0. Limits Flashcards
Max PA for T/O and L
Max Operating
Max OAT for T/O and L
ISA + 35
Min OAT for T/O
Max Runway Slope
+/- 2%
Max Tailwind
Max crosswind to use revers thrust
Enroute use of flaps
Max altitude with flaps extended
> FL250 at least 1 piot must wear a
safety harness
Max gear extend or retract speed
Max speed for gear down and locked
Max alt gear down
Tire limit
Turbulence penetration
280 kts/M. 75
Max RVSM cruise speed
Max N2 split on ground
Flaps 20
Flaps 30
Flaps 45
Pressure Refueling (for gravity)
reduce by 7%
Left (Right) Main
Max Imbalance between wing tanks
800 Cruise/400 Taxi-T/O-Ldg
T/O with <=500 lbs in aux tank permitted, provided that…
> = 1500 lbs fuel in each wing tank, and 0 in tail tank
Min Fuel for go-around
500 lbs per wing with max 10 degrees NU attitude.
Fuel jettison with…
flaps 0 and no lightning
Min engine fuel temp for T/O
5 degrees C
Bulk fuel temp must remain…
above fuel freezing point in flight and be 10 degress C above fuel freezing point on T/O
Bleed air 10th stage valves must be closed for T/O and ldg
if eng cowl and/or wing a/ice selected on
If above 40,000 ft,
one ACU or cowl anti-ice must be selected on for each engine.
Max AC Gen Loading
0-20,000 ft 30 Kva (Main and APU)
20,000-35,000 30 Kva (Main only)
>35,000 ft 25 Kva (Main only)
Max load on TRUs
100 Amps
During ground operation at ambient temps > 40C…
operation of electrical /avionics equipment must be limited to 30 mins unless at least one ACU is operating and the passenger door is closed.
Continuous Engine Ignition req’d:
- T/O and ldg on Contaminated runway
- T/O with high Crosswind component
- Flight through Moderate or heavier intensity rain
- Flight through Moderate or heavier intensity turbulence
- Flight in vicinity of Thunderstorm
Maximum Contamination Depths
Standing water .25 Takeoff .5 Land
Slush .25 Takeoff .5 Land
Wet Snow .5 Takeoff 1 Land
Dry Snow 1.2 Takeoff 2.4 Land
Taxi&Landing Lights
The taxi lights must be selected off whenever the airplane is stationary. During prolonged taxiing, the nose landing lights may be used in place of the taxi lights, if necessary, at the pilot’s discretion. The left and right landing lights must be selected OFF during taxi or when the airplane is stationary. The left and right landing lights must not be used on the ground except for the take-off and landing roll.
Minimum altitude for autopilot use:
Take-Off 320, Visual/Non-precision 320, Precision (GP<=3.5 degrees) 80, Precision (GP > 3.5 degrees) 160
APU Min temp for start
APU Max Alt for in-flight start
<= 20,000 ft
APU Max Speed for in-flight start and operations
290 kts
APU Max altitude for bleed air extraction
<=15,000 ft
In-Flight Eng start with APU–>dble eng fial only
<=15,000 ft
Engine start during ground ops
SL-15,000 ft
If both engines started with APU, max N2 for operating engine
APU Start Cycles - Attempt 1,2, & 3
30 SEC, followed by 20 mins OFF
APU Start Cycles - Attempt 3 and 4
15 SEC, followed by 35 mins OFF
For 1st flight of day @ temp <= -30C, motor engines for 60 sec & verify fan rotation prior to start. Reversers must be actuated until deploy and stow cycles are less than 5 sec.
Engine Oil (02-05-16)
Max oil consumption 189 ml quarts or .05 US Gals/hr. Eng oil level should be checked 15 mins - 2 hrs after engine shutdown. Engines must be motored if replenishment period exceeded. Max refill allowed is 1.9 liters (2 quarts) without dry-motoring engines. Max duration without oil servicing is 16 operating hours.
Steady State Idle (min) oil pressure
25 psi
T/O Power (min)
45 psi
Oil Temperature min for start
Starter not to be used if N2 is
> 55%
3 consecutive start cycles with….
5 mins cooling between additional cycles
Fuel introduction Temp and N2 for ground starts
ITT <= 120C, N2 >= 20%
Fuel introduction for Air Start with starter
ITT <= 90C, N2 >= 28%
Fuel introduction for Windmill start 10,000 feet and below
N2 >= 10%
Fuel introduction for Windmill start above 10,000 feet
N2 >= 12%
Dry motor attempt 1 max time on and cooling
90 seconds, 5 mins off
Dry motor attempt 2 (and subsequent) max time on and cooling
30 seconds, 5 minutes off
During landing, application of max reverse thrust is not permitted at airspeeds below…..
60 knots
Below 60 KIAS revers thrust must be reduced to
60% N1 or less.
Backing with reverse thrust is
When must cowl anti ice be used on the ground?
When OAT <= 10C and (visible moisture and/or contaminated surface)
Tactile check required
when OAT <= 5C or wing fuel <= 0C or conditions for frost formation exist.
Wing anti-ice must be on for final taxi
prior to T/O when OAT <= 5C unless Type II,III, or IV anti-icing fluids have been applied.
No single-engine taxi when OAT is
Wing anti-ice must be on for T/O when
OAT <= 5C and visible moisture below 400 feet AGL, or any precipitation and/or contaminated surface. If type II,III,IV used, leave off until ready for T/O
Single Engine taxi operations are prohibited if the OAT is
10C or below.
ICING conditions exist in flight when
TAT <=10C and visible moisture except when SAT <= -40C.
Both Cowl and Wing must be on at or above 22000
- When ice indicated by ice detection systerm, or
- When in icing conditions if the ice detector has failed
Below 22000
- When in icing conditions
- When ice is indicated by the ice detection system
The FMS must not be used for navigation unless it is receiving suitable navigation from:
- 1 GNSS
- 1 VOR/DME, or
- 1 IRS
RNP operations down to LPV minimum must not be commenced or continued unless
all required airborne equipment are operation satisfactorily
The required airborne equipment are:
- Dual PFD
- Two GNSS sensors must be available to commence an approach and one GNSS sensor is required to continue an approach
- Dual FMC
FMS as a supplementary navigation source beyond the FAF is permitted when APPR or REF APPR is annunciated on the PFD if
the navigation aid referenced in the approach procedure is displayed and monitored by the flight crew during the approach.
GNSS sensors must be deselected when on approach in airspace
not referenced to WGS84 or NAD83