Zinc Proteins Flashcards
How many ligands does structural and catalytic zinc generally have?
S = 4 C = 3
What is the structure of MT and why unusual?
Zn3S9 and Zn4S11 clusters
therefore 7 zincs and 20 cysteines. Normally every zinc bound by 4 sulphurs so would need 28 Cys
Give three examples of regulatory roles for Zinc.
Interface sites - both tertiary and quaternary.
Insulin Hexamer - ZnN3 - important for insulin storage in Beta cells.
Zn Hook - Zn binding site brings two proteins together - 4 Cys –> strong interactions between two different types of proteins.
How varied are the coordination dynamics of zinc?
VERY! Exchange rate:
CA = 3Y
Carbixypeptidase = 29 min
MT = 2s-1ms.
What is the [] of zinc in the cell?
Total cellular Zn = 250 Um
Cell Zn = 250 pM.
Give an example of zinc ordering quaternary structure of a protein?
What is the Zn hook?
Insulin hexamer
Each subunit contributes 1 histidine and important for storage of insulin in B cells.
Zn binding site bringing 2 proteins together. 4 cysteines so strong interaction between 2 proteins.