04 Communicable and Noncommunicable Diseases (Numbers) Flashcards
NCDs kill how many people each year?
41 million
Equivalent to how many percent do NCD deaths account for?
Each year, how many people die from an NCD before age of 70?
17 million
How many percent of premature deaths YEARLY occur in low and middle-income countries?
Of all NCD deaths, what is the percentage of all-time death from low and middle-income countries?
What NCD account for most deaths and how many people annually?
Cardiovascular disease, 17.9 million
NCD that accounts for second-most deaths and by how much?
Cancers, 9.3 million
NCD that accounts for third-most deaths and by how much?
Chronic respiratory diseases, 4.1 million
NCD that accounts for fourth-most deaths and by how much?
Diabetes, 2 million
What percent of premature death do this four NCDs account for?
Tobacco accounts for how many deaths yearly?
8 million
How many annual deaths because of excess salt/sodium?
1.8 million
How many deaths can be attributed to insufficient physical activity?
830 000
Economic losses from NCDs comprise _____ billion.
PHP 756.5
Economic losses from NCDs is equivalent to what percent of 2017 GDP?
The economic losses should only account to _____ billion in the next 15 years according to the research.
PHP 28.9 billion
Return of investment over 15 years according to the research.
PHP 377.7
NCDs account for ____ percent of all deaths in the Philippines.
The probability of dying between the ages of 30 and 70 years from one of the four main NCDs
is _____ percent in the Philippine
Sin Tax Reform Law
2012 Republic Act 10351
Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN)
2017 Republic Act 10963
This plan addresses stunting, overweight and obesity
Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition 2017–2022
This is a mobile health program together with a quit-line and smoking-cessation clinics
Graphic Health Warnings Law
2014: Republic Act 10643
EO; Providing for the Establishment of
Smoke-free Environments in Public and Enclosed Places
2017: Executive Order No 26
The harmful use of alcohol is a causal factor in more than _____ diseases and injury
Worldwide, how many deaths every year result from harmful use of alcohol?
3 million deaths
Worldwide, the deaths rom harmful use of alcohol account to what percent of all deaths?
Overall, ____% of the global burden of disease and injury is attributable to alcohol,
as measured in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs).
Alcohol consumption causes death and disability relatively early in life. In people
aged 20–39 years, approximately ____% of total deaths are attributable to
In 2015, an estimated ___% of adults were not sufficiently physically
active (Food and Nutrition Research Institute, Department of Science
and Technology, 2015a).