Zoos Flashcards
Ddx of purulent inguinal nodes?
(BCLAT)Bartonella Henslae, Tick borne tularemia (glandular), Chancroid, staph aureus, lymphogranuloma venereium
Clinical findings, tx, of cat scratch disease?
B.Henselae with 80% <21 year old acute suppurative lymphadenitis proximal to bite, scratch, lick of young cat. Can see encephlaitis, stellate retinitis (lipid exudates forming macular star on optho). Tx with azithromycin
microbiological features of bartonella?
slow growing weakly gram negative rod
Clinical features of B.Bacilliformis?
Andes, Peru, sand fly bite. Oroya fever(initial)–>verruga peruana (hemangioma- like nodules in skin/mucous membranes). Tx: Ciprofloxacin (Oroya); Azithro (vp)
What would you see on biopsy for cat scratch lymphadenopathy?
lymph node shows central abscess formation surrounded by palisaded histiocytes
what does bartonella quintana do/vector?
Pediculus humanus var. corporis causing bacteremia in the homeless, endocarditis, trench fever - The disease is classically a five-day fever of the relapsing type, rarely exhibiting a continuous course. The incubation period is relatively long, at about two weeks. The onset of symptoms is usually sudden, with high fever, severe headache, pain on moving the eyeballs, soreness of the muscles of the legs and back, and frequently hyperaesthesia of the shins.
what are the HIV associated bartonella species?
Bacillary cutaneous angiomatosis (henselae or quintana), Bacillary peliosis (henslae), lytic osteomyelitis (quintana),
features of bacillary peliosis?
caused by b.Henslae, also known as hepatosplenic bacillary peliosis. See on CT hypodense center +/- contrast enhancing rim with blood filled spaces on warthin starry stain. Peliosis hepatis is an uncommon vascular condition characterised by multiple, randomly distributed, blood-filled cavities throughout the liver
skin finding for anthrax?
pruritic paule on skin with ulceration, little vesicules form around ulcer.
microbio features of anthrax?
aerobic encapsulated gram positive bacilli
microbio features associated with tularemia?
GN cocobacillus
who gets Tularemia?
farmers, veterinarians, hunters skinning animals
what symptoms is suggestive of tularemia?
ulceroglandular>glandular»oculoglandular, pharyngeal, typhoidal, pneumonic
who gets pneumonic tularemia?
bioterroism, landscapers, mowers
how would you diagnose tularemia?
via serology. needs chocolate agar
tx of tularemia? prophylaxis drug?
streptomycin, gentamycin, cipro in milder case. Prophylaxis is with doxycycline
vector/host for plague?
rodent flea bite/praire dogs