第十五课:金钱是交往的通行证吗 Flashcards
Pass, permit
Tong1xing2zheng4 通行证
Association, relationship, have a relationship with
Jiao1wang3 交往
To help, do a favor
Bang1mang2 帮忙
Xue2qi2 学期
To end, conclude
Jie2shu4 结束
Hang2zhou1 杭州
Victory, success, name of a school
Sheng4li4 胜利
(Of a primary or secondary school) principal, head master
Xiao4zhang3 校长
Speak of or about, to mention
Tan2dao4 谈到
To talk about
Jiang3qi3 讲起
Me for games, performances etc.
Chang3 场
Discussion, to discuss
Tao3lun4 讨论
Mw for a question on a test or assignment
Dao4 道
Shu4xue2 数学
Question in a test or assignment
Ti2 题
Pai2 排
Jing4 竟
Be willing to, be ready to
Yuan4yi4 愿意
At once, right away
Ma3shang4 马上
To hand over, hang in
Jiao1 交
School assignment, homework
Zuo4yr4 作业
In a moment of desperation
Qing2ji2 zhi1 xia4 情急之下
Shi1wang4 失望
To take out, fish out, draw out
Tao1chu1 掏出
Ten cents
Mao2 毛
Girl student
Nv3sheng1 女生
Difficult question
Nan2ti2 难题
To solve a mathematical problem
Jie3kai1 解开
Deservedly, as a matter of fact, be natural and true
Li3 suo3 dang1 ran2 理所当然
Reward, pay
Bao4chou2 报酬
Proud of oneself, pleased with oneself
De2yi4 得意
From now on
Jin1hou4 今后
To charge, to collect fees
Shou1 qian2 收钱
To spread to
Chuan2dao4 传到
Head teacher of a class
Ban1 zhu3ren4 班主任
Er3duo 耳朵
At first, in the beginning
Qi3xian1 起先
Biao3xian4 表现
Zi4si1 自私
After the event
Shi4hou4 事后
To judge
Pan4duan4 判断
Reluctantly, unwillingly
Mian3qiang3 勉强
To return, to give back
Huan2 还
This, this moment
Ci3 此
Ran2er2 然而
Parents meeting
Jia1zhang3hui4 家长会
To work with, to cooperate
Pei4he2 配合
To pay attention to, keep an eye on, take notice of
Zhu4yi4 注意
Come as a surprise, contrary to ones expectations, beyond all expectations
Chu1 ren2 yi4liao4 出人意料
Fan3ying4 反应
Completely different
Jie2ran2 bu4tong2 截然不同
Xing2wei2 行为
To approve of, to be in favor of
Zan4cheng2 赞成
To praise, to acclaim
Cheng1zan4 称赞
Cong1ming2 聪明
To grow up
Zhang3da4 长大
To suffer loses, to be in an unfavorable situation
Chi1 kui1 吃亏
At a very young age
Xiao3xiao3 nian2ji4 小小年纪
Trade, deals, business
Jiao1yi4 交易
Be intent on nothing except money, seek only profit
Wei2 li4 shi4 tu2 唯利是图
Heart, soul, spirit
Xin1ling2 心灵
Spotlessly white
Jie2bai2 洁白
Like, as, as if
Ru2 如
Tian1zhen1 天真
Sense, awareness
Yi4shi2 意识
To develop, promote, carry forward, carry on (object is always an abstract noun)
Fa1yang2 发扬
To do, be engaged in
Gao3 搞
Private tutoring
Jia1jiao4 家教
To obtain, gain
Huo4de2 获得
Be good for, be of benefit
You3 hao3chu4 有好处
Feng1bo1 风波
In fact, in reality
Shi2ji4shang4 实际上
Certain, some
Mou3 某
Government work unit
Ji1guan1 机关
Money is omnipotent
Jin1qian2 wan4neng2 金钱万能
Sense, idea, concept
Guan1nian4 观念
In a word, in short
Zong3zhi1 总之
To blame
Guai4 怪
Meeting, conference
Hui4yi4 会议
To organize, arrange
Zu3zhi1 组织
To launch, to carry out
Zhan3kai1 展开
To become, to turn into
Bian4cheng2 变成
Debate, argument, to debate
Bian4lun4 辩论
Opposite, contrary
Xiang1fan3 相反
Idea, view, opinion
Yi4jian4 意见
One side, one party
Yi4fang1 一方
Valuable, precious
Bao3gui4 宝贵
Ying1xiong2 英雄
To save life
Jiu4ren2 救人
be willing to
Ken3 肯
Mutually, each other, one another
Hu4xiang1 互相
To replace, to substitute
Qu3dai4 取代
Lost and found notice
Xun2wu4 qi3shi4
To somebody’s face, in somebody’s presence
Dang1mian4 当面
To present a grand reward
Zhong4xie4 重谢
Lost items
Shi1wu4 失物
Main character, leading role
Zhu3jue2 主角
To put forth money, offer money
Chu1qian2 出钱
To look cold and indifferent
Ai4li3 bu4li3 爱理不理
To understand, catch on
Ming2bai 明白
Duty, obligation
Yi4wu4 义务
To lay
Fu4chu1 付出