02 Epidemiology (Determine which competency) Flashcards
Describe how epidemiologic thinking is
used to provide an evidence-based
explanation concerning causes and
correlations of health and disease.
Public Health Approach
Discuss how epidemiologic thinking and a
public health approach is used to
transform a narrative into an evidencebased explanation.
Public Health Apporach
Apply epidemiologic thinking and a public
health approach to a model to explain
cause and effect associations.
Public Health Approach
Describe how to collect reliable data
regarding priority health-related
Public Health Survelliance
Use credible evidence to describe a
public health surveillance system.
Public Health Survelliance
Use models that are based on
empirical evidence to identify patterns
of health and disease to characterize a
public health problem.
Public Health Survelliance
Use patterns in empirical evidence to
formulate hypotheses.
Public Health Survelliance
Describe the capacity of basic epidemiologic study
designs (e.g., cross-sectional, case-control, cohort,
and randomized controlled trial) to address
hypotheses under different circumstances.
Analytic Epidemiology
Use empirical data from an experimental study
(e.g., clinical trial
Analytical Epidemiology
Use empirical data from an observational study to mathematically quantify an association between an exposure and disease
Analytic Epidemiology
Make a statement concerning an association
between an exposure and disease with
consideration of a mathematical analysis of
empirical data.
Analytic Epidemiology
Make a statement concerning causality with
consideration of a mathematical analysis of
empirical data and Bradford Hill’s Criteria for
Analytic Epidemiology
Describe a model illustrating how
scientific, social, economic, environmental,
cultural, and political systems influence
intervention performance pattern
Prevention Effectiveness
Use a targeted health promotion and
communication approach to design
intervention strategies.
Prevention Effectiveness
Evaluate competing health-related
intervention strategies by using a
systematic assessment to improve
Prevention Effectiveness