Zygote neurula pt2 Flashcards
Explain the experiment that proves cytoplasmic factors in early dorsal blastopore lip organize cell differentiation in amphibian embryos
. donor = early salamander gastrula
. The transplant = patch of tissue from primary invagination that’s the starting point of gastrulation
. The tissue is transplanted onto a receipt embryo at same stage, onto region of ectoderm that becomes epidermis
what is the result of this experiment
donor tissue invaginates + form 2nd archenteron, + then 2nd chorda dorsalis, neural tube, somites.
eventually a 2nd embryo forms and joins to host
what is regulative development
. fertilized ovum does intermediate cleavage, producing blastomeres that h equal development potencies
. No ooplasmic gradients of morphogens
. Early blastomeres are capable of giving rise to an embryo
. Determination of particular organs + part of embryo is influenced by inductors + intercellular interaction
. damage of cells during early development causes readjustments/substitutions so normal organism is formed
. Regulative developmental mechanisms are switched on also in embryos wth mosaic development.
Anamnia vs Amniota
^ water animals
^ eternal fertilisation
^ dvlpmnt cud include larval stge
^ fish, amphibia
* tetrapod terrestial anim
* internal fertilisation
* eggs possess envelopes embryo protection
* extraembryonic membranes
* lack of larval stge
* reptilia, birds, mammals
over the oocyte (yolk) theres the albumen (egg white)
yolk sac - ecompasses the yolk + helps embryos use nutrients
Amnion - creates a liquid filled cavity around emb, provides water
Chorion - responsible for gas exchange
Allantois - stores nitrogenous wastes in urea form + can take part in gas exchnge
Resistant shell - provides mechanical protection
Bird/Mammalian gastrulation main bits
. Gastrulation starts from primitive streak - Hensons node, midline cells move down to blastocoel
. Early gastrulation - embryo flat disc wth epiblast + hypoblast
. Some cells in blastocoel make the mesoderm
. Other cells stay in layer + make endoderm
define terms - isolecithal, holoblastic cleavage, meroblastic cleavage, centrolecithal, telolecithal
- roughly equal distribution of yolk (in sea urchins)
- complete cleavge
- partial cleavage, only some cytoplasm cleaved (insects,fish,reptiles,birds)
- central yolk (insects)
- only 1 area is yolk free (birds +fish)
what is an example for mosaic development?
Nematodes - fate of each blastomere determined
adult worms hv 959 somatic cells with clear origin
example for telolecital eggs
zebrafish eggs - cleavage occurs only in yolk free cytoplasm at animal pole.
these eggs also in birds + reptiles
example of mesolecithal eggs
amphibians - ooplasm at animal pole not dense so has fast division there
yolk at vegetal pole slows cleavage.
first cleavage furrow bisects grey cresent
where on the egg is the 2nd + 3rd division
2nd - starts at animal region of egg
3rd - displaced towards animal pole
vegetal hemisphere has larger + fewer blastomeres than animal bit
how blastocoel formed (pg 41 piccy)
blastula divides rapido
. makes blastocoel
. this prevents communication btw animal +vegetal ectoderm
. blastocoel disappears during gatstrulation
. sperm entrance dtermines ant + post axis in embryo
. invagination begins opposite sperm entrance
Amphibian gastrulation explain plese
. one side of blastula,small fold, dorsal lip of blastopore appears
. additional cells roll inward over dorsal lip+ form endo and mesoderm
. cells of animal pole (future ectoderm) changes shape + spread over outer surface
. blastopore lip grows on both sides of embryo + when they meet, blastopore forms circle that becomes smaller as ectodermgoes downward
. archenteron begons to form, therfore blastocoel becomes smaller
. late gastulation, endoderm lined archenteron is replaced by blastocoel + 3 germ layers here. blatopore surrounds yolk plug filled cells
Frog gastrula
1.ecto + endoderm surround gut (archenteron) + make yolk
2. mesoderm btw them.
3. blastocoel pushed to 1 side by largening archteron + not seen after
4. dorsal lip + blaastopore visible with addition of ventral lip
5. yolk plug is endodermal mass btw dorsal + ventral lips
features of amphibian neurula
- mesoderm sivided into 5 regions: lateral plate mesoderm, notochord, paraxial mesoderm, head mesenchyme + intermediate mesoderm.
- archenteron very visible.
Why do mammals have regulatory development
The blastomeres not influenced by morphogens as mammal blastomeres have genome even in 2 cell stage