0018 Seeing Old Friends Flashcards
- Cassidy and Jacob are ___ friends who met 14 years ago but haven’t seen each other in over three years.
from the past; having existed for many years
- Cassidy and Jacob are old friends who met 14 years ago but haven’t seen each other in over three years.
- Shu had not watched her favorite movie __ ____, and she had forgotten many of the details.
since many years ago; for a long time ago
in ages
- Shu had not watched her favorite movie in ages, and she had forgotten many of the details.
- Maurice did not have a large group of friends, but he did have a few good _______.
a close friend; a friend with whom one often socializes
- Maurice did not have a large group of friends, but he did have a few good buddies.
- Anika ______ __ her brother’s school to pick him up on her way home.
to stop at one location on the way to another; to visit someone or someplace briefly when traveling somewhere else
to swing by
- Anika swung by her brother’s school to pick him up on her way home.
- Benton was very busy, but he still ____ ____ to meet his friends at a restaurant for lunch.
to find time to do something when one is busy; to plan on doing something specific, usually when one is already busy doing other things
to make time
- Benton was very busy, but he still made time to meet his friends at a restaurant for lunch.
- After graduating from college, Jamie ____ __ _____ with her friends by calling them on the phone and exchanging emails.
to stay in contact; to continue communicating
to keep in touch
- After graduating from college, Jamie kept in touch with her friends by calling them on the phone and exchanging emails.
- Pedro planned to go to the concert, but ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ at work, he couldn’t make it in time to meet his friends.
with everything going on; because of how busy life is
what with this and that
- Pedro planned to go to the concert, but what with this and that at work, he couldn’t make it in time to meet his friends.
- Even though Melina and Rodger were good friends as children, they ____ ___ __ _____ after Melina moved to a different city.
to slowly stop communicating with; to have no contact with any longer
to fall out of touch with
- Even though Melina and Rodger were good friends as children, they fell out of touch after Melina moved to a different city.
- June had not seen her best friend in many years, but when they finally met again, they were able __ ____ __ _____ __ ___ after just a few minutes of chatting.
to return to how a relationship was before after many years have passed
to pick up where (one) left off
- June had not seen her best friend in many years, but when they finally met again, they were able to pick up where they left off after just a few minutes of chatting.
- Do all teenagers go through a ______ when they question their parents’ opinions?
an amount of time during one’s life that is different from other points of one’s life because of one’s behaviors, way of thinking, or circumstances
- Do all teenagers go through a phase when they question their parents’ opinions?
- Scarlett had difficulty adjusting to life in the ____ ____ working in the big city and was often tired and overwhelmed.
a very busy or stressful way of life; a lifestyle in which many events happen very quickly
fast lane
- Scarlett had difficulty adjusting to life in the fast lane working in the big city and was often tired and overwhelmed.
- Mr. Stoughton and his family were able to ____ ____ ____, but they did not have any extra money for vacations or other fun activities.
to barely have enough money to pay one’s bills and other expenses; to have just enough money to survive
to make ends meet
- Mr. Stoughton and his family were able to make ends meet, but they did not have any extra money for vacations or other fun activities.
- Dr. Holmen allowed her student to work on the project alone, but the student needed to _____ ____ occasionally to let Dr. Holmen know how things were progressing.
to contact someone to find out what is happening; to check in with someone briefly
to touch base
- Dr. Holmen allowed her student to work on the project alone, but the student needed to touch base occasionally to let Dr. Holmen know how things were progressing.
- Latricia and Stanley were close ____ who had known each other since they were kids.
friend; a close friend with whom one can be casual
- Latricia and Stanley were close pals who had known each other since they were kids.
- Miles had not been in contact with his cousin for several years, but he was happy when he had a chance to _____ __ with her and find out how her life had been going.
to learn about the events of someone’s life after not seeing that person in a long time
to catch up
- Miles had not been in contact with his cousin for several years, but he was happy when he had a chance to catch up with her and find out how her life had been going.
- When we’re children, we want to ___ quickly, but when we’re adults, we don’t want the years to go by too quickly.
to become older; to allow more time to pass
to age
- When we’re children, we want to age quickly, but when we’re adults, we don’t want the years to go by too quickly.