第二十课:赡养老人是子女应尽的责任 Flashcards
Ones aged parents or grandparents
Lao3ren2 老人
To support/provide for (parents)
Shan4yang3 赡养
Bounden (duty), obligatory
Ying1jin4de 应尽的
Marriage law
Hun1yin1fa3 婚姻法
Clearly, clear and definite
Ming2que4 明确
Stipulation, rule, provision; to stipulate, to provide
Gui1ding4 规定
To grow up, to come of age
Cheng2nian2 成年
To accept and hear (a case)
Shou4li3 受理
Rural area, countryside
Nong2cun1 农村
Law case, legal case
An4jian4 案件
Area, district, region
Di4qu1 地区
Yue1 约
Relating to civil law; civil
Min2shi4 民事
From this
You2 ci3 youciq
Yi2ding4 一定
North, northern part of the country
Bei3fang1 北方
Simple and crude
Jian3lou4 简陋
To dislike and avoid; cold-shoulder
Xian2qi4 嫌弃
(Of a man) to get married; start a family
Cheng2jia1 成家
Family property
Jia1chan3 家产
Whole, complete, entire, total, all
Quan2bu4 全部
To distribute, to allot
Fen1 分
Used up, with nothing left
___guang1 ____光
Share, portion
Fen4r 份
To be forced to, to be compelled to
Bei4po4 被迫
Ling4 另
To build
Jian4 建
To lose
Shi1qu4 失去
To cultivate land
Zhong4 di4 种地
Difficult problem, tough question
Nan2ti2 难题
To seek for help form, to turn to somebody for help
Qiu2zhu4yu2 求助于
Tu3di4 土地
To cultivate, plough and sow
Geng1zhong4 耕种
After the autumn harvest
Qiu1hou4 秋后
Grain, cereals, food
Liang2shi 粮食
Small number of; few, minority
Shao3shu4 少数
To dislike, to mind
Xian2 嫌
Like, similar to
Ru2tong2 如同
To beg (for food or money)
Yao4 fan4 要饭
To forget
Wang4ji4 忘记
In those years
Dang1nian2 当年
To bring up, to rear, to raise
Yang3yu4 养育
To grow up, to become full-grown
Cheng2ren2 成人
Hardship; hard, laborious
Xin1ku3 辛苦
To look on passively, watch helplessly
Yan3kan4 眼看
To walk into, to step into
Bu4ru4 步入
Ranks; procession
Hang2lie4 行列
Along with, in the wake of
Sui2zhe 随着
Property, fortune
Cai2chan3 财产
Take turns, do smth in turn
Lun2liu2 轮流
To Separate, part, split
Fen1 kai1 分开
Free from anxiety
Ta1 shi 踏实