0056 Noisy Neighbors Flashcards
- The street Carol lived on was very quiet because it was a ___ __ ___, so cars could not use it to drive through from one street to another.
a street that cars can only drive onto from one end, instead of from both ends, usually shaped like a half cirlce
cul de sac
- The street Carol lived on was very quiet because it was a cul de sac, so cars could not use it to drive through from one street to another.
- When Jeffrey reached the _________ section of town, he knew he must have already driven past the department store he was looking for.
an area where people live and where there are houses but no, or few businesses
- When Jeffrey reached the residential section of town, he knew he must have already driven past the department store he was looking for.
- The _______ had been married for three years before they decided to have a child.
two people who are romantic partners; two people in a romantic relationship
- The couple had been married for three years before they decided to have a child.
- The secretary’s desk was ______ _______ from the manager’s desk, and she could see him clearly when he waved her over to give her more work.
diagonally across; placed in the corner that is directly across from something else
kitty corner
- The secretary’s desk was kitty corner from the manager’s desk, and she could see him clearly when he waved her over to give her more work.
- Mr. Lochner __________ his basement so that it could be used as a bedroom for visitors.
to improve the condition of a room or building; to change a room or building so that it can be used for another purpose
to renovate
- Mr. Lochner renovated his basement so that it could be used as a bedroom for visitors.
- Janise could not afford her own house, so she lived in the __________ behind her grandfather’s house.
a small house, where visitors or renters can live, located behind the larger main house
- Janise could not afford her own house, so she lived in the guesthouse behind her grandfather’s house.
- Desmond did not own a car, so he _______ ___ his garage to his neighbor’s roommate to park his car.
to allow someone to use something temporarily in exchange for a monthly fee or payment
to rent out
- Desmond did not own a car, so he rented out his garage to his neighbor’s roommate to park his car.
- After Eloise lost her job, she did not have enough money to ___ ___ ___ and needed to move back home with her parents.
to be able to have enough money to pay one’s bills and to pay for other living expenses
to make ends meet
- After Eloise lost her job, she did not have enough money to make ends meet and needed to move back home with her parents.
- Walt ____ ____ ____ hours when he was a student in college, and he often did not go to sleep until 3:00 a.m.
to stay up late into the night; to do things late at night
to keep very late hours
- Walt kept very late hours when he was a student in college, and he often did not go to sleep until 3:00 a.m.
- After Mrs. Depaolo’s son came home late for the third time in less than a week, she was almost __ ___ ___ ___, but didn’t know how what to do.
unable to think of any solutions to a problem; unable to remain patient or willing to accept a bad situation
at (one’s) wits’ end
- After Mrs. Depaolo’s son came home late for the third time in less than a week, she was almost at her wits’ end, but didn’t know how what to do.
- The apartment ________ were reckless and caused major damage to the apartment, so landlord told them they had to move out.
someone who pays someone else money to temporarily live in or use a space that the other person owns
- The apartment tenants were reckless and caused major damage to the apartment, so landlord told them they had to move out.
- Terrence got a job in a different city, so he ______ ___ of his old home and found a new one that was closer to work.
to permanently leave the home one lives in; to remove one’s belongings from a home and no longer live there
to move out
- Terrence got a job in a different city, so he moved out of his old home and found a new one that was closer to work.
- Saka leases his car on a _____-__-_____ basis and could return it any time he wants to.
monthly; renewed or updated every month, instead of every year
- Saka leases his car on a month-to-month basis and could return it any time he wants to.
- The ______ was good for one year, but after that year ended, Leif would have to leave the apartment or sign a new lease.
a written agreement stating that one is allowed to rent (use someone else’s building for a fee) for a specific period of time.
- The lease was good for
one year, but after that year ended, Leif would have to leave the apartment or sign a new lease.
- Roger _________ ___ _____ after trying unsuccessfully to fix his own refrigerator and causing more damage.
to learn from a mistake; to realize that one should not do something after an unpleasant experience
to learn (one’s) lesson
- Roger learned his lesson after trying unsuccessfully to fix his own refrigerator and causing more damage.
- Mrs. Spinella was married 52 years before her husband died, and now she is a _______.
a woman whose husband has died
- Mrs. Spinella was married 52 years before her husband died, and now she is a widow.