第十七课:中国大学生对性的态度 Flashcards
Universities and colleges
Gao1xiao4 高校
Xing4 性
To be at school
Zai4xiao4 在校
Ben3ke1 本科
To carry out, to conduct
Jin4xing2 进行
To make up, to account for
Zhan4 占
Sexual intercourse, sexual behavior
Xing4 xing2wei2 性行为
Half the number
Ban4shu4 半数
More than, over, the above, the above mentioned
Yi3shang4 以上
Jue2dui4 绝对
To forbid, to prohibit from
Jin4zhi3 禁止
To be in love with each other
Xiang1ai4 相爱
Steady, stable
Wen3ding4 稳定
To intend, to plan, prepare
Zhun3bei4 准备
Yan2jiu1zhe3 研究者
Now, at present, nowadays
Dang1jin1 当今
Zi4you2 自由
Trend of thought
Si1chao2 思潮
Lover, sweetheart
Lian4ren2 恋人
For the first time
Shou3ci4 首次
To be
Wei2 为
About, or so
Zuo3you4 左右
To be inclined to, to tend to
Qing1xiang4yu2 倾向于
Zi4wo3 bao3hu4 自我保护
Jiao4 较
Dang1…shi2 当…时
Personnel, staff
Ren2yuan2 人员
To be (in a certain condition)
Chu3yu2 处于
Disorderly, chaotic
Hun4luan4 混乱
Phase, stage
Jie1duan4 阶段
Value system
Jia4zhi2guan1 价值观
Chastity or virginity
Zhen1jie2 贞节
Young people, youth
Qing1nian2 青年
Fashion, way, manner
Fang1shi4 方式
to liberalize
Zi4you2hua4 自由化
For example, such as
Ru2 如
Quite, fairly, considerably
Xiang1dang1 相当
To hold (an opinion or an attitude)
Chi2 持
Kuan1rong2 宽容
To accept, approve
Ren4ke3 认可
To grow in number, to increase
Zeng1duo1 增多
Present situation
Xian4zhuang4 现状
To lack, to be deficient in
Que1shao3 缺少
Hou4guo3 后果
Seriousness, gravity
Yan2zhong4 xing4 严重性
Be faced with, be confronted with
Mian4lin2 面临
To get pregnant before marriage
Wei4hun1 xian1yun4 未婚先晕
Induced abortion
Ren2gong1 liu2chan3 人工流产
Threat, to threaten
Wei1xie2 威胁