0098 Winter Weather Flashcards
- The weather was so _______ that people could feel the moisture on their skin as soon as they walked outside.
when the air feels very moist; when there is a lot of moisture in the air
- The weather was so humid that people could feel the moisture on their skin as soon as they walked outside.
- Lazaro wants to move to a location with a warmer _______ because he does not like cold weather.
the weather conditions of a region or area; the temperature and other weather conditions at different times in one area
- Lazaro wants to move to a location with a warmer climate because he does not like cold weather.
- It was a beautiful, ______ day, with not a single cloud was in the sky.
without clouds; a condition where the sun shines without being blocked by clouds, rain, or snow
- It was a beautiful, sunny day, with not a single cloud was in the sky.
- The ____________ said that it would rain on Saturday, but the prediction was wrong and the skies were clear.
someone who predicts what the weather will be; someone whose job is to determine what the weather will be like in the near future
- The weathercaster said that it would rain on Saturday, but the prediction was wrong and the skies were clear.
- The _________ for tomorrow says that the weather will be cool, windy, and cloudy.
a prediction about what the weather will be; a statement about what one thinks the weather will be in the near future
- The forecast for tomorrow says that the weather will be cool, windy, and cloudy.
- The ___ outside was so thick that Yoko had trouble watching where she was going.
a thick cloud or mist; a thick layer of water droplets that make it difficult to see
- The fog outside was so thick that Yoko had trouble watching where she was going.
- There was some light ________ in the morning, but there were no storms and the rest of the day had plenty of sunshine.
light rain; a small amount of rain
- There was some light drizzling in the morning, but there were no storms and the rest of the day had plenty of sunshine.
- The first snowfall this winter consisted of a few _______ but nothing too severe.
light snow; a small amount of snow
- The first snowfall this winter consisted of a few flurries but nothing too severe.
- The ________ was so bad that drivers could not see through the snow and traffic came to a stop.
heavy snow and strong winds; a large amount of snow that makes it difficult to see
- The blizzard was so bad that drivers could not see through the snow and traffic came to a stop.
- Scotty made a ________ that was almost as tall as he was, and he used buttons and stones to give the snowman a face.
a structure made of large balls of snow placed on top of each other to represent the shape of a man
- Scotty made a snowman that was almost as tall as he was, and he used buttons and stones to give the snowman a face.
- It was a very cold morning, and Kanisha _____ her _____ ___ standing in line outside the store as she waited for it to open.
to feel very cold; to become so cold that one begins to go numb (to lose feeling in parts of one’s body)
to freeze (one’s) buns off
- It was a very cold morning, and Kanisha froze her buns off standing in line outside the store as she waited for it to open.
- Tristan _________ the snow off the sidewalk in front of his house so that the rest of his family could walk without needing to step through snow.
to scoop snow off the sidewalk or driveway; to remove snow from sidewalks by pushing it off the sidewalk using a shovel (a tool with a large flat end used to move dirt, sand, stones, and other similar material)
to shovel
- Tristan shoveled the snow off the sidewalk in front of his house so that the rest of his family could walk without needing to step through snow.
- The truck _______ the snow from the streets, making it possible for cars to travel on them.
to remove snow from a street or driveway by pushing it off the road with a truck with a large shovel (tool with a large flat end used to move dirt, sand, stones, and other similar material) attached to it
to plow
- The truck plowed the snow from the streets, making it possible for cars to travel on them.
- The weather was too cold for rain and _____ came down instead.
a mix of snow and rain; small balls of ice that form as rain freezes
- The weather was too cold for rain and sleet came down instead.
- The sidewalk was very ________ and covered in ice, causing Maria to fall when she walked across it.
slick; when a surface is so smooth that it makes it difficult for people to walk without sliding on it
- The sidewalk was very slippery and covered in ice, causing Maria to fall when she walked across it.
- Reynaldo could not stop his car quickly enough and bumped into the back of another car, but it was only a small _______ ______ and no one was hurt.
a not very serious car crash that causes minor damage, usually when one car hits the back of another car
fender bender
- Reynaldo could not stop his car quickly enough and bumped into the back of another car, but it was only a small fender bender and no one was hurt.
- The winds and rain produced by the _______ were strong enough to destroy houses in the city.
a storm that starts over the ocean before coming to land, bringing strong winds and heavy rain that usually cause a lot of damage
- The winds and rain produced by the hurricane were strong enough to destroy houses in the city.
- Hyon’s neighborhood was ____ ___ by the windy thunderstorms last week.
damaged or hurt very badly; affected in a severe way
hard hit
- Hyon’s neighborhood was hard hit by the windy thunderstorms last week.
- Gregory _______ the mud off of the window so he could see to drive.
to use a sharp tool to scratch or peel away a thin layer of something
to scrape
- Gregory scraped the mud off of the window so he could see to drive.