第二十九课:尊重人格尊严 Flashcards
Moral integrity
Ren2ge2 人格
To respect, to esteem
Zun1zhong4 尊重
Zun1yan2 尊严
To raise or increase
Tai2gao1 抬高
Graduating class
Bi1ye4ban1 毕业班
Total, overall
Zong3 总
Overall score
Zong3 cheng2ji4 总成绩
To trick or cheat
Hong3pian4 哄骗
To pretend, to feign
Jia3zhuang1 假装
Mentally retarded
Ruo4zhi4 弱智
To write out (a certificate)
Kai1 开
Certificate, testimonial
Zheng4ming2 证明
To push
Tui1 推
To have no way (of doing something)
Wu2men2 无门
Road to run, impasse
Jue2lu4 绝路
Si4chuan1 四川
To violate
Wei2fan3 违反
Ke4tang2 课堂
Discipline, moral
Ji4lv4 纪律
To confess
Cheng2ren4 承认
To force (sb to do sth)
Qiang3po4 强迫
Ji2ti3 集体
To kneel
Xia4 gui4 下跪
Wu3han4 武汉
Chao1shi4 超市
Mw for wrapped things
Bao1 包
Gong1zuo4 ren2yuan2 工作人员
Di3 底
Plate, tablet
Pai2zi 牌子
To hang
Gua4 挂
Xiong1 胸
To publicly expose (as a punishment)
Shi4zhong4 示众
Characteristic, trait
Te4dian3 特点
Shou4hai4ren2 受害人
To harm, to damage
Sun3hai4 损害
Qin1quan2 xing2wei2 侵权行为
Do, put into effect, implement (legal term)
Shi2shi1 实施
His or her
Qi2 其
Jian1hu4ren2 监护人
To compensate, to pay for
Pei2chang2 赔偿
To confirm, recognize
Que4ren4 确认
Constitution, charter
Xian4fa3 宪法
To stipulate in explicit terms
Ming2wen2 gui1ding4 明文规定
Gong1min2 公民
To buy
Gou4mai3 购买
Goods, merchandise
Shang1pin3 商品
To pay
Jiao1 交
To leave
Li2kai1 离开
Security personnel
Bao3an1 保安
To hold back, to stop
Lan2zhu4 拦住
To push into
tui1jin4 推进
Warehouse, storehouse
Cang1ku4 仓库
(To do smth) by force
Qiang2xing2 强行
To take off (hat glasses etc)
Zhai1xia4 摘下
To unbutton/untie
Jie3kai1 解开
To open
Da3kai1 打开
Bag, sack
Bao1 包
To examine, to check, to expect
Jian3cha2 检查
To leave, go away
Zou3 走
Precisely, exactly
Zheng4 正
Dian3xing2 典型