits to set supranational climate targets.
What was the outcome of the Montreal Protocol?
The phasing out of CFCs and the first universally ratified treaty in UN history. The ozone hole is predicted to be completely back to normal by 2040-70.
What is the International Convention for Regulation of Whaling?
A treaty that limits whale hunting and looks after whaling stocks. In 1986, a moratorium was implemented to follow this up. It has been seen as a huge success as many species have seen real improvements in species numbers.
What is the Brundtland Report, and what was its key outcome?
The Brundtland Report was a UN report that highlighted the interdependence of nations in searching for a sustainable future. Its key outcome was to trigger global environmentalism.
What was the key outcome of the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992?
The signing of an environmental treaty addressing climate change called the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which committed signatories to reduce atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases to prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with Earth’s climate system.
What is the principle of common but differentiated responsibility in the Kyoto Protocol?
It acknowledges that individual countries have different capabilities in combating climate change, owing to economic development, and therefore puts the obligation to reduce current emissions on developed countries on the basis that they are historically responsible for the current levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
What is the Paris Agreement?
A part of the UNFCCC that set a long-term temperature goal of keeping warming within 2°C above pre-industrial levels, with an effort to pursue 1.5°C, and got each country to determine, plan, and report on what it is doing to reach their targets.
What was the outcome of the Glasgow Pact in COP26?
The Glasgow Pact updated the nationally determined contributions, with 153 countries now having net-zero goals. Over 90% of world GDP and around 90% of global emissions are now covered by net-zero commitments, and the first mention of coal and a commitment to ‘phase down’ coal was formed.
What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of the IPCC?
Strengths: awarded Nobel Peace prize, scientific authority on climate change, participation open to all countries, extremely accurate with extensive peer review, and assessment reports are heavily used for international treaties and target setting. Weaknesses: slow in producing reports, criticisms about the appointment of scientists and allegations of political lobbying, some mistakes made in the process, and a lack of trust by some.
What are some of the criticisms of international directives such
International directives have had successes and failures in addressing the issue of climate change. While some agreements, such as the Montreal Protocol, have been hailed as successful in combating ozone depletion, others have been criticized for not going far enough, such as the Kyoto Protocol. The Paris Agreement has been seen as a step forward in international climate action, but it remains to be seen if it will be successful in achieving its goals.
What is the Kyoto Protocol?
The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement that was adopted in 1997 in Kyoto, Japan, with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
What was the main success of the Kyoto Protocol?
The main success of the Kyoto Protocol was that it was the first ever international commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Which countries committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol?
37 ‘Annex I’ countries (ACs) committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from their 1990s levels by a set percentage by the end of 2012.
What was the average target for greenhouse gas emissions reduction under the Kyoto Protocol?
The average target for greenhouse gas emissions reduction under the Kyoto Protocol was -4.2%.
Did the countries meet their targets under the Kyoto Protocol?
Many countries did not meet their targets under the Kyoto Protocol.
What was the reason for the decrease in emissions under the Kyoto Protocol?
Much of the decrease in emissions under the Kyoto Protocol came from the economic collapse of the Soviet Union and not from other countries.
What is the Paris Agreement?
The Paris Agreement is an international agreement that was adopted in 2015 with the aim of limiting global warming to well below 2C above pre-industrial levels, with an effort to pursue 1.5C.
What is the main focus of the Paris Agreement?
The main focus of the Paris Agreement is temperature limits.
How many signatories are there to the Paris Agreement?
There are 195 signatories to the Paris Agreement.
What is the agreed finance mechanism under the Paris Agreement?
The agreed finance mechanism under the Paris Agreement is to help low-income developing countries cope with climate change, with a commitment of $100bn per year in climate finance.
Is there a legally binding mechanism to force countries to meet targets under the Paris Agreement?
No, there is no legally binding mechanism to force countries to meet targets under the Paris Agreement, just a ‘name and shame’ policy.
Did the USA sign the Paris Agreement?
The USA initially did not sign the Paris Agreement, but later signed it under the Obama administration. The Trump administration withdrew from the agreement, but the Biden administration signed for re-entry on day one in office.
What is the estimated rise in temperature by 2100 if we only relied on the commitments given at Paris?
According to independent sources, if we only relied on the commitments given at Paris, there would likely be a 3.2C rise in temperature by 2100 (UNEP report).
Has the agreed finance mechanism under the Paris Agreement materialised?
The $100bn per year for climate finance under the Paris Agreement has still not materialised. The most generous estimate of current funding is $80bn.
Are EDCs and LIDCs exempt from the Paris Agreement?
EDCs and LIDCs are exempt from the Paris Agreement.
What is the argument against the success of the Paris Agreement?
The argument against the success of the Paris Agreement is that many ACs only reached their targets due to the 2008 financial crash and by offshoring emissions due to the decline in manufacturing experienced.
What is your verdict on the success of the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement?
The Kyoto Protocol was a partial success as it was the first time countries ever signed an agreement where there were pledges to cut emissions. However, many countries did not meet their targets, and much of the decrease in emissions came from the economic collapse of the Soviet Union. The Paris Agreement also has its limitations, such as the lack of